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There once was a young fellow

So friendly and sweet
He'd smile and greet Then all of a sudden
Everyone he would meet. A silver carpet appeared
And on it lay a beautiful
One day he decided Gingerbread dear.
He no longer wanted to roam.
So he searched and he searched The bow on her brow
For a perfect new home. Had lovely pink sprinkles.
And her bright, glittery eyes
Then he noticed a white How they winked and they twinkled.
Shiny-looking box.
And thought this would keep him They smiled at each other
Safe from the fox. It was love at first sight
And the gingerbread man
He hopped on the ledge Took a gingerbread wife.
And wandered around.
Then built the first house But so quickly the warmth
Of this gingerbread town. Turned into great heat
And the gingerbread house
Gingerbread snaps Collapsed in a heap.
He used for the walls
Rich, creamy frosting They noticed below them
To cover them all. A carpet of red.
If they didn't think fast
Molasses he used as They would both soon be dead.
His glue and his nails.
He even created So they pushed and they pushed
A candy-cane rail. As hard as they could
Bang! the door popped open
He stepped back to admire And there SHE stood.
His sweet-sugary home
And suddenly began A little old woman
To feel very alone. Her mouth opened wide.
Surprised as could be
He pondered on how At the couple inside.
The supplies had been there.
Then suddenly he felt They sprang from the box
A cold chill in the air. To start a new life
The gingerbread man
Into his new house And his gingerbread wife.
He ran with a fright.
And soon it had started Till this day they wander
To warm up quite nice. And never stay still
For the fear of being
An old woman's meal.

Gingerbread Surprise!
By Grashell Link

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