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Parent Contract- Bengal Belles California Trip

Belle name: ______________________________

Parent name: _____________________________

Total trip cost: $1286 (w/ airfare) $897 (land only)

***The hopeful fundraised cost of $500 will be included at strategic positions in the
payment schedule and may ONLY BE USED at these times at the discretion of the
directors. I understand that this money is not guaranteed (but the directors are doing
everything they can to help facilitate raising it) and I understand that I am responsible for
the cost of the trip.

***If I am chaperoning, I understand that the $500 fundraised money will NOT apply to
the cost of my trip.

I will adhere to the payment schedule, as follows for Belles as well as chaperones:

Deposit: $100 Due 10/28/2010

First installment: $250 Due 11/15/2010 (MONDAY!)

Second installment: $150 Due 12/10/2010

Third installment: $250 Due 12/12/2010 (no payment required- thank you poster!
Merry Christmas from the Belles )

Fourth Installment: $286 Due 1/10/2011

Fifth Installment: $250 Due 1/12/2011 (no payment required- thank you Santa’s

***I understand that I can use fundraised money from my personal account for any/all of
these payments.

I agree to pay the above amounts in full and the terms of the trip.

Parent signature: _________________________________________

Belle signature: __________________________________________

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