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October 28, 2010

Videotaping for Alverno event

Désirée H. Pointer Mace Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Assistant Professor
Associate Dean My name is Desiree Pointer Mace-- you may know me as the mama of Myles, in
School of Education room 16. I work in the Alverno’s School of Education, and we are preparing a
brief inspiring video to show at a conference and forum to be held on
November 10th (see I’ve been visiting
Alverno College
Corona Hall 112 various schools around Milwaukee, asking students what it means to learn, how
34000 S. 43rd St. they know that school supports them, what a good teacher does, among other
P.O. Box 343922 questions. It occurred to me that it might be really engaging to include the
Milwaukee, WI 53234-3922 voices of very young students, including Myles and his Alverno Early Learning
PHONE Center friends. Your child would not be interviewed individually, nor would he
414-382-6345 or she be identified by name. I’m more thinking that the young ones would
FAX provide a counterpoint to the more serious points being made by older students
(like “We need leaders who see us not just as students, but as achievers!”), with
EMAIL statements like “I love my teacher!”) I hope to record next week. I know that
your child may have an existing media release, but if you would please sign and
return this form to your child’s teacher, that will let me know whose permission
has been granted for this project.

Desiree H. Pointer Mace, Ph.D.


____  I  agree  that  my  child,  ____________________,    may  be  

videotaped  for  the  Alverno  College  School  of  Educa<on  video  for  
the  Conference  and  Forum  on  Transforming  Educa<on.


Print name__________________________________

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