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Game #1

- Who is your favorite Book of Mormon hero?
1. Nephi – 30
2. Captain Moroni – 19
3. Moroni – 15
4. Abinadi – 6
5. Alma the Younger – 5
6. Helaman – 4
7. Ammon – 4
8. Samuel the Lamanite – 3
9. Brother of Jared – 3

- Name a primary song that includes hand gestures.
1. B of M Stories – 37
2. Popcorn Popping – 27
3. Wise Man/Foolish Man – 11
4. Do as I’m Doing – 6
5. Once there was a Snowman – 5
6. Love One Another - 3

- What calling would scare you the most to receive?
1. RS/Elder Quorum Pres. – 34
2. Bishop – 19
3. Gospel Doctrine teacher – 19
4. Nursery Leader – 10
5. YW/YM Leader – 6
6. Chorister/Organist – 4
7. Prophet – 4
8. Stake President - 3

- Name a reason a mother would leave a church meeting with her baby.
1. Crying baby – 43
2. Diaper change – 30
3. Feed/Nurse baby – 19
4. Baby spit-up – 5
5. Baby is sick – 3

Tie Breaker – if no one has hit 300 points

Give #1 answer
- Who is your favorite modern day prophet?
1. Gordon B. Hinckley – 65

Game #2
- Name is something/someone that is often prayed for
1. Missionaries – 24
2. Health – 21
3. Prophet/General Authorities – 21
4. Family – 10
5. Safety – 9
6. Food – 7
7. Rain – 3
8. Ward members – 3

- Name an uncomfortable item of clothing that church goers wear.
1. Tie – 40
2. Panty hose/Tights – 27
3. High heels – 17
4. Dress – 5
5. Suit – 5
6. Under garments – 5

- What is an item you would see at a ward potluck?
1. Jell-o – 39
2. Funeral Potatoes – 19
3. Casserole – 15
4. Pasta/Potato/Green Salad – 7
5. Brownies/Cake – 4
6. Paper Plates – 4
7. Rolls – 3

- Name someone who was present at Christ’s birth.
1. Mary – 54
2. Joseph – 18
3. Wisemen – 7
4. Shepherds – 6
5. Angels – 6
6. Animals – 4
7. Christ – 3

Tie Breaker – if no one has hit 300 points

Give #1 answer
- What is something teachers borrow from the library to use in their lessons?
1. Chalk and eraser – 58

Game #3
- What is something an LDS family might do on a Sunday afternoon.
1. Sleep – 28
2. Visit family – 26
3. Play games – 16
4. Go on a walk – 9
5. Watch a movie – 7
6. Read scriptures – 7
7. Watch football – 4

- Name one of the Plagues of Egypt
1. Locusts – 42
2. Water to Blood – 21
3. Frogs – 15
4. Drought/Famine – 6
5. Death of First Born – 5
- How many minutes a day do you study the scriptures?
1. 10 min. – 28
2. 15 min. – 19
3. 0 min. – 16
4. 30 min. – 13
5. 20 min. – 9
6. 5 min. – 4
7. not enough – 4

- What is one of the young women values?
1. Faith – 27
2. Divine nature – 15
3. Integrity – 15
4. Virtue – 13
5. Individual Worth – 9
6. Knowledge – 7
7. Good Works – 4
8. Choice and Accountability – 3

Tie Breaker – if no one has hit 300 points

Give #1 answer
- What temple do you visit most often?
1. Jordan River – 66

Fast Money
- What percentage of the time are you on time for church?
1. 100% - 39
2. 90% - 12
3. 50% - 12
4. 75% - 9
5. 10% - 9
6. 95% - 4
7. 80% - 4
8. 5% - 3
9. 0% - 3

- What would be the most exciting place to serve a mission?

1. Hawaii – 12
2. Anywhere in Africa – 8
3. Australia – 8
4. Italy – 8
5. Nauvoo – 8
6. Anywhere – 6
7. Polynesian Islands – 6
8. China – 6
9. Japan – 5
10.New Zealand – 5
11.England – 3
12.Argentina – 3
13.Russia – 3

- Name a general authority known for giving great conference talks.

1. Thomas S. Monson – 36
2. Neal A. Maxwell – 16
3. David A. Bednar – 10
4. Henry B. Eyring – 7
5. Dallin H. Oaks – 7
6. Jeffrey R. Holland – 6
7. Gordon B. Hinckley – 4
8. Richard G. Scott – 6
9. Dieter F. Uchtdorf – 3

- What is a common assignment given for Family Home Evening?

1. Prayer – 42
2. Treat – 34
3. Lesson – 12
4. Music – 5
5. Scripture – 5

- What can usually be found in a member’s food storage?

1. Wheat – 52
2. Flour – 10
3. Fruit – 7
4. Rice – 6
5. Water – 6
6. Beans – 4
7. Potato Flakes/Pearls – 4
8. Powdered milk – 3
9. Pasta – 3

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