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Video tutorial by tutvid.

com: Creating the Andy Warhol’s effect in Photoshop

1. Open the selected photograph by dragging it into Photoshop window.

2. Increase the contrast of the photo: Image> Adjustments> Brightness/Contrast> Contrast 100 
3. Increase the contrast of the photo again: Image> Adjustments> Brightness/Contrast> Contrast 45

4. Next, duplicate the background layer: Press Cltrl+J or Command+J for Mac.
5. Convert the layer to grayscale: Press Ctrl+Shift+U
6. On Layer 1: Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Posterize >Click OK

7. On Adjustments panel, set Posterize levels to 4 to create good edge definition. This will automatically create
the “Posterize 1” layer on the top of Layer 1.

8. Hide the Posterize layer with click on the eye sign in front of the layer name. 
9. Create a new layer and name it “Hair.”

10. Select Brush tool: Press B.

11. Color the hair area yellow. Make the Posterize layer visible again by clicking the eye sign. 

12. Set Blend mode of Hair layer to ‘Multiply’and hide the Posterize layer

13. Create a new layer and name it “Shirt.”

14. Paint the shirt green by using Brush Tool.

15. Paint the other areas (Background, Skirt and Body), each on a separate layer.

16. Turn on the Posterize Layer by clicking on the eye

17. Choose Background Layer
18. Reduce opacity of Background Layer to 70 
19. Go to Skin Layer > blend modes > ‘Multiply’

20. Go to Shirt Layer > blend modes > ‘Overlay’

21. Go to Skirt Layer > blend modes > ‘Multiply’

22. Create a new layer above the Skin Layer, name it “Eyes”
23. Select Brush Tool and paint the area between the eyes and eyebrows red.

24. Set the blend mode as ‘Soft Light’

25. Add an Adjustment Layer > Solid Color

26. Choose a light, desaturated blue color

27. Add another Adjustment Layer > Solid Color > H:0 S:0 B:50 

28. Set the blend mode as ‘Screen’

29. Reduce opacity to 40%


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