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INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) 20 D Mm 482b175 0079078 6 mm 2 PRELIMINARY intel MCS®-51 T-#4-44-07 8-BIT CONTROL-ORIENTED MICROCOMPUTERS 8031/8051 8031AH/8051AH 8032AH/8052AH 8751H/8751H-8 ‘ig Internal Timers/Event Counter m Bit-Addressable RAM - ‘32 1/0 Lines (Four 8-Bit Ports) Cae i Security Feature Protects EPROM Parts ™ 64K Data Memory Space Against Software Piracy ‘Tho MCS®-1 products are optimized for contol applications. Gyte-processing and numerical operations on stnall data structures are fecitated by a varialy of fast adroasing modes for accessing tho internal RAM, The instruction sot provides a convenient menu of &bitarilhmatc Instructions, including multiply and digo instruc- tions. Extensive on-chip suppor Is provided for one-itvarablos as a separate data type, allowing dct bit ‘manipulation and testing in control and logic systems that require Boolean processing. “Tho 8051 isthe cxignal momber ofthe MCS-5t family. The 8051AH is kdentical othe 6051, but Ris fabricated with HMOS I technology. ‘Tho 8761H Is an EPROM vorsion of the 8051AH; that is, the on-chip Program Memory can be electrically programmed, and can be erased by exposure to ulravolt ligt. Its uly compatibie wih ts predecessor, the £8751-0, but incorporates two new Tealures: a Program Memory Securty bit that can be used to protect the EPROM against unauthorized read-out, anda programmable baud rate modification bit (SMOD). The 6751H-8 [a Montiel to the 8751H but only operates up to 8 MHz. ‘Tho, 8052AH is an enhanced varsion of tho BOS1AH, Its backwards compatible with the GOS1AH and is fatiieated with HMOS Il technology. The B052AH enhancements are listed inthe table below. Also refer to this table for the FIOM, ROMloss, and EPIOM versions of each produc. Internal Memory Timers/ Device Interrupts Program Data ceca " 08eAH ‘8Kx8 ROM 286x8 RAM ax 168i 6 B051AH 4K x8 ROM 128x8 RAM 2xt6sit 8 e051 aK x8 ROM 428x8 RAM 2x16sit 5 ‘s032AH none 256x8 RAM 3x 168i 6 031A one. 1288 RAM 2x16 5 8031 none. 428x0RAM 2x 168i 5 875iH 4K x8 EPROM 128x8 RAM 2x test 8 87518 4K x8 EPROM 4208 RAM 2x16. 5 748 ‘onder hbo ene t INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) 20E O mm 4826175 0079079 T mm intel wesest PRELINOHARY T-49-19-07 Figure 1, MCS®-61 Block Diagram Pakage Port PrtO an Bi open anes! f0 sa peptic tment rye Part | Prefie | Package Type Fon 7 Art por aco sosin |b ose fetal |. | SEBRGERDE” | oto pins hat hav 1 weten hem fos andi : R_| donee’ Bat sto can bo ued ao ngesnpesane ete woaaan | P| atin Past ert so he mulled ower acess and Gooea |B | soeMCEROR | Feet ctr emeacre nti: aan and Baa Moor tc apices coo soe wa |—D | aoaincenoe —] _alaMamory ns ppicaton Een evong seine | R | Saeed nal mulupa wan om Pot dress he cae ye dura pore PIN DESCRIPTIONS ry othe SER pata al sats Sih dong progam vntenion ae ROM Sok Voc: Sv votage Chem pate Cura pute we ated ng program verification. Ves: Circuit ground. 7.45, i INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) 20E D mi 426175 0079080 6 mm intel coos PRELIMINARY T-49-19-07 TBs Etat sea rene SBE Bag SBA mae ol ane SBeits aad maelt Et ee ge BBRe rn ‘EPROM only: (eoosPice) Ps ory Port 1: Port 1 is an S-bit bidirectional /O port with Internal pulups. The Port 1 output butters can sinks sourco 4 LS TTL inputs. Port pins that have 1s writen to thom are pulled high by the internal pull- ‘Ups, and in that stato can bo used as Inputs. AS Inpits, Port 1 pins that aro extornally boing pulled tow will source current, on the data sheet) be- case ofthe Intanal pulps. Port 1 also receives tho low-order addross bytes during programming ofthe EPROM parts and during ‘rogram verication ofthe ROM and EPROM parts. ln the 8032AH and 8052AH, Port 1 pins P1.0 and Pt also serve tho T2 and T2EX functions, respec thal. Port 2: Port 2 isan 8-it bidirectional I/O port with Internal pulups. Tho Port 2 output butfors can sinks ‘source 4 LS TTL inpuls. Por 2 pins that have 1s vwilten to them aro pulled high by the internal pull Ups, and in that stato can Be used as inputs. As Input, Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled tow wil source current (i, on the data sheet) be- ‘cause ofthe Intonal pulps. Port 2 omits the high-order addross byte during {etchos from external Program Memory and during faccassas to axtoral Data Memory that uso 16-5 addrossos (OVX @DPTR). in this application it ‘uses strong inlernal pulups when omitting 18. Dur- Ing accesses to external Data Memory that uso bit ‘addresses (MOVX @Ri), Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register. Port 2 also receives the high-order adoss bits dur. ing programming of the EPROM parts and during program vertication of the OM and EPROM parts. ort 3: Port 3 isan 8.itbidrectional 1/0 port with Infernal pulups, The Port 3 output buffers can sink! source 4 LS TTL inputs. Port 8 pins that have 13, ‘atten to them are pulled high by the intornal pul- Ups, and in that stato can be used as inputs. As Inputs, Port 3 pine that are external being pulled tow will source curront (l, on the data sheet) be- ‘cause ofthe pulups. Port 9 also serves the functions of various special Tealures of the MCS-51 Famiy, as Isted below: Por oy ‘Alternative Function P30 | AXD (sora input por} 3.1 | TXD (coil output por 3.2 | INTO extemal interrupt 0) 3 | INT (extemal intertupt 1) a4 | To (Timer extemal inpud) Pas mar 1 external input) a | WA extornal data memory writ strobe) 3:7_| RD (oxernal data momory read strobe) 748 0 20k Dp m= 482b175 0079081 & mm INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) intel [RST: Reset input A high on ths pin fortwo machine cycles while the osclator Is running resets the do- veo, ALE/BROG: Addross Latch Enable output puso for latching tho low byte of the address during accosses to extarnal memory, This pin fs also the program pulso input during programming’ of the EPROM parts. {in normal operation ALE is omitted at a constant rato of Ye tho oscilatorfrequancy, and may bo used for extemal timing or clocking purposes. Note, Row- ‘over, that ono ALE pulse is ekpped during each ac- {C088 to external Data Memory PBER: Program Store Enable Is the read strobe to ‘extemal Program Memory. When the device is executing codo ftom external Program Memory, PSEN Is activated twice each ma- chine oycla, except that two PSEN activations are ‘skipped during each accoss to external Data Memo ¥. ER/pp: External Accoss onable EA must bo ‘Strapped to Vgs in order to onable any MCS-51 do- Vi to fetch codo trom extornal Program mamary locations stating at O000H up to FFFFH. EA must bo strapped to Vag for intemal program execution ‘Noto, however, that If tho Socurly Bit in tho EPROM vices is programmed, the device will not fotch ‘code rom any location In external Program Memory. ‘This pin also receives the 21V programming supply Voliago (VPP) during programming of the EPROM parts, uc = ane st0pe ccs TOF LSP lect recwre Figure 8. Oscillator Connections: Mose.s1 rar PRELIMINARY T-49-19-07 XTALt: Input to the inverting escllator ampli. XTAL2: Cutput tom tho inverting esitator amit OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS XTAL! and XTAL2 are the input and output, respec- tively, ofan inverting ampitior which can ba cong. lured Yor use as an on-chip osclator, as shown in Figure 3. Elthor a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator ‘may be used. More detaled information concerning tho use of the on-chip osllater ie avaliable n Appi callon Note AP-185, “Oscllalors for Microcontol- fore" To dive the device from an external clock source, XTALt should be grounded, while XTAL2 is driven, fas shown in Figure 4. Thore are no requirements on the duty eyco of the external clock signal, sine the Input to tho internal clocking creuty is Vough 100 pF), th noen puso on the ALE Ine may Sy ALE witha Schenit Tigger, ores an ares latch with & Seni ‘Tigger STROE put 748 INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) 20k Dp m= 4826175 0079083 1 intel wes®.st PRELIMINARY T-49-19-07 AC. CHARACTERISTICS 1) = C0 +70°0; Veo = 8V + 10%; Vos Load Capacitance for PortO, ALE, and PSEN ‘oad Capacitance fr ll Other Outputs = 80 pF 100 pF: an a 12 MHz Oscillator Variable Oseilator | yas Min] Max Min Max T/TOLGK. | OselatorFrequenoy 35 120 | Me TTUHLL | ALE Pulso Width 127 BTOLCL— a0 8. TTAVLL | Address Validto ALE Low | 49. TeLcL=40 6 TLLAX | Address Hold after ALE Low | 48) TOLCL=35 ns TLL | ALE Low to Vali Instn o75iH 189 aToLcL-160 | ns AlOthers 233 4TOLCL—100 | ns TLLPL_| ALE Low to PSEN Low s TOUGL=25 8 TPLPH | PSEN Pulso With o751H 190 aToLcL—60 ne Al Othors 215 STOLCL=35 a8. TPL | PSEN Low to Vaid inairin ‘a751H $00 sToLot—150 | ns All Others $25 STOLCL—125 | ne TPXK | Input net Hold after PSEN | O. 2 ne "TPXIZ | Input inst Float after PSEN. S ToLGL=20 | ne TTPXAV | PSEN to Addross Valid % ToLGL—8 im TAVIV | Addross to Valid instr In ‘751K 287 sTo.ot~160 | ns Al Others 02 sTouct—115 | ne TTPLAZ_| PSEN Low to Adsress Float 20 a 20, ne TALAH | RD Pulse Width 400 eTOLGL— 100 ne TWwiwe_| WA Pulse Wiath 400 BTOLGL—100 ne TRLOV | RD Low to Valid Datain 22 BTCLOL—165 | ns TTRHOX | Data Hold aftr AD o 2 ns "TRHOZ | Data Float ator FD. a 2roLoL=70 [ns "TLLDV __[-ALE Low to Vali Data in 517 eToLoL=150 | ns TAVOV | Address to Valid Data in 685 | ‘TOLOL— 165 | ns TLLWL | ALELowioRDorWALow | 200 | 900 | sToLoL—s0 | sTc.cL+s0 | “ns TAVWL_ | Address to RO or WALow | 208 aTOLCL=130 rm TQVWX | Data Valid to WR Transition ‘O7S1H. 13 ToLoL-70 ns Al Others 23 ToLCL—60, ns ; TOVWH__| Data Vaid to WA High 483 TTCLOL = 160 ns i TWHOX__| Data Hold after WA 38 TOLOL=50 8 TTRLAZ | FD Low to Addeoss Float 2 2 nm TWHLH | FD or WA High to ALE High ‘e751 aa | ts | Touoi-so | Totci+s0 | ns Al thors 4a__|_i2a_| roucr—ao | rouse | ns Note: "This table doesnot inde the 8761-8 AC, cheracestes (soe next pag). 7.49 4 INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) 206 D mm 4826175 0079064 3 mm intel woot PRELIGIGARY T-49-19-07 ols ony for the e751H-8 A.C, CHARACTERISTICS Ty = 0°C to +70°C; Voc = SV + 10%; Veg = OV; {ea Gapastenc for Rot, ALE and POEN ~ 100 Load Gepectancs fr Al Othor ulputs = 805 cymal = ‘uM Osctator | _Varlable Oscliator | yang iain [ax | win Max T7reLoe | Oscar requnay 38 0 te TuHuL_| ALE Pulse wan zo FO. rn TAVLL | Adoss Vato ALE Low | 05 To.ol=40 5 TuLaX | Adoss Hod ator ALE Low | 00 ToLc.=38 nm Tuuv | ALE Lowro Va nsrin = wTeLGL= 180 [ns TLLPL | ALE Low to FREN Low 18 TeLoL= a5 m1 TPLPH | FSEN Piso Wan a8 eTeuct=e0 7 TPLUV PSEN Low to Valid Instr In 225 STCLOL—150 | ns TPH | patina Holder PEN | 0 a = Tex | Inputs Fost lr PSER 108 ToueL=00_| ne Thxay | FSEN wo Adress vasa i Taoi=8 m7 Tau —| Adress to Vk sn we wreLci 160 | ns TPLAZ | PEER Low to Atos oat 2 2 [one TARA | AO Pulse Wit eo TOLL 109 = Twi | Pulse wath 0 eTOLGL=100 ry TALDY _| FO Low Vaid Oatain a ero. | re TAHOK | ata Hol er FO 3 a im TAHOZ | Gna Fest ater 1 wreLai—70 | ne TLLDV | ALE Low o Vad ataln 0 eTo1c.160.| ns TavOV | Ads o Vat ata a 60 eTOLGL— 165 | ne TLuLWL | ALELowtoAD or WA Low: 325 425 | sTCLCL—60 | STCLCL+60 | ns Tay | Adcoss oD or WR Low | —<70 TOL 190, = TVW | Data Vala to WTranstion | 55 ToLGL=70 = TavWit_| Data Vaid wo Woh 728 Troi. 180 i “TWHOK | Daa Hold ater WR ® ToLo.=80 rm TRLAZ | RD Low wo Adcoss oat A 2 [os TWHLH | RD or WA High to ALE High 6 475 TOLCL—60 | TOLCL+50 ns 70 INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) 206 p mm 4826375 0079085 5 mm intel cse.st PRELIMINARY EXTERNAL PROGRAM MENORY READ CYCLE “5 ag. 9.07 751 INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) intel cs®-s1 EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY READ CYCLE 206 D mm 4826175 0079086 7 mm PRELIMINARY T-49-19-07 : - EXTERNAL DATA MEMORY WRITE CYCLE mm KX isi) 782 Foe reer TTT INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) 20€ D WM 4426175 0079087 9 intel a7 PRELIGAIOIARY T-49-19-07 ‘SERIAL PORT TIMING—SHIFT REGISTER MODE ‘Tost Conctons: Ta = °C to 70°C; VOC = BV 10%; VSS = OV; Load Capacitance = 80 pF symbol = 12 Miz Oscillator Variable Oscllator | urns Min [Max Min Max FTxLXL_[ Serial Port Glock Gycle Time 10 s2TCLCL Hs FTavvxti | Output Data Setup to Glock Rising| 700 toTCLCL— 139] ne Edge FTXHOX | Output Data Hold attr Glock cy aroLcL— 7 ne ising Edge, FTXHOX | input Data Hold after Cock Rising | 0 ° 18 Edge FTAHBY | Giock Rising Edge to Input Data 700 voroLci— 193] ve Val SHIFT REGISTER TIMING WAVEFORMS: Se et eo ee | “UU ae a bellow | a eve ate acs f I ee a OBE O BORO REOSGOAOEX 7 758 0 Ee INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) 206 D mm 4s2b175 0079088 om intel PRELIMIOARY T-49-19-07 EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE i Symbol Par win [Wor [ Ute Wrcict | Oxciator Frequency excptaretey | 06 | 12 | wre arsine 3 3 he Toe | ia Tne 2 13 ToioK Towne 2 . ToLot! Fite Te A = ToHOL Fal Tino 2 1: EXTERNAL CLOCK DRIVE WAVEFORM ‘AG. TESTING INPUT, OUTPUT WAVEFORM. we e.g Fe eee aa java oge a 754 INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) 20E D MH 4826175 0079089 2 mm intel on PRELIMINARY T-49-19-07 EPROM CHARACTERISTICS 7 “Table 3. EPROM Programming Modes Mode [RST ue |X | pay | pas |pas [pea Progam | 1 o [or | vee | [0 |x |x int + ° + [ox [ooo x x Very 1 ° + [ooo x x Securly Set 1 of [er [a x x tg Hh for that pa ep" = 421V 208y ‘or = tet oral “AE pte ot 8 Seo ata Programming the EPROM ‘Not that the ER/VPP pin mus not be allowed to go ‘To be programmed, the part must be running with a 4 to 6 Miz oscillator. (The reason the oscilator ‘Reods to bo running is thatthe internal bus s being Used to transfer adaress and program data to appro- priate internal registers) Tho adress of an EPROM location to bo programmed is applied to Port 1 and pins P2.0-P2:3 of Port 2, while the cod byto to bo programmed ino that location I applied to Port 0, ‘The other Port 2 pins, and RST, PSEN, and EA should be held at th “Program” loves indicated in Table 3, ALE s pulsed low for 50 ms to program the code byte into tha addressed EPROM location. The setup is shown in Figure 8. ‘Normally ER is held at a logis high until just before ‘ALE Is fo bo pulsed, Thon EA le raised to + 21V, ALE Is pulsed, and thon EA Is roturned to @ loge bigh. Waveforms and detailed timing spocificaions ‘are shown in later sections of this data sheet. Figure 6, Programming Configuration ‘above tho maximum specified VPP level of 21.5V for any amount of ie. Even @ narrow gltch above that voltage level can cause permanent damage to the 7.55 FS EEX’ CSiCSCS~SE OO a, INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) 20€ PD M 4426175 0075050 9 me intel _ PRELIMINARY T-49-19-07 EPROM Security 9 : ‘Tho secur feature consists ofa locking” bit which ‘when programmed denies electrical access by any external means to the onchip Program Memory. ‘The bit fs programmed as shown in Figure 7. Tha ‘solup and procedure aro the samo as for normal EPROM programming, except that P26 Is held ata logic high. Porto, Port 1, and pins P2.0-P2.3 may be in any stata, The other pins should be held at the "Security" loves Indicated In Table 3. ‘Onco tho Secuiy it has baen programmed, it can bo cleared only by full erasure of the Program Mom- ‘ory. While itis programmed, the intanal Program device can not bo Rot execute out of Erasure Characteristics ‘The recommended erasure procedure i expos "aay of the EPROM bag o ac whgn he eter ig at ss07 agua fan og 1 slight with wavelengths shorter eq dose of at least 18 W-soc/em2. Exposing the than approximately 4,800 Angstroms, Since sunight EBC wa unsudin ang oF 12000 aiiTone ‘and fluorescent lighting have wavelengths in this rating for 20 to 80 minutes, at a distance of about 1 range, exposure to these light sources over an ex- | faunSor fe 10 So manute tended time (about 1 week in sunight, of 8 years int roomaval urescent ight) could cause nadver- {ont erasuro i an application subjects the device to this type of exposure, itis suggested that an opaque labo! be placed over the window. Erasure leaves the aray in an all ts stato, EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS. Ta = 21°C 0 27°C; VOC = BY +10%; VSS = OV Symbol Parameter Win Max Unite VPP Programming Supply Vliage 205 218 v PP, Programming Supply Curent 0 mA, TOLL ‘Osellator Froquancy 4 6 Miz TAVGL ‘Address Sotup to PROG Low: warcic, TGHAK ‘Address Hold aftor PROG 4sTOLCL, TDVGL Data Setup to PROG Low asTolcl. TGHOX ata Hold after PROG. asToLcl. TTEHSH P27 (ENABLE) High to VPP ‘asTOLcL TSHGL \VPP Setup to PROG Low 10 HS TGHSL VPP Hold after PROG. 10 Hs TGLGH. PROG With ro 5 ms. Tavav, ‘Address to Data Valid aeTousL, TELav [ENABLE Low to Data Vaid 4STOLOL, TEHOZ Data Float aftor ENABLE, 2 STOLL, 7.56 INTEL CORP (UP/PRPHLS) 20€ 9 M@@ 4426175 0079091 0 intel mese.s1 PRELIMINARY T-49-19-07 EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION WAVEFORMS ‘rerrcanion| For poning conn sa Fe 8 Fo vnoten canto see Fee 8 : DATA SHEET REVISION SUMMARY ‘Tho following are the key diferences botwean this and the -008 version ofthis data shes: 4. Inoduction was expanded to include product descriptions, 2, Package table was added, ‘8, Design Considerations added, 4, Test Conditions for and ly specifications added to the DC Characteristics. 5, Data Shoot Revision Summary added, 787 i

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