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ania WE) eet Report A new approach to... Tank foundation Using a minimum number of calculations, this method will accurately size a Soll bearing concrete foundation for flat bottom tanks Androw A. Brown, Charleston, W.Va. ‘A New pesto method has been developed for concrete sil bearing foundations supporting flat bottom tanks, Hquations used were derived by suserimpoting two «ypet of cizcular beam loadings. Alchough the methed follove current standards? sizabie differences are found when ‘comparison is made using other aparoaches. 9, 1¢—Elovaton of tank and foundation, Weight ot contnta tne boca ute i's aon pounce 2 Wout of wala Od 108 PERT, Ane ig. te—Cwreder beam simply loaded by the walls and root 110hg an are oracle. ‘ao03 design Why use a concrete foundation? Tie cost of plant foundations should be an cconomic consideration in pros Pective plant site evaluations. Soll and climate are the only conditions which will rot improve or noticeably ‘change with time. High allowable soil bearing values preclude the use of pile foundations, reduce subsidence to acceptable levels and permit smaller soil bearing bates. Avery firm soll could eliminate reinforced concrete foundations entirely for fat bottom venels unless a concrete have it required 12 separate the metal bottoms from a corrosive sol. Aluwmi ‘num and steel tanks are subject to deterioration when in contact with soils of high salinity. Weather conditions have to be taken into account ia be Venere Circular beam smo supperted and leded uniformly Trine conan ovo the ta ase TANK FOUNDATION DESIGN foundation design. Hurricanes, feeexing and thawing, ia- tense rain fall and flooding add to the comt of the Rruc- {hee and mipports. Seimic frees generate other design factor. Exoimple. Once toe decison is made that a concrete foundation i neccssy, the fllowing extmple show hve te aeiga it. See Fig 1 (2), 1 (b), L (@) ard | fd) for bssic data and for beam loadings.) We have given 1900000 pounds as the weight of the osm, o te ak an He content, wih ede god 8. The weight of ety at wal of de ak it ‘wiich is uniformly dtrbutod long an Anuar slog at rads of 10 foto ¢ in ibe eguatne ‘The oet sil Beating 1,500 pounds per aquare foot and the wind forces are negligible. The concrete is to have 2 compresivesitergth of 2,900 pei and a working unit tree of 1123 pa. The reinforcement it to confor to ASTM A 61540, and a working unit stress of 20,006 pis used ‘The applicable sections of “Ametican’ Concrete Intute Building Code Requirements for Reinforod Concrete?" and "Concrete Reinforcing Ste! Tnnttute” are to be fol- lowed forthe working ste method, and ther notations shall be used, Pobvon's ratio of one-fourth i wed for the sample, Value as low as onesixth are perme. “The radius of the circular tmte-is computed by taking the square root of the value given by dividiag the total wreght on the foundation by th allowable net unit sil tearing multiplied by». = {1,000,000 + 60000)/ (5,300 7) Jr = 15.0 feet ‘The weight of the concrete foundation does not con- tribe to the concrete othe reinforcing bar strnes 1 i is not considered. Usually. the thin concrete slab adds lite additional tothe total wil bearing becaure the weight of the soil removed ft decucted from the concrete 10 the net vale s wae. ‘The flexure can be computed at allocations when the radius of the bate it known (ace Appendix). ‘The maxi ‘um wil be at the center of the foundation and the radial moment i equal to the tangential moment at this location, log R/b (0.40547). Values are substituted in Appendix Equations bel, ¢-1 and dl. ‘Tie letters preceding the various equations identifies the respective beam loads at shown in the figures. For beam “b", AM SHRED8F 25) aan +19 100 -075 (52% )] + = +113 400 bs se, a = £60000) (10) [1225 — 100) (0.75) Beam a= SE GO. 125 + (23) cosnssn) | = + 5,404 Ibe aH faooe X (1,901,000 + 60,000) R*_(3.25) Tee Re =~ 68,600 fe ths. Beam “a”, m= in Equation -1 ic the unit eal bearing for the total imposed load of 1,500 psf. ‘The maximum design moment = 113,400 + 9,400 ~~ 66,600 = 48,200 ft. Ibs. Slab thickness, The shickness of the concrete slab, = (44/179) = (48,200/178) "= 164 incher to will we 165 inches as the distance to the centroid of the top layer of bars. The tlab thickness was revised later t9 17 ince, Reinforcement. The area of reinforcement required, a= MJad = 4822/ [1.44 (165)] =2.03 square inches per foot of widen each way. Use No, 9 bars at sixinch centers providing two square inches of sieel and a total perimeter of 7.08 inches, ‘Since the concrete is to be placed directly on the soll, the code requires a three-inch cover for the bottom bars. ‘The total depth of the slab is 16.5+ 1.5 bar diameters + three inches or 16.5 + (1.5) (1.120) + 3 = 21.192 inches ‘Unually the depth of the slab is not made to fractions of an inch and because foundation design requirements should not be scanty, a 22-inch depth is used and d is 173, de requiced = 1/98 44, in ‘Temperature and shrinkage reinforcement. The code* specifies 2 0.0020 ratio of steel te the gross area of con crete for deformed tars having a yield point Jes than 60.000 psi, Then the bar area is (0.0020) (22) (12) 528 69. in. A number seven bar at provides 0.55 iq. in. but T would use a 12-inch spacing each way and furnish 0.60 49. in The shear, V, {when + is greater than } end ¢) (RY= 1) /2r. When ris tess than b and, ¥ [rene (6-2 diagonal tension is located at a distance 4/2 from the celge of the flat bottom vewel. For this foundation, the cracked vection woukd be in the shape of a truncated cone with base radius r= 6 + d/2 1 b and c were not equal, F could have a different value than 10.72 fe. V = 1,300, {225 — 115), [2(10.72)] = 7,700 pouncs. The unit di- agonal tension v = W/12d = 1700) [12(17.5)} = 37 pa ‘The permissible v= 2(2500)%= 100 pa. ‘The critical section for flexural bond is at += b, since b and ¢ are equal. V= 1,500 (225 =100/ [2(10)] = 19.330 pounds. consideration because the developinent length exceeds the - design requirements, Radial and tangential moments for this type of founder tion and loadings arc equal oaly at the center of the foot ing and since the tetal of the cangential moments it | : always greater at all ther locations, computations are rade to illustrate che diference. Tt should be stated that footings designed on the thsie of cantilever vs, radial action will generally be inadequate ia the eircumlerential direction, In the past, most ef the foundation designs followed the former prizeiple ‘The maximum moments o.side the area of the base of the fiat Bottom vette] oceury st its edge or at r= and ‘The racial moments are obtained by Appendix Equations b-8,0~2andd~2, For beam b, My, 0.14.25) (0.40547 + £0.25) (1,900,000) (125) 16% 225 48,700 ft, For beam c, M, and My are equal and does not chaoge lund 7 > 8 and 1 > ¢ so M=~ 3,400 ft Ib. For bean d—2, My = [— 3,500 (225)/16) (8.25) (0.355) = ~ 38,100 ft ibs. ‘The total My = 48,700 + 3,400 ~ 38,100 = 14,000 ‘the. ‘The tangential moments a:¢ computed by Appendix: Equations b— 2, ¢~4and d~ $ respectively below, ml 195 40s, +039} ~ 228 = 78,500 fit. lbs, aby Banton ¢— 44+ 3400 te Ma by d= 9. = 1800 (22896) [$28 ~0444(1.25)] FO sSan0 rs 18500 +3490 — $2,200 = 29,700 fe tin It should be noted that “he radial omer’ Oe location ete an hallo the angen nomen Atr=R the radial soment: become aero The angen: fal moments are computed be applcaion of Connie Dag en Sand dS whch idle 1,69, or = $9000 My = £000, Mu {= 1500 (2281/16) (1.50) = — 31600 fo, Total Mi a the meron edge of foting == 16500 +1380 —'S1 600 = 16.600 ft This indintes a crelar band of reinforcement fs re gplted that has not been farted by forte dea ci teria. “The area of the steel, A, = 16.89/ [144 (17.3)) = 0.58 sqrare inches, Use one umber igh bes Gio sil faith a aren of 079 sare inches Se fig, 7 op the location of reinforcement The other stinker ere, 2he tap and bottom ofthe fosky with cims Se the edge to retain te tangent somes Ths method fellows the “Arverican Conree Tne Building Code Regulremente” (ACI 31833) tarp eo 2204, "Footings tending rome. The Soon ee 4 any section i determined by paming tech ee tin 2 vertical plane which exer ogpleele sees ie looting snd computing toe moment oa one Se ot ed Pane! Since the maximum moment wad a Unc eet the fouing, a plane will be paced slong stances ‘The moment for P (1,009,000) 10(0.4244) (1/30) M, *- (0.95 (2 ~ C.484)) = + 46,500 ft toe, JO). (075 (05859) = + 1,00 8b, Cetober 1974 Hyonocanso Processine ig. 2—Plan und section A-A of he tank foundation, 5 + 70700 fe Ibs. pr fot of width This efor beam t Fig. 1. ‘The 04244 factor when multiplied by te cate five the distance to the cener of gravy of the wat Girenlar are etn = NF 1) T bbchaiepmincticlnns 1st +5360 0 ie 2/e when muhiplied by the rach of 180 degree of src i the distance fo the center of gov. ‘The desiverible moment introduced by the wil preure {4,200,000 + 60,000} (2% 30)) (15% Beat 112460 fb, ‘The total moment = 112460 ~ 70200 — 6,160 = 35,400 ft. Tha This hs pprosimataly 75 percent ee te 48200 maximum monn A comparinon of the moment st r= 10 ta one foot wide cantilever ive fot Tongs At = y4. (4560) 25° 18,750 Mtoe y= 14000 aM, = 20700 fs hes Pie moment is 64 percent of Bf. The detail ofthe foundation as designed it shown in Fig. 2. A chcunserbing ccagon i iticated tor one ata in area othe 30-out diameter circle could be wee, An octagon is eer form ad also reduces the wastes of diferent lengtls of burs Ta general fb seed eee layout or other design ereria dictate etherwise Y aro “hese cautions, We ali others should be inited in tie aration mt tee eho are kowied advanced struce ‘Sil sieeve Cesgn Tey have hs ows : (a) Fhe detection ofthe concrete bse i lin compara to in leben {hy There emo dtormation inthe pane of the mute ae (Ordinary bea ra) (0) The hick f the base is smal in compton tte wig Ce (The din of tha the Da tke fark base, is several tee greater evaral eavatons, Theteoquatices are forthe loding conditions showa in Fits I (a bye and o}; The desitn uments a the ‘epectve location te ebtined by supercon of the thre TANK FOUNDATION DESIGN tay of loads, The raat and cargcatial momsna wil becom Pud to show Rew they difas at socal ees Ai 22ste; the tangential and radial smoments ate nqal for te beara and are the axinum moma : For the aniform loading over the task bam Lea {(b), : {20rmmels . a ~E [ovo 2 1 cote (i tT Re ace A] Atv Rano ut ay Pern tenet peta igt Equation © or beats 1 (4), ty =: Fe ee For beam | (a), Me E34 y) e ~otmsoand] Equation 48 ‘The tangetial moment, beam 1 (6), between 7 R we aa, EZ loro teon i ee) Mrs omemu, AE Sta wt eR dee Oat ee “Fa-n Ration 44 deep Feta O02 Eel orn 282 eat oe eat foc toner ‘enna od 9 tk perf diss uf the cceular foundation base taut of the wal aie onthe Rice ofthe footing ‘r= Radial moment at dataace + above in foot pousa Aj = Tangata moment at datence si ete feast eur ie pwede a > Foe ie fe example one four For beam { (<) between r= 0 and = 6, does st vary end ‘Me ia abe equa! to be [ees R = Reguin BS, i in oo: pou ween [Sa ner0ep met] EEE igen me Tr Se Senet ETA a a ce Ses sores vod Senin fe ides ed arn Takeo ESTE er aes About te author BR PETS aes omen a Atay Tors was fomerty ee Dy feat SP ast te tvocenn veda Tage chontoa” cy Ruwit te fee Sees ener conten. Ue 2 ESRC at mth en ot pr Gasitin, Chol’ Expire Corgan DS = SEN of te tp and : Pe fo Siler anda pal mtg Baris preg as toe ke Sok and Kindo eth tne eee Be tn of Sua en Voie gs boo oo ee "ie oraduate of West Virginio University. A pmo oT tel prance mi ureeaTune ere 1 De ry J, Po Abas Seago Math Meindl Boot Ce, BRAS: 5 Wetete kee, Ther of Fates wl Set, Mad Fee a et ee mae Hae Gar te BAS CL nme tr Rome Fez Ponebs Fro ant sum, Genet Pa (ns fe he Ae Dan Zane” Yo 1 Mie BOO i

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