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A new ending to The Name of this Book is Secret. As Gloria was untangling herself from the ropes that tied her to the chair she yelled.’ Stop them. They’ve still got the notebook! Soon afterward all the spa members came running out to the car path and were yelling,” Get them and close the gates!’ They were also yelling, ‘Throw them in the fire’. Max- Ernest and Cass ran toward the spa gates, but there was one problem. They were closed, Next thing they knew, a limousine was running them down very quickly. They tried to jump the gate, but the limousine crashed through it. They kept running as fast as they could through the woods. Then Cass jumped as high as she could up in a tree while Max-Emest kept on running very quickly. The limousine kept chasing him. It was bearing down on him very quickly. The driver didn’t see a tree and he drove right into it. It was a bone crushing hit. This made the car topple about 90times over and hit Max- Emest right upside the head. Cass dialed 911 on her cell phone as fast as she could. Soon the ambulance arrived. Sadly the driver and Max-Ernest did not make it out alive. Fortunately Cass did make it out alive. And this is what I thought would happened at the end of the book.

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