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The ice-world of Vostroya is proud to be the home world of one of the

Imperium’s finest regiments of the Emperor’s Imperial Guard, the Vostroyan First Born.

The world’s capital, Vostroyagrad, is a magnificent fortress-city, its towering walls

protecting barracks of the Vostroyan First Born, and a wealthy hive city home to almost a

billion civilians.

It is the year 999 of the 40th millennium, and war has come to the beautiful world

of Vostroya.

All manner of foes have landed on Vostroya. First to come were Chaos Space

Marines of the Alpha Legion and the World Eaters, with their own hosts of traitorous

Guardsman and cultists, and a summoned host of Daemons. Orks of the warlord Big Mek

Rustynuts have also made planet fall, alongside legions on Tau and an entire Hive Fleet

of Tyranids. The final force to beset the Imperium was the Eldar, hunting a warp portal

hidden beneath the mighty city of Vostroyagrad.

But another threat looms before the Vostroyan First Born. The Inquisition has

sent Space Marines of the Grey Knights chapter to root out heresy amongst the
Vostroyans, and the Blood Angels chapter has sent a strike force of warriors at the call of

the Inquisition.

But the proud men Vostroyan First Born are not alone in the defense of their

world. Hearing their call for help, the mighty forces of the Kronos First have come to the

aid of their brother Guardsmen, and various other regiments from nearby systems have

also answered the call to duty.

The defenders of Vostroya have formed their final line of defense at

Vostroyagrad, with hundreds of tank companies formed up beside thousands of

Guardsmen. These few, these proud few, this band of brothers, are surrounded and ready

to fight to their last breath under the watchful eye of Lord Militant General Stalin,

Commissar General Himmler, and the Emperor of Man Kind.


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