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iBT: Reading 오답노트 (Answer Justification Handout)

Class Week (Circle) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Month (Circle) Day (Circle) Textbook (Check)
January February March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
April May June 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 □ Level 1
July August September 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 □ Level 2
October Novembe December 31 □ Level 3
Page # ________ Question # ________ Question Type (Check)
□ Factual Info
□ Neg. Factual Info
□ Inference
□ Rhetorical Purpose
Notes (Reading Outline) □ Vocabulary
□ Reference
□ Sentence Simplification
□ Insert Text
□ Prose Summary
□ Fill in the Table
Relevant Skills

Reason(s) for the incorrect answer

Page # ________ Question # ________ Question Type (Check)

□ Factual Info
□ Neg. Factual Info
□ Inference
□ Rhetorical Purpose
□ Vocabulary
Notes (Reading Outline)
□ Reference
□ Sentence Simplification
□ Insert Text
□ Prose Summary
□ Fill in the Table
Relevant Skills

Reason(s) for the incorrect answer

iBT: Reading 오답노트 (Answer Justification Handout)

Page # ________ Question # ________ Question Type (Check)

□ Factual Info
□ Neg. Factual Info
□ Inference
□ Rhetorical Purpose
Notes (Reading Outline) □ Vocabulary
□ Reference
□ Sentence Simplification
□ Insert Text
□ Prose Summary
□ Fill in the Table
Relevant Skills

Reason(s) for the incorrect answer

Page # ________ Question # ________ Question Type (Check)

□ Factual Info
□ Neg. Factual Info
□ Inference
□ Rhetorical Purpose
□ Vocabulary
Notes (Reading Outline) □ Reference
□ Sentence Simplification
□ Insert Text
□ Prose Summary
□ Fill in the Table
Relevant Skills

Reason(s) for the incorrect answer

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