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Escola Secundária João de Deus Biblioteca/Centro de Recursos


Floral Games “Amílcar Quaresma”

“ Pinto quadros por letras, por sinais,

Tão luminosas como as do Levante”

Cesário Verde

“Amílcar Quaresma” literary contest is carried out by the Library Department of João de Deus
High School
1. Aim: Promoting the development of Reading and Writing skills as well as artistic production
at school.
2. Key Subject: Cesário Verde ( well - known Portuguese poet), “A painter born poet”
3. Types of work: poetry or essays in portuguese language or even illustrations ( original
ones) on the subject.
4. Delivery: Date - between the 4th January and the 8th February, 2010 ; Place -School
a. Every work must be signed (legible signature), with pseudonym and school
b. There must be a closed envelope with the identification of the student’s
pseudonym and school grade attached to every work (poem, text or illustration),
Inside the envelope there must be the following information: author’s full name,
telephone, e-mail, school grade and school name.
c. Both the work and the above envelope must be put into another envelope
identified as follows: Contest, pseudonym, title, participant and school grade.
d. If a participant presents more than one work he/she must choose different
e. Only individual works are accepted.
5. Characterstics: texts must be written in “Arial Narrow”, 12, 1,5 between lines, paper A4,not
more than 10 pages. Illustrations can only be presented on A4 or A3 paper or digital format.
6. Jury :Two members of the School Library team, a teacher of Portuguese Language from
João de Deus School and a well known personality of our community.
7. Prizes: Prize Money and some books chosen by the School Library Team.

Category: “Text”:
 1st: A 50 € cheque (for books)
 2nd: Book(s)
 3rd: Book(s)
Category “Ilustration”
 1st:A 50€ cheque for drawing material.
 2nd: Book(s)
 3rd: Book(s)
Escola Secundária João de Deus Biblioteca/Centro de Recursos
8. Exhibition:
All the awarded Works will be kept in the School Library and only the School Library Team will be
entitled to exhibit or even publish them. All the other works can be taken by the participants in a period
of 30 days. After this dead line they will be destroyed ( if nobody requires them)

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