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OWNER'S MANUAL DIGITAL MULT! DIMENSIONAL SYNTHESIZER K1 SYNTHESIZER MODULE K1Im KAWAI WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, it con cause interference to radio communications. The rules with which it must com ply afford reasonable protection against interference when used in most locations, However, there can be no guarantee that such interference will not occur in a Particular installation. If this equipment does not cause interference to radio or the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try correct the interference by one or more of the following measures = reorient the receiving antenna. — move the receiver away from the synthesizer. — plug the digital piano into a different outlet so that synthesizer and receiver are on different branch circuits. — consult the dealer or an experienced radio television technician. Introduction The Kawa: K1 digi synthesizer and KYrm digtal symihesieer ‘modile bo ater 16:voce (max: polyphone ouput from Kav s VMI achive synthesis tone generator The only difference vs the former's 61-key weighted Keyboard wath hughiy accurate touch Features ‘+ VM tone generator The K1/KIm buittan souné generator lfers a selection of 256 basic waveforms using’ the two most advanced. op roaches to sound synthesis 204 formed by the sdctwe synthests of the fst 128 harmones. $2 recorded wth PCM sampling You can freely mixup to four ofthese mavelorms 0 raduce an entirely new sound 2 cnsp digital sound. a "ch ‘analog sound, ot any combination i betwee + AM (Ring modulation) Te addition of ring modulation expands the K}/K im range 10 include overloaded sounds ofthe mpe tna digital woves alone Cannot reproduce lich selection of tone patches Each K1 Kim leaves the factory wth 64 SINGLE patches and 32 MULTI patches already stored mts ternal memory bak The K1's full ediing capabiines and OCB memory. cards (avaiable a extra cost options alow you to Bul up your uh iorary of orginal sounds 4 percussion section The K1/Kim contains i own thythm section a tots of mine rum ané other percusswe eters recorded wih PCR! pres 1 Superb touch response The KT keyboard suppor both velocity, the force with which you hit the key. and altertouch, the pressure that you Spply 9 ‘you hold the key down + Joystick for real-time contro! The yoysick prowdes real ume contra! over the balance between the four SOURCES of @ SINGLE patch or between four SECTIONS in @ MULTI patch During ecting it proves ‘201d means of changing parameter values ++ Muttitone patch LINKs The K1/KIm LINK function allows you to link up t0 eg tone patches —~ SINGLE oF MULTI INTERNAL or EXTERNAL ‘rom the 192 available and then step through the series during » performance simply by pressing tne LINK switches + MULT patches The K1/KImm's MULTI patches go far beyond she DUAL oF SPLIT unchons of einer synthesizes in that they allow you 10 835190 up 10 eight diferent SINGLE patches to cillerent anges on the Keyboard and divs tw hey velosty os we 1+ Variable mult-timbre operation This function helps masmize the use of the KI:Kim's 16 vosce polyphone capabities by aviomatically ted ‘onused capacity om one section i another + Full MIDI implementation Since each sound source can be assigned 9 different MID! channel, each KI/Kim MULTI patch. can. simultoneousiy Serve as up fo ight efferent MIDI sound sources For fate flentity the keyboard version allows the musician to choose whether each sound source responds to notes recerved onthe MIDI channel, those played on the keyboard or bath Care and Maintenance = Proper Care Your K1/KYm synthesizers 9 delicate musical msirument To prevent breakdowns and ensure years of rehable. soubie fee erwece,sheld it from Dicect sunhaht and exposure to whe elements Exiremes i temperature or humidity © Dusty environments © Vibration — especially during transport Power Supply © Use only the AC adapter shipped with the KI/K1m and connect i only 2 power supply with voltage wha the limits stated on the raungs pate onthe back ‘Make sure that all power stiches are off belore changing ‘© Check all equipment connections betore apoiving the © Do not connect 10 the same crew 3s 2 heavy load oF ‘equipment that generates line noise © Line Noise Reser ‘The high-speed microprocessor at the core of the KI /Ktm 's enremely sensitive toline nose and sudden Huctuatons inthe supply voltage Should it “lock up” under such Conditions. simply turn st olf for 2 few seconds and then reapply tne power = Cleaning © Clean the instrument wrth soft cloth, 9 mid detergent and lukewarm water = Battery Backup 1 The inlwum battery that protects the memory contents ‘mile the pawer to the units of = good for more than five vears of normal use. We recommend, however, thal you hhave your nearest authorized service represent: Ye place # promptly aftr tive years organs solvents Repairs ‘© Always save the INTERNAL tone patches 10a memory card before taking the unt mn for repairs or serncing, Oren ey may be lastn the course of testing Memory Cards '¢ The K37K1m uses Kawar OC-B memory cards for external ota storage These cards are ovale fiom your nearest ‘uthonzed Kawa! dealer Kawar DC-16 of DO-32 cards car siso be used TABLE OF CONTENTS Names of Parts 1. Playing the Factory Tone Patches 1 2 3a 4 I. K1/k1m Sound Sources 1 2 IL Editing Tone Patches - Get Sound ‘Choose a Tone Patch Try the Exara Features Look Over the Construction of SINGLE or MULTI Patch VM Tone Generator es Digital Sound vs. Natural Sounds Basics ......s eee Editing a SINGLE Patch SINGLE Patch Parameters Editing MULTI Patches MULTI Patch Parameters IV. WRITE — Storing Edited Tone Patches 1 2 V, LINK Funetion 1 2 Definition Procedure Definition Procedure VI SYSTEM — System and MIDI Parameters 1 2 3, ‘SYSTEM Parameters MIDI Transmission Parameters MIDI Receive Parameters fees —— VIL. Error Messages VIL. Appendices 1 2 Notes 0 m4 m3. ts SINGLE Patch Parameters MULTI/AUX Parameters MIDI Implementation Chart coe 47, Specifications ‘See the Appendices “SINGLE Patch Parameters” and “MULTI Patch Parameters” fora bret ‘overview of the K1/K1m sound generation system. ‘See the Appendices "SINGLE Patch Parameters” and “MULTI Patch Parameters” fora bret summary of the editing process See the Appendix "SINGLE Patch Parameters” fora biel summary of the editing process for "SINGLE patches ‘See the Appendix "MULTI Patch Parameters” fora brief summary of the editing process for MULTI patches ‘See the AUX Parameter Chart for a summery of the SYSTEM and MIDI function, (EET TET TAT iss “fs — [Front Panel} (4) Press a key and gradually raise the volume to a comfortable listening level fcr (5) Play Note: If raising the volume to its maximum fails to produce any output, check all connections and amplifier settings. 2. Choose a tone patch. ‘The K1/K1m offers a selection of 64 SINGLE patches and 32 MULT! patches based on them. The two-line display indicates which tone patch is currently in effect. The first line tells whether st is @ SINGLE or MULTI patch; the second gives its tone patch number and name The tone patch number consists of three fields: 1 Block (SINGLE or MULTI/I, i, €, ore}. II Bank (A, B, C, of D). and II1 Number (1~8) SINGLE soot isncie oe muti corte tA — 1 Voice Ahh The tone patch selector switches Groupstlll change these three fields. MULTI SINGLE PE fe be ‘rene sc beeen MULTE ang SINGLE patenes an ten between the A BG ob ‘nese smich Bence te foe banks ann or eB Baee fj] G2 8 4 ‘Thee ele! ne tone paten marge tn te ark Example: Changing to SINGLE patch iB-8 ) (Eee my Note: The above three steps can be in any order Rit | [ie8 Pirzreato Note: The unit will not allow you to change the block to E or e unless there is @ card firmly in place in the slot. 3. Try the extra features. The K1/K1m provides a wide range of additional features that vou can exploit to enhance your performance (1) PITCH BEND wheel (K1 only) Rotating this wheel away from you raises the pitch of the ‘nit; rotating it towards you lowers the pitch. Note: tis also possible to adjust the amount of pitch bend. (See p.23) (2) MODULATION whee! (K1 only) Rotating this wheel away trom you adds the vibrato effect. (3) HOLD pedal (K1 only) Connecting an optional Kawai F-1. or equivalent foot pedal to the HOLD jack on the rear panel provides an effect, similar to that of a damper pedal on an acoustic piano. When the pedal is pressed, a sound continues even after the key is released, eo: pone De 89O@ u \ (4) Joystick A SINGLE patch can use up to four separate SOURCES. This joystick provides real-time control over the volume balance between them. It also provides similar control for the four SECTIONs in a MULTI patch ounce sEcTON? SOURCE. SECTION + ‘Sounce/SEcTON? ‘Source ‘secon ¢ Note: The STICK switches this control function ON and OFF. Procedure: 2 @ Press the STICK] swnteh ® Press the [YES] switch for ON and the switch fr OFF (5) CARD slot In addition to the 96 internal tone patches, each ‘optional DC-8 memory card provides storage for 64 SINGLE paiches and 32 MULTI patches in blocks E and (for external) Note: Before storing data on the card, you must first format it for use with the K1/K1m, (See pat, 42) (6) MIDI jacks The three MIDI jacks on the rear panel are your gateway to the world of MIDI music You can, for ‘example, play your K1/K1m from another keyboard, 2 Kawai -80, o other sequencer. of even another KI Note: The K1m comes with one MIDI cable 10 Sample Setups {a} Playing the K1/K1Im from an electric piano ee mw | petatnane | KuKim (©) Playing the K1/K1m from a sequencer a [ermn {) Playing the K1/K1m from a K1 Mio. our —— mio = ; Kt | aK Im | ss Ld (7) LINK function The K1/K1m LINK function allows you to link up to eight tone patches — SINGLE or MULTI, INTERNAL or EXTERNAL — from the 192 available and then step through the series simply by pressing the LINK switches. This function saves valuable time during a live perform: ance. (See p.40) Note: The upper right corner of the LCD screen keeps t tack of the position in the series. For example, LINK:8-7 indicates that the synthesizer is cur rently using the seventh tone patch of an eight member series 4. Look over the construction of SINGLE or MULTI patch: The K1/K1m contains 2 total of 96 built-in tone patches — sets of complex wavelorm/parameter combinations Two-thirds (64) of these are SINGLE patches. Each SINGLE patch is divided into four (or two) SOURCEs. Each SOURCE consists of a waveform chosen from the 256 basic waveforms available plus pitch. volume, and various other parameters for modiying st The remaining 32 tone patches are MULTI patches. Each MULTI patch is divided into eight SECTIONs. Each SECTION consists of a SINGLE patch plus various parameters that tie sound generation to key velocity and keyboard range In other words, the synthesizer merges four waveforms to produce a SINGLE patch and then merges eight SINGLE patches to form a MULTI patch. Certain built-n tone patches illustrate some of the ways in which you can exploit this capability, (1), Splitting the keyboard One application would be to split the entire keyboard into various zones, assigning a different SINGLE patch to each zone: BASS to the lower third, PIANO to the middle, and STRINGS to the upper third, for example The only limit is on the number of zones (max 8) The K1/K1m otherwise gives you complete freedom to divide the keyboard as you wish TOA AT ANTAL AT (2) Linking sound to velocity Another way to divide SINGLE patches would be to make the SINGLE patch dependent on the key velocity. the force with which you strike the key STRINGS for light strokes and BRASS for heavier strokes. for example UV ATTA AML’ STaNGS = Guys eras aw sone Example: " (3) Layering sounds. Overlapping SINGLE patches wit slightly different tunings or with complementary tones produces a richer, fuller sound Example IATL UTA AUT ATT THAT ee STRINGS re] = SINGce sacres wn sity erent tunings HI m — + sans (4) Using the K1/K 1m as eight MIDI sound sources It you assign 2 different MIDi receive channel 10 each SINGLE patch in the MULTI patch, the K1/K1m simultaneously performs as eight diferent MIDI sound sources. Since these can include the K1/K1m’s builtin percussion sounds, a sequencer or other external controller can use a single K1/K1Im for everything from rhythm to harmony Example wor canna 1 STANGS c I oes 3 BASS swotcnane! RUM SECTION (5) Playing one tone patch on the K1 keyboard while a MIDI sequencer plays another Pye soy — Wit i WH mii (6) Combinations of the above The K1/K1m gives you complete freedom to combine SINGLE patches any way you wish, Example: HU AVANT A (- fe jo ted 12 Il. K1/K1m Sound Sources 1, VM Tone Generator The K1/K1m allows you to combine up to four different SOURCEs, each with its own frequency, wavetorm, and envelope ‘The K1/K1m also supports AM (Ring modulation), allowing you to use the output from one SOURCE to modulate the ‘output from another. (SINGLE PATCH) lock Diagram Rea __wave coanse __| sources» SARS | ji CO a ; coarse: |__|! source2 | COATS ‘COMMON PoLy MDE trons. | — | auTo Beno sounce 3 ounce 4 oe 2. Digital Sound vs. Natural Sounds HH you listen carefully to 8 singer or a musical instrument, you will notice that each note exhibits at least three distinct phases. (1) a rapid rise in volume (ATTACK), (2) a relatively long constant phase (SUSTAIN), and (3) a gradual fading out (DECAY), You will also notice that blowing harder into a horn, plucking a string harder, or shouting changes the tonal quality, making the result brighter or distorted The ATTACK phase 1s particularly difficult to duplicate because it has a complicated harmonic distribution that changes rapidly with me The K1/Kim therefore uses PCM recordings of actual instruments to provide the most faithful reproduction ‘A SINGLE patch on the K1/K1im consists of up to four SOURCES drawn from the 52 PCM wavelorms and 204 VM waveforms available — a total of 256 — with a separate frequency and envelope for each. The result 1s @ combination that accurately reproduces the complex changes in tonal quality with time and velocity. 13 III. Editing Tone Patches 1. Basics (1) EDIT mode Besides its PLAY mode, the K1/K1m features an E0IT mode which allows you to modify SINGLE and MULTI patches. To enter this mode, use the normal procedure to select the tone patch and then press the _ EDIT_ ‘switch To return to the PLAY mode, simply press either the MULTI or SINGLE switch (2) Parameters and values In the EDIT mode, the display gives two types of information: the name of the current parameter and sts value SINGLE patches list these pairs in four parameter groups; MULTI patches divide among four windows Although the names differ, the basic procedure 1s the same. Select the group (SINGLE) or window (MULTI) with fone of the four switches marked with the letters A, B, C, and D. Note: The labels above these switches — COMMON, FREQ, WAVE, and ENV — give the group names for SINGLE patches, the ones below, the window names for MULTI patches. Once you have selected a particular group or window, further presses on the same switch cycle through the list of parameters for that group or window Pressing the STICK PREVIOUS switch cycles through the same ist, but the reverse direction, Example [rower a 4 oo sree | enewius oy cosmee | =a pote 2) me =) A ier amack | anon eee FREQ MOD. (21 via. Beno | on-om J to4 fxs mea | one uu value with the "-NO|/ YES — switches or the Alter you have selected a parncular parameter, change Joystick Moving the joystick to the left decreases the value and moving it to the right increases the value \ a YN = (3) Storing the new tone patch ‘When you eit a tone patch, you work with @ temporary copy that disappears when you ture off the power If you wish to save the tone patch for later use, you must store im the K1/K1m's internal memory or on a memory card using the WRITE function. (See p39.) (4) RECALL and COMPARE functions + RECALL This funchion returns you to the last SINGLE or MULTI patch that you edited so that you can continue editing It 's most useful when you have accidentally left the EDIT mode by pressing the wrong switch and or turning the power off before saving an edited version of 3 SINGLE patch. Note: This second use of the RECALL function 1s not available for MULTI patches This function actually remembers two tone patch numbers one for SINGLE and one for MULT! Pressing the switch selects the one matching the tone patch currently in use — in other words, the most recently edited SINGLE patch if the word SINGLE is on the first line of the display and the most recently edited MULT! patch otherwise To resume editing, press the EDIT swatch Lvovume = 100 + compare This function allows you to compare the temporary copy that you are working on with the original tone patch Pressing the COMPARE switch redisplays the original tone patch Note: You cannot edit while using the compare function 2. Editing a SINGLE Patch (1) Basic approach Each K1/K1m SINGLE patch uses either two or four SOURCES, Bacause it would take too much time to construct a tone patch completely trom scratch, the usual approach 1s to Select the closest tone patch and then edit it (2) Procedure ® Inthe PLAY mode, select the SINGLE patch set = that best approximates the desired round Tans “ykey Beets ® Press the EDT key @ Select he parameter tobe eited BO ao @ ow a oo (3) EDIT display The EDIT display provides four different types of information source + source 2 ‘source [source « * Edit parameter name This indicates the parameter being edited. Change with the letter switches (A. B, C or D)or the PREVIOUS switch. ca Parameter value Ths gives the current value for the parameter Change with the [SES] / =NO_! sentches or the joystick + sources These indicate from lft to right, the current statuses of SOURCES 1-4 —— Note: Use the SOURCE MUTE fnunters 1-4) sutches to [Sie J “Secs —"]_ "tran nan SOunbes oo PCM wavetorm + Cursor This underline tells which SOURCE is being edited, (4) Selecting a SOURCE to be edited Press the corresponding SOURCE SELECT (aumbers 5-8) switch. The cursor shifts to the appropriate symbol 81) 1821 3) 1S Soo WAVE Py-F £ Setict s2¢ 7 3. SINGLE Patch Parameters (1) EDIT switch ‘There are two parameters that you can edit before proceeding to the ones ‘grouped under the letter switches (A 8, C, and D} ED -1 volume Determines the volume for the SINGLE patch [Sian _vevee ane] Normally, this should be the maximum (100), but t may be necessary to [VOLUME = 100 adjust the balance between tone patches with this parameter. Note: The parameter “D_-1 LEVEL adjusts the relative balance between | ya. cama tne SOURCES used in the tone patch Salicces : Ebi -2 NAME {100 | Mesum ] esigns a 10-character name for the tone patch This name may mix any of the following 96 characters. Procedure @® Use the “AES / “NO” switches or the joystick to moaiy the [STA=T_Yovee Anh ‘current character LNAME apy [STAT Vavee Ann] NAME 20 ; |} 0123456789 | <= >?@ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST typos abcedefghijkImnoparstuywxyz IVWKYZ (2) Group A - COMMON ‘The parameters in this group affect all four SOURCES equally ~A_-1 souRcE Determines whether the tone patch uses all four SOURCEs oF only two COMMON e Choosing the former makes the K1/K'm an eight-voice polyphonic insu. _SQUACES 2/4: 4 J ment — that 1s, limited to sounding a maximum of eight notes at a time; the latter makes st siteen voice polyphonic. ; Note: Sources 3 and 4 are not available when this parameter is set to 2 Pi ince coraroores al Muting Sources 3 and 4 1s not the same as changing this parameter jm to 2 The unit remains eight-voice polyphonic i [Bi eomemes an tnu Sce 18 A -2 VIBRATO DEPTH Determines the amount by which the vibrato effect alters the pitch above ‘and below the note pitch ot ‘waRato Derr eysrne N= AUTO BEND TME Note B_-4 VIBRATO/AUTO BEND determines whether the indwidual SOURCEs use the vibrato effect. A -8 VIBRATO/AUTO BEND TIME determines the delay before the start of the vibrato effect, -3. VIBRATO SPEED Determines the vibrato rate t ' | L my : I 19 200 AA oe 444+ Samoot LOD. some 5 PRS VIBRATO “Links the amount of vibrato to aftertouch, the amount of pressure on the key. VIBRATO _—Bv- DEPTH 1 vatwe | Etect of meveasing ressune \! Note: This effect 's only available with keyboards that transmit aftertouch data [R26 WHEEL VIBRATO ASSIGN Determines whether the MODULATION wheel controls vibrato depth or speed. BRAT EEL [vane [ male uo B-7 AUTO BEND DEPTH Determines how the pitch alters as each key is struck ~ the AUTO BEND effect [Auto send ev-P] BVP} lester -r=i5 O88) rc ch Vue! inet | 1 4 nae 0 Noatce uro ano auro aeno| - eee | _ t 50 | Prch uses nomina ave Note: 8-4 VIBRATO/AUTO BEND determines whether the individual SOURCEs use this effect 20 [(A]-8 auto Beno TIME Datermines the time for the automatic bend funtion (A ]-7 above) and the delay betore the start of the vibrato effect ({_A._|-2 above) io av 100 | 4 —— Paros wwe "AUTO BEND! (K7-9_auTo BEND vEL DEP Uses" D |-7 VEL CURVE to link the depth of the AUTO BEND etfecttokey — RUTO SEND FY velocity VEL“DEPTH =45 50 | Dep serene wit veacty a [X)-10_AuTo BEND KS-TIME Uses | A_}-13 KS CURVE to link the AUTO BEND time to key position MTOM, Raeno TM Sroner "ABEND TIME Longe KS TIME-0- 50} Fone (A711 PRs FREQ Links key frequency (pitch) to aftertouch, the amount of pressure on the key. Note: This effect is only available with keyboards that transmit aftertouch data, such as the K1 'B_-5 PRS FREQ determines whether the individual SOURCEs use +50 | Puch increases wah pressure s effect. 0 | Nowe 50 | pacnaecosses wit reese A_.12 prc BEND Determines the PITCH BEND wheel range in semitones. caireT prTen BEND (wer tea 2 | Rang ot ove ctre i 22 13 KS CURVE COMMON Determines the shape of the keyboard scaling curve, a curve that other = [KS CURVE parameters use to make volume, note length, pitch. and other variables @ function of key position pe TUTTLE 30mm wd L/ s | , Ao-14 poty MODE Selects the voice assignment mode EoMiNON evr POLY 1 — Striking the key a second time cuts off the previous note. oan Wel ee ~ 7 Second sok cuts ff tt Sta) Secon et SOLO One nte ata ume POLY 2 — The first note continues to die out even after the key is struck a second time SOLO — The keyboard sounds only one note at a time. Note: if you hold down one key and strike another, the second note will replace the first, but the first note will reappear when you release the second key 23 (3) Group 8 — FREQUENCY ‘The parameters in this group determine the pitch “B41 coarse Determines the relative pitch of the SOURCE in semitones when 8 3 KEY TRACK is ON. Bo FIXED KEY Determines the pitch used when ~B-3 KEY TRACK 1s OFF Note: When ( B-1-3 KEY TRACK is ON. COARSE appears, when its OFF. FIXED KEY appears. “B-2 FINE Provides precise pitch adjustment 3. KEY TRACK ‘Swatches tacking function on and off When tracking Is ON. each key produces a note of a different pitch. When it is OFF. all keys produce the same note, the one selected by B _-1 FIXED KEY FREQUENCY COARSE ie Taw ectaves ge © ows rer "50 semone ghee 0 Nova en eauency pv P| y RACH fem io (OFF Manotone ten ((B-4 visrato/auto BEND Switches the vibrato and AUTO-BEND functions defined with parameters (A}-2 through A }-10 on and off tor the indwidual SOURCES. (B15 prs-rrea ‘Sitches the pressure-trequency link defined with parameter ["A]-11 on and off forthe individual SOURCES B16 KS-FREQ ‘Adjusts the pitch according to the keyboard scaling curve selected by 13. Example ATT TTT | KS-FREQ a0 Ks-FREO Migher > Lower =0~-50 25, (ON | Visio and AUTO BEND on rao and AUTO BEND ot FREG MOD PRS-FREG [REG woo Les-rrea_ (4) Group C — WAVE ‘The parameters in this group determine the waveform. €_-1 WAVE SELECT Determines the waveforms for the individual SOURCEs. (205-256) PCM waver Note: You may select any four trom the 52 PCM waveforms and 204 VM a waveforms available on the K1/K1m. (See the Wave List) -2/(E2-3_ AM (Ring Modulation) Uses one SOURCE to modulate the output from another. (Se illustration} v-F Ts type of modulation produces overloaded sounds that are dificult to s2 2 produce with harmonic synthesis alone =e Note: The size ofthe effect depends on the ENV LEVEL for the modulating TA on SouRGES od | SOURCE SOURCE | meses SOURCE? | 251 | SOUnCE 2 meas SOURCE oe sounct aw (OFF | oA oa SOURCES sound) | 3 | SOURCE amaduinessounce « | £23 | Sounce mates SOURCE | 52 wave x 6a) — ‘oeuising SOURCE Note: Even if the base SOURCE is muted, it will still sound if the envelope for the modulating SOURCE is large enough. 26 )-4 copy From Copies a block of data (FREQ, WAVE, or ENV) for @ SOURCE in the current tone patch to @ SOURCE in another tone patch, Note: This function is useful for mixing parameters from, for example, 9 PIANO tone patch and a STRINGS tone patch Erweiope lr Pano == DA Procedure: ® Use the number switches (5-8) to select the SOURCE number for the destination Song @ Use te “F-YES_ /=—NO™ switches or the joystick to setect the tone paich number for the SOURCE to be copied oo /e @® Press ine ~ swatch to change to the SOURCE display @ Use the WES / SOURCE to be copied NO_switches or the joystick to select the aay ® Press tne _C~ switch to change to the confirmation display © Press ine FES smc to proceed =e @® Press ine “=¥ES] switch to complete. oar Press the switch to cancel am 27 [cory iv FROM SINGLE: IA~8 cory Pye FROM SINGLE: 1A-8 SINGLE= cory FROM source [cory | paom cory LeRom exec? cory _fROM sume? i compceteo! (5) Group D — ENVELOPE The parameters in this group determine the envelope, the way the volume of a sound changes with time. For example, a note on a piano begins to fade immediately after you strike it, but one on an organ stays at the same volume until you release the key. The graph below defines the five phases of the envelope. DELAY Ppeceasetme! eysuoee TIME. ATTACK “TINE! Retesse TIME D_-1 tever Determines the overall envelope volume. Note: These settings affect the balance between individual SOURCES and the size of the amplitude modulation effect iy | 100 | stem eet ‘votume | j ene if D2 belay Determines the time that elapses before the keystroke begins producing a [ENVELOPE sound DELAY 28 (D]-3 attack Determines the twme that the sound takes to peak. ang atch ones) <_; Shor ane D)-4 vecay Determines the tune that the sound takes to fall from the peak to the SUSTAIN level (D)-5 sustain Determines, relative 1o the peak. the volume when the key is held down. 4 [D6 Revease Determines the time the sound takes to die out after the key is released, 29 ENVELOPE ATTAC = 100 | bong aac es [ENVELOPE DECAY, 0 Won erie ENVELOPE Py-P RELEASE = 100 Sourd dies mstanty ae Do? veLcunve Determines the curve that (0-8 VEL ENV LEVEL and (_O_}-11 VELENV TIME use to adjust the overall volume and length. respectively. of the envelope for velocity, the initial force on the key. Sealed very D_-8_VEL-ENV LEVEL Uses D _-7 VEL CURVE to adjust the overall volume of the envelope LEVEL MOD = veu Example: Velocity curve 1 volume enange 0 | oie Maumum overall wolume ‘Mawnan overall ware 9 PRS ENVLEVEL Tinks the overall volume to atertouch, the amount of pressure on hekey. [LEVEL WOOF W=F Note: This effect is only available with keyboards that transmit aftertoucn LERS __=s50 data, such as KT 7 {30 Manmmum ee 1 0 Notte 30 ((BJ-10_ks-env Lever Uses [_A_]-13 KS CURVE to link the overall volume to key position [cEVEC woo Fy Example: KS curve 1 UU AVANT ANN TAT AT aa ran av \ ‘anenum ova volume , xsenv ever] (D)-11_vet-env time Uses D.-7 VEL CURVE to ink the attack time to velocity Example: Velocity curve 1 zeal ad pA. ‘Tong envelope worsened /\ A 31 ((D)-12_ks-env TIME Uses” A_-13 KS CURVE to link the attack and decay time to key position, ans aren eneneeees Heeees FY) sone KS ENV TONE 7 -0--50] KS Env ToMe| f 2050) ore Set 32 0 Nottect 4. Editing MULT! Patches (1) Basic approach Each K1/K1m MULTI Patch consists of from one to eight SECTIONs, each consisting of a SINGLE patch with additional control information. Because it would take too much time to construct a tone patch completely trom ‘seratch, the usual approach is to select the closest MULTI patch and then edit it section Y + SINGLE paren name (2) Procedure © In the PLAY mode, select the MULTI patch that best approximates the desired sound @ Press the EDIT switch ® seve the parameter tobe edited wot) 7 ta=1___symewony | MiA-1 SYMPHONY] VOLUME 100 TRANS 21654-3815] — 24 or CBD or GE (3) Edit display The EDIT display provides five different types of information. Parameter name —_This indicates the parameter being edited Change with the letter switches (A. B, C, ot ) or the PREVIOUS switch * Parameter value This gives the parameter value for the SECTION indicated by the cursor. Change with the (YES) / “NO switches or the joystick * Sections These indicate the current status of the eight possible SECTIONs. A number (1-16) indicates the SECTION’s MIDI receive channel and SECTION’ polyphonic voices is 0. (numbers 1-8) to change SECTIONS. tells that the number of the Cursor This underline tells which SECTION is being edited Use the SOURCE SELECT switches * SINGLE patch name This gives the name of the SINGLE patch currently assigned to this SECTION. 33 5. MULTI Patch Parameters (1) CEDIT) switch There are two parameters that you can edit before proceeding 10 the ones grouped under the letter switches (A, 8, C. and D} EDIT!-1 VOLUME Determines the volume forthe MULTI patch Normally. this should be the maximum (100), but st may be necessary 10 adjust the balance between MULTI patches with this parameter Note: The parameter [_D_]-4 LEVEL adjusts the relative balance between the SECTIONs usedin the tone patch EDIT !-2 NAME ‘Assigns @ 10-character name for the tone patch. This name may mix any of the 96 characters. The procedure is the same as that for SINGLE patch. (See p.19.) (2) Group “A” — WINDOW 1 Ths group assigns the SINGLE patches to SECTIONs A™-1. SINGLE ASSIGN Determines the SINGLE patches for each SECTION. Note: The K1/K1m will not allow you to mix internal (1/i) and external (E/e) tone patches. You cannot use an internal SINGLE patch in an external MULTI patch or an external SINGLE patch in an internat MULTI patch, for example, The MULTI patch remembers only the tone patch number and not tone patch contents, Editing @ SINGLE patch will therefore auto: matically affect all MULTI patches using it as well Procedure: @ SelecsectoN = Cocoa sono @® Select the SINGLE patch to be assigned. SUNOE) EGvEs=/ | Group "B_] — WINDOW 2 The parameters in this group determine the keyboard zone for the SECTION. BJ-1 ZONELO Determines the lower limit (between C-2 and G8) for the SECTION 34 SYMPHONY VOLUME 100 NAME s SINGLE 254 38 Str Ens rant SINGLE 21654 381 Ore Laas} ZONE LO 21654 3815 Voce Ann * B]-2 ZONE HI Determines the upper limit between C-2 and G8) for the SECTION Note: The above wo parameters serve to divide the K1/KIm's effective keyboard range into zones Examples: Ks kevboard ee \ (ATT TT 4 4 1 ' ' ' . ' i dec ce cca os ce ~ Range of ZONE LO" ‘ange of FIXED KEY ~~ err 4 1 Sple ‘SECTION 1 ‘SECTION? 2 Ler | tonetg sean pon wt tone secrow zone wt! “SRST fen! TONE Secnion) ZONE soa 3 Split» Layer \ ‘SECTION? ZONE Hi SECON) py ZONE HI ZONE 10 * Sp toy sean? aor zone 10 S°=ON? Zone _8/.3 vetociry sw Determines how the SECTION reacts to changes in key velocity Il Il Il Il Il Il ll Il ll ill | sorr , neat ste race se | coup! Onin inte proces 8 35 (4) Group (E] — winpow 3 The parameters in this group determine the number of polyphonic voices. ‘and the MIDI channe! assignments, (Ee) Pow Determines the maximum number of polyphonic voices available for each SECTION. This can be a number, 0-8, or VR variable}. In the latter case, the K1/K1Im automaticaly reistobutes vorces that are not in se Note: The K1/K1Im assigns priority 10 the most recently struck keys. The VR setting introduces greater flexibility when the K1/K1m is driven by a sequencer, computer, or similar device Example: [Poly sa 38% Ste tas Consider the following four-part segment. Taken sepa rately, the SECTIONs seem to require 143+3+2=9 voices, fone more than the eight available A closer look, however, reveals that the maximum number of notes at 1002 ae ESE SECHON Swings GEES ‘any given time is only seven Since the second and third SECTIONS do not simul taneously require three voices each, they can share (Alternatively, since the maximum is wan the lint, all four SECTIONs can be made variable | Sections Gace F = SECTION Max. No of smutaneous wees 6 200 ‘i 3 3 2 _-2 MODE {K1 only) Determines whether the SECTION accepts Keyboard input, MIDI input, or both. This function allows the simultaneous use of the K1 as a local keyboard and as a remote voices under sequencer control Note: This function 1s available only on the K1 keyboard version. Example. " M01 out Sequencer oF TT essen SECTON 1 MODE=KYBO voce tir teabnrt 2 mips | A MIO Een gen avanie Wo eQuEnCt! O eaNant 3 RCVCH Assigns MIDI receive channels 10 SECTIONS so that a sequencer or other external device can use the K1/K1m as up 10 eight different MIDI sound Note: The channel numbers appear in the upper right comer of the display 36 Option 1 Option 2 1 ve vr ve ve va 2 va (5) Group (D> —winoow 4a The parameters his group affect SECTION pitch and level —Bo-1_ TRANSPOSE ‘Shits SECTION pitch up or down in increments of a semitone. Combining @ SECTION with normal pitch (value=0) with one transposed up 7 or 12 semitones, for example, creates a perfect fifth or octave, respectively (Do -2 tune ‘Shifts SECTION pitch up or down by small amounts. Combining SECTIONs with slightly different pitches adds depth tothe sound § 0 stander oieh 50. Sermon ower “D7-3 Levet Determines the relatwe volume for each SECTION TeWT Note: If the value 1s zer0, the SECTION’ portion of the upper right corner of [Stu Eas the display changes to a dash (-) vate ect D4 oureur Determines whether the SECTION output goes to the left channel, right -SUTFUT channel, of both, This function allows the routing of specific SECTIONs to a LSir reverberater or other eter 5 Tess Ene Note: 'f there 1s only one keyboard amplifier, connect it to the R/MONO jack The K1/K1Im will then mix both channels 10 produce a monaural output 37 IV. WRITE — Storing Edited Tone Patches 1. Definition ‘When you edit 2 tone patch, you work with a temporary copy that disappears when you turn off the power. If you ‘wish to save the tone patch for later use, you must store it in the K1/K1m’s internal memory or on @ OC-8 memory ‘card with the WRITE funetion Its also possible to copy 8 tone patch from one location to another and to copy all tone patches from the internal memory to a card (SAVE) or in the opposite direction (LOAD). (See p.41, 42.) Copying data from one location to another involves erasing al data that was formerly at the destination (One way to avoid accidentally erasing valuable data is to keep backup copies on cards. Note: 2. Procedure To store the tone patch that you are currently editing oO Disable the WRITE PROTECT function For_an internal tone patch, press the STEM switch four times and the =NO_} switch once. (See p.41.) SYSTEM) tourrmes + For_an external tone patch, press the SYSTEM} switch five times and the =NO_| switch once, (See p.41,) Press the "WRITE swntch WRITE Select the destination ac aa 6555 og &ee5 Press the [YES switch to display the SURE? prompt 7 YES Press the _4¥ES) switch to complete Yes Or press the 38 (system INT PROTECT=OFF CARD PROTECT-=ON CARD PROTECT: OFF [waite meas] TO Exec? s- — WRITE MIe— To SURE? =~ = COMPLETED! V. LINK Function 1. Definition The LINK function allows you to link up to eight tone patches — SINGLE or MULTI, INTERNAL or EXTERNAL — {rom the 192 available and then step through the series during a performance simply by pressing the LINK switches 2. Procedure @ Press the _WAITE} switch twice = ® setect atone patch cca Sa 6555 @ Press the “WRITE switch and go back to pone aT bub Step2 to select the next tone patch in the © Repeat steps @ and @) another seven Note: there are fewer than eight tone patches im the serie, press the TNO. switch ot step 2 to terminate 39 VI. SYSTEM — System and MIDI Parameters 1. SYSTEM Parameters Pressing the [SYSTEM switch activates the K1/K1m's SYSTEM] mode. [SYSTENTMTBT 1 Subsequent presses then cycie through the parameters, the values of which may be changed with the s¥ES_/ NO swatches or the joystick ‘SYSTEM J-2 TUNE ‘Adjusts the K1/K1m's master tuning 50 Semone hare [50 | Semtonetwe ‘SYSTEM ]-3 TRANSPOSE ‘Shifts the pitch of all notes up or down in increments of a semitone. psvstem TRANS POS "12" One octave rgher 212. | One octave tomer i CSYSTEM ]-4 int protect Controls the WRITE PROTECT function for the K1/K1m’s internal memory. It must be OFF for a LOAD operation SYSTEM -5 CARD PROTECT Controls the WRITE PROTECT funcion for the memory card CARD Note: You should normally keep the preceding two parameters ON to prevent accidental erasure of valuable data PROTECT: ON (SYSTEM 1-6 CARD FORMAT Prepares @ DC-8 memory card (option) for the first use with the K1/K1m Note: Proceed with caution This procedure erases any data that may be on. the card Procedure @ insert the card inthe slot. [ano FoRwat Exec? ® Press the “GYES™ switch to proceed to the SURE? prompt Yes! RAD FORMAT SURE? 40 @ Press the [EYES] switch to complete the operation. OES L = + eee he =H} cancel =D (SYSTEM™)}7 save ‘SYSTEM Copies all data from the internal memory to a card, Set 5 CARD PROTECT to OFF beforehand. Note: Proceed with caution. This procedure erases any data that may be on the card. Procedure: 0) lnsert the card inthe slot save “ EXEC? == = Press the (7YES”| switch to proceed from the EXEC? prompt othe SURE? prompt Yes save > @ Press the pond {YES swatch to complete the operation + YES_ 71 = comPLereo! or press the! NO switch to cancel “NO SYSTEM -8 LoaD canceveo: | Copies all data from a card to the internal memory, Set SYSTEM. 4 INT PROTECT to OFF betorehand Note: Proceed with caution This procedure erases any data that may be on the card Procedure: @ Insert the card in the stot, Press the _=YES_ ‘SURE? prompt 2 YES ‘switch to proceed from the EXEC? prompt to the Press the “YES _ switch to complete the operation ES Or press the _compcereor| “NO, swiich to cancel ~ NO — [eaneeeeor] a 2. MIDI Transmission Parameters Press the “SYSTEM swatch and then use tne VES. / swutches ‘or the joystick to change from SYS to TRS Subsequent presses of the SYSTEM. switch then cycle through the parameters, the value of which say be changed with the YES, / _-NO switches or the joystick CSYSTEML|TRS.2_TRS CH (K1 only) Determings the MID! channel (1-16) on which the K1 Keyboard transmits MOI data ‘SYSTEM TRS-3 PGM(K1 only) Determines whether the K1 transmits program change data SYSTEM TRS.4 PRS (K1 only) Determes whether the KT transmits pressure attertouch) data, SYSTEM_ITRS-5 BEND (K1 only) eterminés whether the K1 transmits PITCH BEND deta ‘SYSTEM_]TRS-6 MOD (K1 only) Determines whether the K1 transmits MODULATION data SYSTEM TRS-7 HOLD (K1 only) Determines whether the K1 transmits HOLD pedal data ‘SYSTEM TRS-8 DATA DUMP mits tone patch data from one K1/K1m to another — either one tone patch at a time or as one block consisting of 32 tone patches. Procedure D_ Connect he two uns as shown, On the receiving unt, set SYS 4 INT PROTECT to OFF and ACY. -11 EXC 10 ON beforehand Select the tone patch or block to send Example @ Press the SYSTEM switch and shift tothe DATA DUMP display @ Use the VES / NO" switches or the joystick to select PACH 0” BLOCK = NO Press the SYSTEM swatch to display the EXEC? prompt SYSTEM 42 ys [Systew aro PSveTEwmoT ow 10K | One eck wansmeed at 8 wor our wou /CARD PROTECT = OFF REV EXEL =O pau 1 eee emer 1A=8 MARCH BAND senteh to proceed to the SURE? prompt @® Press the Cees wer @® Press ine [YES switch to compete the dump ones compceteo! Or pres the! NO swatch to cancel _= eNO canceveo! | 3. MIDI Receive Parameters Press the “SYSTEM! switch and then use the "VES" / [NO] switches = -SYSTEMTMTDT for_the joystick to change from SYS to RCV. Subsequent presses of the ‘SYSTEM. switch then cycle through the parameters, the value of which ‘may be changed with the _-YES_/ -NO)} switches or the joystick MJ RCV-2 RCVCH ‘Determines the MIDI channel (1-16) on which the K1/K1m receives. weap Note: The SECTIONs in a MULTI patch receive on independent Acy cH 16 channels, (SYSTEM) Rev-3 OMNI ON/OFF Determines whether the K1/KYm monstors all MID! channels, for — Onn | ore (SYSTEM) rcv-4 pom Determines how the K1/K1m acts on program change data There are four possibilities (See accompanying chart.) oFF The synthesizer ignores all incoming program change commands, NORM A program change command between 0 and 63 changes (Normal) the synthesizer to @ SINGLE patch; one between 64 and 127, 10 a MULTI patch sect A program change command between 0 and 63 changes (Section) the SINGLE patch for the SECTION with the same MIDI : channel, one between 64 and 127, changes to a MULTI patch LINK A program change command changes the synthesizer to the next tone patch in the series, Note: For NORM and SECT. the synthesizer chooses the same bank (INT/EXT) as the patch currently on the display 43 NORM seer in Sai, SATA 0-31 Nomnngvecognies SA), SEAL, SUR, vit | Set SUA 22-69 Nathngrecognived | SI, | SEAN, | Sty Foam | Mem Ma 64-95 Nothing recognizes | MiB! | MEAT, MIA, 96—127 Nothing recognized , ME (SYSTEM ] RCV-5 PRS Determines whether the K1/K1m acts on pressure (aftertouch) data, SYSTEM] RCV-6 BEND Determines whether the K1/K1m acts on PITCH BEND data (SYSTEM_] RCV-7 MoD Determines whether the K1/K1m acts on MODULATION data. SYSTEM |RCV-8 VOL Determines whether the K1/K1m acts on VOLUME data (SYSTEM) Reve HoLo Determines whether the K1/K1m acts on HOLD pedal data (SYSTEM ] RCV-10 veL Determines whether the K1/K1m acts on VELOCITY data SYSTEM ]RCV-11. ExcL Determines whether the K1/K1m acts on SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE data Note: MIDI RCV INDICATOR Every time the K1/K1m receives MIDI data, the sign appears at the ‘upper left corner VII. Error Messages (1) PROTECTED The WRITE PROTECT parameter for the destination tinternal memory or card) is ON. Turn it OFF. (See p41} (2) NO CARD. The card is not correctly inserted Insert it femly (3) 1D ERROR The card 1s not ready for use with the K1/K1m Format st (See p41) 4a wot Rcv seno = on | wiot 7 cv Moo _:ore wot ACV vo. = on INT et SIA1 SEA. “Sis =Séb'8 SAT Seat “Sib'8 | ~Seb'8 Mat | MEA -Mio-8 | “Méb'e Nothing anemntes 5 1 v — Mor Rev nDicaroR wiNGte 1A. PROTECTED! No car tp enon: VIII. Appendices 1. SINGLE Patch Parameters K1 SINGLE PARAMETERS con | voLuMe [1300 [211 name | r0cnaraciers | Ty sources | 27a I j j | -mararo. | | arose | | | 2 ocr 350 7 Derma 11 PAS-FacQ 50 COMMON | 3 SPEED 0.100 8 TIME | | 12 PITCH BEND 0.12 a lasnare | tsawrsony | 9 vet-oeem | 230 Fis kscuwe. 1 i | ao jioxsmme | 250 14 POLY MODE PLI/L2/S0L0 |'5 pns-oePm | +50 | | i sSwmect | oeseo | ‘sw PARAMETER ee oes s FREQ Ty comnse | 426 | key TRACK-ON aco (REDKEN Ca~GB | KEYTRAGK-OFF | i 2 FINE | 380 | 8 3 KEY TRACK on/ott ! FREQMOD 4 vervar08b | on/ott i 5 PRS.FREQ on/off H gicteay | ea | Wave 1 WAVE SELECT | 1-256 wave AM 2 ams1s2 of/ 272-1 | e Bamsase | oh/9~4/4-3 copy 4 COPYFROM | 14.8-00.8 | st~sa ENVELOPE 1 Lever 0-100 2 OELAY 0.100 ' aartack | 0-100 ‘oecay | 0-100, i S SUSTAIN | 01100, i Lite § RELEASE 0-100 > vecuwe —} vacorrame |e Lever moo—evet-envusver | #80 9 PRS-ENVLEVEL | 50 10 KS“ENVLEVEL | 250 TIME MoD 1 vet-ewnine | 250 exs-ewtme | 350 KS CURVE 45 2. MULTI Patch Parameters K1 MULTI PARAMETERS 7 1 cor | vowne 1-100 ] 2.11 NAME 10 characters | sw PARAMETER sct sc2 | sca | sca | ses !'sce [scr | sco t— ++ — Vanoows 1? SNGLE sean) we i | trae t i Ta0ne10 eames 1 / r | wnoow? 2 Z0NE 2-08 3 vELSW | Awsortouo i 1 our vaowe ee winbowa 2 MODE Kt ons reo nwo ho | a Revon m6 i — ! |] 1 TRaNsPOse jaz 4 | wenoowa 2 TONE | 350 i ! i 3 LEVEL ‘0-100 | | ; | 4 output [raven | ci AUX Parameters K1 AUX PARAMETERS ow PARAMETER T VALUE ‘wnite 1 we Talc with pel ow 2 une ist tele wth panel se | 2 UNK 280 selec th pel 9 unk rs selec win panel srsrem + S¥STeW/mo: svs/as/nev ———— ors as nev | 2 svsrem TUNE | 250 [2 uonrecK | 118 2 moirorcd | 16 a tRansPose 212 a ron cove 2 own envet | 4 INT PROTECT ‘on/ott 4 PRS ‘on/off (K1 only) = 4 PGM. | OFF/NORM | | eect | 5 CAROPROTECT.wvett 8 BEND coho 5 PRS covet 6 ano sonar xtc 6 moo cwvelKiow 6 BEND | at 2 save exec 7 wow wate) 7 MOD onvett 8 Loavexec emoioata — atoovraton | @ VoL covet Sumrexec Bey ene | rove. | env cece. covet smox snk contnon Fran. 46 Date Mar 1988 Synthesizer e MODEL K1 MIDI Implementation Chart Version 1.0 Basic Default 116 16 Memorized Channel Changed ime 1-16 Defaut | — 13 Memorized Mode Messages | OMNI on/off MONO ignored Note o-127 Number eon Velocity \* 7 x After Key's x Touch hs : : Pitch Bender . . 1 | x . Modulation aIix : Volume Controt 6a; x : Hota 1 Change | 100,101 | *0.1) ‘on RPC 6|- . Data entry | | Prog . Change: True # oo oe SystemExclusive ls, Song Pos | x x System | System, SongSet | x x ‘ Tune x System: Clock x RestTime Commands | x Local ON/OFF | Aux All Notes OFF | 0 (123) 01n23~127) Messages : Active Sense 0 ° Reset x x Notes * Can be set to 0 or x Memorzed even after turning off the power | RPC HO=Pitch Bender sensitwity #F1=Master fine tuning Values are given by Data entry Mode 1 OMNION, POLY Mode 2. OMNION, MONO - : OY Mode 3. OMNIOFF, POLY Mode 4: OMNI OFF, MONO ON a7 ey Date: Mar. 1986 MODEL K1m MIDI Implementation Chart Version: 1.0 T T i I Function Transmistted | Recognized Remarks | Basic Default 116 Memorized Channel Changed 1-16 Default = 113 Memorized Mode Messages OMNI onatt MONO ignored Altered i? } | — — 7 ~ a — 7 Note x 0-127 | Number: Truevoice vv | on2 i Velocity Note ON x [+ NowOrF | x x i | — ——- | After Key's x x | Touch chs ix ‘ Pitch Bender x - — — | | Tix : Modulation | 7x : | Volume \ Control 64 x : Hold 1 | Change | 100,101 *(0.1) +0.) Pc ee : Data entry Prog . : Change roe 0-95 96—127 - 65—95 SystemExclusive : : : SongPos x x | System Song Sel x x Tune x x | System + Clock x —— sede es Commends| =x Local ON/OFF x - | aux AllNotes OFF x | Messages Active Sense ° | Reset x | | ee = i | Notes * Can be set to © or * Memorized even after turning off the power | APC HO-Pich Bender sensitwity #11-Master fine tuning | Values ace given by Data entry Mode 1 OMNION. POLY Mode 2. OMNION, MONO. - Mode 3 OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 4 OMNI OFF, MONO 48 xo z< 3. Specifications K1/Kim Puch range ca-ce Number of keys 51 (K1 ont) Voces 16 max (32 SOURCES) Tone patches 96 internal (64 SINGLE, 32 MULT 96 external (64 SINGLE, 32 MULTI per DC-8 card laveiable separately) SINGLE EDIT for) VOLUME, NAME [jcommon . sounce 24 (StenctyalsoURcEs) VIBRATO DEPTHSPEED'SHAPE:PAS--OEPTH, WHEEL ASSIGN, AUTO BEND DEPTH: TIME-VEL-=DEPTHKS TIME, PRS~FREQ, PITCH BEND, KS CURVE, POLY MODE REQ ‘COARSE (FIXED KEY), FINE, KEY TRACK. (Fer each SOURCE) _VIBRATO/AUTO BEND on off, PRS-FREQ on off, KS~FREO on off ([ewave WAVE SELECT, AM S1.$2 AM $3.84, COPY FROM (or each SOURCE} |[oc ew LEVEL. DELAY. ATTACK, DECAY, SUSTAIN RELEASE, | reson SOURCE) _VEL CURVE, LEVEL MOD VELIPRSKS. TIME MOD VELKS uur €or [eon] ‘VOLUME. NAME The unctions in parentheses | A” WINDOW! SINGLE ASSIGN _a1@ available any onthe K1 =i woow2 —zoneLoM.veu sw [E" winoows - Poty. mone), Rev. cH [Fo wnoowe transpose Tune evel oureUr ware waite Nk 1sT~aTH System wel TUNE. TRANSPOSE, INT PROTECT, CARD PROTECT. The functions in paremineses ‘CARD FORMAT, SAVE, LOAD ate avaiable oniyon the} | TIRE) CCH. PGM, (PRS). (BEND) (MOD), HOLD) DATA UMP Trev CH. OMNI, PGM, PRS, BEND. MOD. VOL. HOLD. VEL. EXCLUSIVE } stick STICK CONTROL, Contois {ITCHBEND WHEEL) (MODULATION WHEELL STICK, VOLUME, PATCH SELECT Swntch The functions in parentheses WRITE Switch, SYSTEM Swatch, STICK Switch, POWER Swatch, DC IY, OUTPUT R/ MONGOL 4are avaiable only on the K1 PHONES JACK. CARD SLOT. MIDI IN-OUT-THRU rspiay 16 *2C0 back Dimensions (W* 0+ H) 1936 mm 36 8°)» 260 mm (10.39 = 80 mm 3.2") Kem 370 mmi14 6°) 201 mm (79°) = 58 mm(2 3") Weight KY 6Bkg(15 11s) KIm 1.349 (28 bs) Power consumption Kt tw Kim dw ‘Accessories KI AC adapter Owner's Manual Data format Audio cable Kim AC adapter Owner's Manual Data format_ MIDI cable Note: Appearance and specifications subject to change without prior notice 49

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