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United States Patent 19) [11] Patent Number: 4,893,547 Atchisson [4s] Date of Patent: Jan. 16, 1990 [54] BOLT MECHANISM FOR FIRE ARM 3,540,47 11/1970 Cream et ssnisro. [76] Inventor: Maxwell G. At 1, 6695 Primary Examiner—Stephen C. Bentley, Ridgemoore Dr, Doraville, Ga. —Aitorey, Agent, or Firm Jones, Askew & Lunsford 50360 67) ABSTRACT BI] Appl. Nox 96,934 ‘A locked breach, gas operated long action firearm capa- {22] Filed: Sep. 14, 1987 ble of firing heavy caliber shotgun or rile shells with substantially redaced recoil. The gas piston and bolt Related US. Application Data carrier assembly are supported for recoil movement [60] Division of Ser. No. 784,157, Oct. 4, 1985, Pat. No. slong. single guide rod which extends the entire length ‘63510, whichnadivison of Ser No-639.06, Aug, ofthe gun, permitting a longer recoil pth resulting in 8/1984, fat No. 4353463, which ina continuation of reduced impulse due to recoil. The guide rod has Ser. NO. 236308, Dec. 31,1981, abandoned, noncireular” or radially assymmetrical cros-section [51] Int. a ‘Fai 5/04 mating with a corresponding opening in the gas. {32} (53) [56] 89/187.01 73, 187.01 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS so that the bolt carrier assembly remains in alignment over the entire recoil path. Separate close-bolt and open-bolt embodiments are disclosed, and the open-bolt embodiment is selectively capable of firing either semi- automatic or full-automatic while permitting reliable cartridge feeding from a box or drum magazine. 981-210 1/1911 Menteyne eta sores 1048670 11/1912. Chron i/ero1 2718166 12/1956. Janson 9719101 7 Claims, 18 Drawing Sheets 203 us 227 796, 5 2125) 249288 and|o63 282,56 ae i Maes] ase babe S pe f aH : 160 a8 15 Ne Be 4 Lobe ah bok. eo gl we 18 an bo a0 Yor US. Patent Jan. 16, 1990 Sheet 80f18 4,893,547 {| 298" Low <7 14 NESS SSS 4,893,547 Jan. 16, 1990 Sheet 7 of 18 US. Patent Jan. 16, 1990 Sheet 6 of18 4,893,547 US. Patent US. Patent — Jan. 16, 1990 Sheet 5of18 4,893,547 ® 76 78 74L a l-75 ze 82 44aQ@ 46 44 69 Lees AAAS wa T0~ sp 8 & 55 43 ec 6? és ( l crs a) jeg: 5 344 238 240 242 348 361 Sheet 40f18 4,893,547 Jan. 16, 1990 S. Patent Us op of A191 US. Patent — Jan. 16, 1990 Sheet30f18 4,893,547 Sheet 20f18 4,893,547 Ki. 2 2 8 US. Patent — Jan. 16, 1990 y gs & \ 5 oT > 5 | 8 il | 8 z Ti i e Tl tl * | > a | a, 3 | ° EON 7 = 2S @. 2 ay g 3 3 est 130 129 34 130 52K US. Patent Jan. 16, 1990 Sheet 10f18 4,893,547 US. Patent Jan. 16, 1990 Sheet 9 of 18 4,893,547 US. Patent Jan. 16, 1990 Sheet 17 0f18 4,893,547 US. Patent Jan. 16, 1990 Sheet 16 of 18 4,893,547 45 = ] a3 46 it t L P 293) PRN 49—f } aaa ais) 464 323 442 4 i 450 38) 440 437) { ca ‘410 4 \e 4a ‘439 : 4a)\\ 430 i asi 427738 424 [Aas 8) ae 6 EE. 34 US. Patent Jan. 16, 1990 Sheet 15 0f18 4,893,547 US. Patent Jan. 16, 1990 Sheet 14 0f18 4,893,547 4,893,547 Sheet 13 of 18 Jan. 16, 1990 US. Patent 2 YO wh Se T © ebe OSS TI 4,893,547 sz. 942 oze 6b2 262 OS! ale [ rez 6b sez see | pce eG : o92/ jeoX% 1

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