Client Interview Sussanne Juhasz

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 Greet, shake, introduce myself
o “Did you find our offices ok, would like a coffee/water?”
 Explain structure of interview
o Me asking questions, taking notes to assist me, can ask questions
 Confidentiality
o “Discussion is confidential, so can be frank and honest as you can”
 Fees
o First interview free, but sending copy of costs agreement so read and
ask questions, fees charged at $200 p/hr, but other costs too

Take Client’s Basic Details

 Time: ______________ Date: ____________ Duration:______________
 Parties present: _____________________________________________
 OC’s Full and correct name: ____________________________________
 OC’s Address (residential) :_______________________________________
 Postal: _____________________________________________________
 Ph: Home: _______________________ Mobile: _____________________
 Preferred phone number and postal address:________________________

Problem identification Key Notes

 Allow OC free narrative
o “Why did you come in today?”
o Note only key words
o Let client vent
 Look for non verbal cues (grimaces)
o Don’t be judgmental/critical
 Summarise back
o So what you’re saying is…
 Empathy
o How are you coping?
Take client’s history in detail
 Open/closed questions, get all relevant info

LEGAL ISSUES (charge sheet; version of events; why?; background; witnesses?;

priors; DOB; employment/finances; family; health; arrest/interview circs)
Client Expectations
 Ask client’s goals and expectations, desired outcomes?
 Talk about costs (can afford cost of barrister approx $500?; direct and indirect
 Any questions? Any other issues?

 Advise on legal and non-legal options (discuss strengths and weaknesses)

 Say need to research, will undertake to have an answer by …

 What else do I need from OC?
 Am I able to give conditional advice?
 If OC doesn’t understand, ask to repeat back
 Explain steps to be taken by me and by the client
o What am I going to do next?
o What do I need OC to do next?
 Arrange future contact and deal with engagement management

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