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ch' ·a·l·k··· e 'd' fltlons

. ._,:, _~ ,'" ' '~~_,



Sell~:M:tion~ rirom 'tnli~ \\\!Ork pr,~,V;ious~y app~Br,~,d ~n BI'l!Jckbt;J:x., ~pJd~ttn1$;, Oth~r CIDtl€1'and Un'l1i~"Y Sioo~fS

:~x!' (e; ,2007, 2,(J'H)' ~mDn fmz~r de$ign (G) ,2010 !iI'!~mofl' fWJz€1'

CD1i~,' (G) ,2(111 0iuJrJtfJl-peJrJrfj J["~ntm~n & vemu,{I! fra,Z~f

ohailt<. ~ditiOn$ 20110




gripping t!l,loy~nQY

,as o~rved ,as ~I~

Pr'~np~ ~ltr.a,cts no~!tt~gia



~n tilm~":s ffiai'Vlie-w fIfIililitlF


I, ,


grilP' ~rnion


~unoilS rUfU"ilingl Su~i nQ$lnill~

lrrif.ldalr :8ha:trer'~ h€, ~q~a~ioiils lma~t'ering :s:u-ay globs,

Ir~ '~or~lrigM ,ab~ndi:Jjnoo

rif.I ,pastigaUo,m :~~u,*1ed t'D' amy p:nedUlemiJ~' SOnic €ml:}argo


,A, ,eo:r,oUary' '1m mpet Ir1e-1 sounds its ancillariesl


hiidlden along the' ba,ckdlrOIP' ,of' iihi, dual 11"e1i1naiilll,s no 'onl@'

- -- - - - - - -~ -- -

remnant at tlhe StiJlme gllyph

~mpartingl a '~,oroUigh~re ~iilligifrili:Jj, ttJos:~age ,as, lhe ~mple ,plaiili's, ,a!beyamoo_ Scary ,as ~he greaS€paliiilj~ :~a,QniI\lGe Si~rte~ the~r ~rg I) ifriIil~~ive~ sililarilmg 'the' :~Uglm_a'j ~~,aliy apart from ~heilr ffii'I.I\mer:~h~p_ Pr,opri~ti~s, vlifilillailly :~ulb9um ~he o'illarUng metaphor oW lh~ omnliVCir'~ rehad settl~ng ~u~llnepos:it(iry \i'.a,Qllum~ rif.lmong :s:Uic:ki,*,m :geOm$try lbu~t(in$ ~mp~11~ 1.0 fr,agment A I~r

Oil the, IQw'*J ~F(Jn~ will


, I I ,

I I ,


ImOUO$ a SlJirly sorgh1lJim.j h~y,*,ned rif.lS, a br,~aklfasit rap'tu1ne' rif.llo.m9 stridk~n lliIigllil'i"'ta,ys,,

A moral mifiO€, wlill ah.l'iay,~ Sjpealk

~ts, ifriIouth" Amongl th~' '~artalnedll~na,ys the' blJirly players, ,pa[p~llre 'the' ,ohlF(Jnic SilJibrei1'uge':: a oe~a~~ sttart

lneplrif.l~d dUlning ~he ImeJ<.1 mom;€nl

.as, a prize, 'of oonUnllJii~~l

RunofiW rel€gniilITiS

rout the inCUli'll1beiflj~ idliiflJ~'J£\i qjuiokeniifl,g their spr'eadl

A 'oonjunolion rejoilnder' ~oIr,O\\'$ '~,$ wigw,am tharmnl ~o G~lfr'ifflC,y

where the 'rorgIP!ren reneg,ades of roifl,al r,aplure

minimal filtration habits


us e any sord id word as a co ro n 3 ry fi xtu re awa ting passage durimlg the coming to it

'~,~ '~ndon8. 'of ~ :$o.Ir,d

GilJ]t\i'·8ItUffi 'lTeslru~fi .8spll"L8U or,~lhi]ng withoil,iJ~ r'~98jr,d fo:r angl~ OF' bent iiflj~ntioifll


along a, bra,ckiel

cree····· .. ·p

. .

. . . . I


. ," " .. "

Thel I,halel

01 a, lda,maae'd

'oaling 4:.


SlBle' J3S

the Ol~6U1 of willl~d Im;€mOFi~~, they ~~I"e

thelr Ik-eepsall;:e va~jje

me-J'~' ,oo:ru,Indll,lmi;l $!pl"eiitd

th~' lbl~adrMh of' 'Mh ~ 10 ng ho rn stJrn,ta.

~nfIon9 :~hl~d~

of unoounhiilbt$ qeillilng5_

lh~ir IPeno'lllant f[)J' arid lon.gling lin~~ms, a ~~.!iiJry di~~nib$

no d$ff?.filder ~nJ foltoi;,~

OF' f!ii.'thom

~n their llonging



the' ,palfti;€ffl S1pealf(s ~ [blue' pel(lt~

lin the' '. o~ its last. fo:rgivLrng,

~no:ther penQh~nllBLA B'T'S ~--..

or t:h~ f~iliure

of venerab1e lrecip,roci~y ~8, ,alPpliied

to suppilenn~J'lI~ 8!talure. line' venue oJ l,~gend5

-- -- --- - -- -- • -- -- -- --- -- ~--' - j""'-----

pare alnl rsomemc lGl!1ITiI

h~nd[ling it~ Ibre~d ~$

a ory 00,

~gen~J~1 [bealliing. lrno lrepll¥ but h~~ ride'


:$tolenl fr'OJTiI the Ii.mdlialedl oorfiare [pla1rnge-J'ilm

ilfil$~]llllin(g ~tlJeilr olo8!ted ~i.m~, the' '~ilor ,a, lMuz,alk shjjfm;~ ilQ·Ih,O,fiIk bJdl, iSQ[a,b~c

de,~ra,yii nlg

a, I,e,ap' '0''1'' a,:x,ionil ~ii,S,SUlre"s

i!;iifriliD the s~rlifJY ~pill_ary n1Ji:i;in;e.e, $Ge:fiI~


j.,.-.-- -- -- -- -- - - -,__ - - '--.-.--'1 - -- --

!I;.;:;IKonOIIT1lY s palllJl~ '!:;iry;

hiidlde'lfl a,llo,n,g its. f'e mla,ii ]fl,S ~ no ,Oflle' relmn,an't. of thle gll'y'ph ,at tlh,e S,8lme dlu,all b,aelk:dr,op

\ ,


J _"


~ wlillfu~ muslc u~l~funy sUing ~9:!!mn~~ It. ~s,

IEn~mor'~ as a sflrnv viqrnl~

penll Oitilfilgl ~l ~rne gra~, no' lesson or [~iillilrngl the., :$alrno1Jion innplie-s., lRiidlilfilgl 'the.' 'now 'of li~, ~leaJlth clltant qUihjki~;fiI~ '~,~ ob~ong

:~i) trn8i~ 'U1~ ~1i~~IU1ier ,a1rfl;Oiil,g 'U1~;rfll heed ~ hliglhe.r standiard· ~Z8i~O,fiI 'of lF€tfileO~O,fiI

$hCH''ittene,o th,e' di,~triIQe to ~, b~tb~r 'fl,x~,'iltion

leadi'm9 to da IlInlti'mg li'm~

___ '~' I pof:.allic-i lrulm alomg$iide fliwe

in[e:rlffl;€d~~ries bl:oaling ln $amsktil motels,; nG secret, Ipa¥~c

dalf' SensOfi,S

~so[~~ingl subgUifriI Ir€S0 Ji,trpe.s,

fmml ~rne SOume of'irt$ linJ$UllaiF' Im_~~niK.

tingling past a carousel

a IrlU,lgtal-ory salorni~too jiuxhapo$€S, dlimaDtic fUsion mUl deJtoi,d tamOI$jJ, ils ~Fl[,iiculent fr'l$jnz,y bena]borilfilgl the, '~nor 'of an[iquar~d afilimosAty. lhe' :~adftasit Cnalm(lr r'l$jfut,~~, lhe si.zifilg po$~ure of gallan~ry, n;o' milrr,Of lp, wli~hhokl a re~;~clionl wor:~~ runJ:i;inl anlimus 'rrenzy p~la~~ :~oonlng m,ii~r ~he lal'€st rigl on oohallf of' ~he j1ury, The p!en_ary Miangulal'€' 'rortilodl~ a :~ailn!My mlx g~pi~ at h~ ~ping ifiix~li[)_fiI" No odor; p~~s.e, out the' hail" carl I amlnaitiI;iflS. :gIFtanj~lng lhe iNOF~rt a n,$W \!i~JlIee:r. Simullban:eo~s Itugm~,aJIs. ap'' se~ilng 'fTeniZJie~ ,alm(ln,g lhe ~,XJts, of oead mooar,ohs,; \~heffi!iii~J lhe bil,iiUerfly ;MIngs '~,~fiI'L IRam pant truisms r.alfilt ~.tit~_miSell\ii~, ,as, glo:nies to, Ibehold ,allong the' semilnall ca!~w~lk gmtifilg, wh~-re' Iber,atilfilg faotoios ~~~~ 'fOr PGlli~,~;,se. A simillaF' grandeur h;Okfs amom} 'the' '~rnoplex reSO_fiIators :~hampoohng dead l'€n,dlnii:~ from lhe '~ront. [awnl, w~epingl as '~,e:Y tN~ atongl '~,~ oanlfilg necli<i:a,¢e' ·tn,age. IRaH.lilrllg lamp<)ons bang '~Jh,~ ilnn!i,ii~do, on:e' :glral~r poet inchl. Iinoondiary Ulfilh~ aolliva~ ~a!tlice gone from ~he ttJangilng p-Qdl g8J~~ingl ond :~rie$ unm ~hey fto1d ,o:bsolel~, ~Ia.ylin 9 ,palmS, 't,o ,dena,tulre' 'th:e, t~m;p'" Filite:red arcohdl giml;e1's lhe a!~:oion_ado. Tr,ansrer s'taltu;s, rem.ains ~lnttJelo_ Meanwhire',; ~he warriors variation 'the' lnoulinJ~liO:fi1 'of ,adjiulfilols, who oh(lre rippl~ '~ ~heilF :~ulll~;fi1 oeliiqjues.oenoe" a r,adr,pail aojUired" The ~~enlng pe~i)~~$ a m O_rlI 91 veering Irfl;on,aIFdIlls., IbILrlId-s.i:Gedl 'O_rlI aU Wr'OOb~L Wh~_reveF' 8J 'Ul~y meels, ~he w-e' an ht re~ves fail~. For 'e~ry lornl there ~s, 8J se~$on l-o, O~ adlfTi;Onisillled ~Of rern~pe~ive 'dliver:~ionl or' phJlate:liO removal among 'the' IFadalF l;ern-Offi" Some' love l'O, IllIep~r' ~llIe pnfilcipal ,pombBi15, d~ad ,a;,s, t:l~he§, iln t:l ,pl)ffee' urn ei1ua~ tn 'the' same, ifiilblio_fiI" INo omnitJu~ 'Oalfil voioo t:Jh,~ rntlle oW lF€as.O:fi1 l.i'Virner,~ lhe dogs, p<)~lnd eUUl.alfila~ia ,pootin,,*_fiIls, OJ me-~merize- ~'IlIe tF€e~ 'P_rlI '~,~ caFlpel w\llIer'~ IermilnaleS II inger., AtlfitJ,ures, '~njnaJi 1.0 ~llIeiF oo,alrtilrllg remain ob'fUs,oalo-F'/ a$ c~arily i~elf beckons, a ,day oW wr,~d(jn,g \~a!t.eF~mled amu~ets $coringl IPO$t-na~1 'dlniltt from ulfilsha,ven minooa1's" Th,~ ameys dalre' ~o s't,~!p, kin~,alrn,; IllIamme:ningl '~he mist linto :~hadlow lfTi;eat A1~ ~heilF iln~,~tTOg al~prs, ,alFlnive at a 'dliff~_F€nit occlusion" INo meat pmt:lifrila!t.i:on :~halll wi~hhold lits 'trentZY nor' deduot afilciUary gealFs 'firom '~n.tant se-~ds. [),emeafilor fa,oe.lift$ t:Jh,~ WU~Ure. A rilpenling str,a.'tagem praci<,s, ilnhl ooal b!i,irU.'OnJ~ oeo[aimilrllQ ilrll~~lr:genjt paMphernama sitil'Q'IlIe~ en a viclim'$ sho_Fe'" Bangjngl Po is, tJre~c re,g~sitFation mleFS ,a.long a h_allllcinating silllor'~ ~lJh,ose p~Bonliflcalion sits, mum ilfil lhe plenary" Y6UlF fa,d'o;tulml willi n,~r kn;ow t:Jh,~ linrerenoo_ Whiil~ :~tat~:€;,s, ,to lindiff~_Fen,p~ size ~'IlIeilF ,paring ~ro~~~, [itigat.iI;ifI pas;,ses 'oalribilne' mustard ,as bafilq~:et II ea'vlin,gs" Too oeremO_fiIhail '~ ,~udge, ~'IlIe f~tivlitie~ [proo[aim t:Jh,~Jr ab$~ce 1.0 vi,C~,aJI ~oo tired ·to ch,OI1.Is. Me19nwhille, 'the, oornl grows le9lionJ~ orll lits prepuce. Ilmpassbooed Iao,nOa!IlliOO$ gre~t ~'IlIe sunlnise \~ith $lingray 'I.~iningk lillie ~halches Ii<nJ)w no, Ibe-apr, ah~af~l$ lhe g,amboL R'€d lett~r' daze, 11lI8J~ n,~\!\er gone. A li~lin,g 'of s~uenoo b~dlg€rs relrCiSp€o1iives all '~uture ~nls wirt.hl a style, l-Oij,~arn eye- ,alfild OOfiltine:fiIt The r'~u~tilfilgl paroxysm graz,~ on '~,~ fattened! nee-dy, b~~tI~ng their peo~n~ary ilfilstFluo~ions ~o the 'furt:Jh,~Jlrfl;O$1 bamoade. A senJ$€' m fr,~dp_rfI1 nlngs. ulrlls.pooi~led 8Jlarm dlocll;:s. oe~igna,'tilrllg homes ,as emply tJ~tlFe$$e~. INo ma~tress ,plin,g t,o the' faoiprs, linf!i.ii01ved, 'Ul~ ~ols, dffi1il.lfi r,~if!i.ii~ IllIonori;ibile ifriIe:fi1 sh~lnnilng [llIem. Tim:e' lilnger:~ 'O\!\er a h:em wh,pse siil(illl Sa¥~ lfilolhilfilgl tJut a ttJarw ~nom lhe a~ dience ,~ril'€d ouh\'arO 'I'fom a kirep1y. a,gen,dt:l, 'wrilfilglilfilgl oopulm:eni~ m!\ry~y amongl the' srry '~rnternil~l' Am1IiJ~illlio~ tFealmenit~ (H,.Iin~mber lhe [pBiIlli~oe. [Jpni't Ie:~ your p[aoonita, ge~ you oow\rlI. ILaughlilrllgl ~,gedlianJ~ 'rarz,~ every IllIilch along ~llIe mn~' oO_rOer; Alien a$ pmar dr,l)ppilfilg~ ln $ealFdllI m $~Io,t,~fiuge, lhe aiifrilless, inoiviouation :~hll.!lfifiles P.Gi:a.rily O8J~ter:~ Iber'Or'~ rullIe '~lm~Ie-~~ 'tUIFlfil orock.~lJarn a!~ '~,e same sitoppage. W:anlin,g ,~iJils, tJeg;~ dl~parh,iF€'~s q;uesliO:fiI" Th~ oo;,st ~onse':: an '~a5y glalm(lUF' ~he OOr:~age~ n;ecldifile ambiv8Jlen,o~ whe:Fewr somnon,*_fiIt [paoli<a;ges arr,~t o:e~nliO:fi1 among ~he

Aimi~lice ~~almenib~l o~lrun]ulmbeF' the' palience_

Do:rn't llet your placern~a Iget you down.

[L~l!ig Hliingl '~n~~\gedli~iil:is faze, e,very hitclil ,i9,I:OiilQ ~he tense borde f.

,n I'I':;-n" ,c;e. n'lllcr- d iV'Iftin'l-n"g'::';:;' ·'-Ifl- ;<;':'0:;.".-;11-. ,..J ;£;r-lJI-lti""..t:. .g': .:;,

;I"'jJ ,,., """"', ~ _'1;01 '_ -' '4'1""~ , r<;P J I "",,",,,uJ'I.,o(111 UI ..,. l,n,GU n,1 ' i40'i

~rne .aimi:€sg, ifildiJvlid~a~km sh~ftl~ po1arity ~sl€r$ befOre '~he timeless '~UFn

clock,wa rd a,'tt the sa,me stop pagle-,

ani easy gl~mour ~rne oorsag~,rs, n~ckli'rne ambrrvalernce w~;erever smTilnole,rnt padkages a~t Getentton

a mo ng '~h e privacY' oit' the i r ru i n a:~i on ta Ily_

Forn~nln9 :~Iiglhts to, \,iiag:i;ioondl~ the package nJ:~aUy liglhts ~rne tear

iln the soci,al 'rEibriq~

8!~ la51 parla.y€d

iln~o 8i sle~pung Viend\OJ

q8ijjtioUl~ a~ a hammock :~~miffil'lenj~

o F.a,ving 'fOreign] h8ind~

A tetr,alhel~on mortgage [beats a sed nnilragre!1

,a ImllilliftifOlredi ,actl,e' I 'of dil!S:talillj~ citie!S,

tr,arnsffing a soliid stale ~nnpires8lrio ,as:peC1 fl.€,ttl i FIg lifOOt. i"'q U i ri,€,~,,_ SUlb~ulnctive, awnn9\rn F-evel [$ in 'iI!n e raw' d a,ta, p e,e,1 i ng allloirillgi ttl,e' VaCalrillt. ru Flw,acy"

lrno [lap darnce fliight :assu~ or measuredl.. I

:::::J o






The meill] iill] cun,oo~ '\iiSCi~, giF'eeill] a~ '~,eir '~lllal:e' ~~.ani pursue

iill] the '~ao!$ 'of ~nulred fabri~ b~riillg (J~lt ~rne ~onglhe~d ]urg~ to, lresume tn:eir prevliCi~iSlly

,I:._""-"dir. ,,'.J °!l!i"",'oo,o~, ;j;- -i •• ,.J', i!;IUi;iln, ."L;!nel,J 8!~IIT1IPIi. !L'!J ~M,ll,Jry

the I.o'st alr',c,h,~eol.o,gIY of" tnl'e !unpllUI,ggl'e,d bUIII€,t Ih'o,le:~



, .'


to r n a,i F' 10s$ reg istra nts

.'. '




,iiI,,"""'-~j •

.. IV _

.' ,,",.f~ iii

!Ii !Ii

. .- ",. '-' .," '.




a medular iil1s·iiste nice,

or fo:FC€~, of s:imi[.~r ~'konLfilg, IllfildiiVlid~,j,~mioilll b~d~ a mighly CarUl_.age be:lt" W-Onfil for ~ry gimij~r ~oillgiillg 'fOr s.all as its,



.XII[ --



" ,





'Where '~he rhii~!ome nrs . its new' gra~ui~ bh)ssoml.soMlly ag,a.ins~ the plillars twiiin ing] ~hei r ma~hematicalll frerlzy in plroitest olf n u mien c :$,peciimiicity and ~he dleviliis ~haJ~ Ie unt them




, ,

1~ls of speo:i~cily 9:¢¢Ount, far c::aLibmted tedium eve:F'lI~1 ~ 'kifS€' retll,tmil

(W'holres,on ,do'ggel"'e,1 ,elllipsi,s)1

Spleen ,cnumJi;l, its P81filCreH3.t.ic pr'PJfI;onitory

~ Ibed:evited lfilU8jiloo ideqeilt,~~


'% t'tM~%." ~~~, ~~~~~, ~~


catalep:tic neutlriino fOUlntainl'S

~n:d the un,denJ}l"Jingl ~nre8!~.$ of ~he SiJibjrunqw~ slowty embe~d

of' l;esser gara;ens pmlonge(j ~i amber ~~iilud~,


[l~rlktJ·u~-ss orilfilg;$ the liiglht

s, qUi It "ifor gray d s.ys: .allildl srnirliifig tulllibars

nlO t,elle,symmetry ,stockpill,ed Ihe,r,e

f-or- tlh'E! ne:x,t Off'Sp r-inlQI await ... i tllg s,lultry 'de'li lfiiiition~'s, lre'sdly tr-,anls,iiti,o n of ani a,(::'CllU isitiion


:\"' (0 f\ \ c;\.\ oP

e o ~8

d e5 \P (8

_ ((0($ p&\\)\8

('0\ 8p.8


\P CO ~ti $W$ g'illl i'llq ,efto, ,:tX91'1 '9 fI,:t' '91'01' 'lb,G9r"l 8:' n O,iiti 1'1 iits,b ''C1lt.l u a g,n ii n o,iiti a:i ILJ P:06, illl.6 ito n,a i,:t'i a,n,S"1lt




alOJiig the, plneal ga:~nHet.

awa'i~]ng ~ransit.

,a qlryptJiJc V,€,~,~}€,I lilliiilJliLJillredi

::$Ho:al,€,:;:;, tIMM~ fr,a'o€' of pho'b'ie liftiLJillmlOlif

or piilllla,re,d

~~ \'I:\~ ~~~

~f$\~" \1\ ~mt\

\Ut \,~~' ~t'1~\ 'm, \;j1~i!;,\~:iL ~Vt. 'Vr$:\~Wl '\Jii~\~ ;:'Ii~~,c~~~\\e;~, ~v..~~f\~ ~t~ ~}!,)t~, \~\), ~i!;}v.'Vi!j.

\\ - \0..11;, ,.~... -- - .J;A •.... Ji

'r~J;;\J.., U"""" ~tg~'i1;JoJ.;IiI:;!L\,

,Ww (#6 £~~f ~lt1l.G?'"'b wfl:/Yl'

F~r ~ . ~ lr.'~~- -- -- - ·l~

e{(r#M~t}iJ,(] p;o-aow fSPfPl'Q' f.$C{i;~!G1! ~6U$6~ {1!'6 ,fQU&~, I/O!' 1W:ff. ~~ (0 t)'1ft,J1fik 1'1) M~ulJ

I I ., I I .. ~ I

L .J

w\rner'~ m,a111ri ou [I,at:i o,n SU iils 9 ath e r IP ii I a ate liS ln plJir$!J,ilit. of' the Im(itJ·t~y traill O~..anlng

fruits 0'" I,oorrli'ng 'oHecf;cdti"on wh~re ako1iiOifil 'o,rnoe afifiliore(j

Ulrn $. iJ,il ita Me' mernkirs, tla."tullent

.... , ....




WO~lnded eh~qMiqMy at lii.5, qo:riPo~1 €bb.

a oonttioa,1 wonder i8:~ the hi ndm O~i~ 9~nh~~aredl at lhe bor,der

or ~q~~lIiy p~rnduaredl l,IifI.cer

'ta,pi~um lffIJ~il,iinder:~~andiln9~

, e

" ,




" the flnbu~re~ I~re 'imirie~

b~:fore '~,~ pleared ~w,a,gg ~J' 9 oo~ bO~OXi or to hi gher en~v-ations" E~lim8!ted \'V,agon ~lhlippingl eqllip~es

~on ~Cre~~ mer'~ ilnheri~nCe ma~refJ'$ taltreF' theur' ~oreq8!~

I€g f?-rndi~ made .of !.acme' '0011- 'Qepl.8, :g r8!n ile ,a, \i1u~ner~lble :~ulrfa,~, ~vlh.~re

:~ufls diance a

homag~, '~ the '~'Oro~~ th.a.'~


a ~I1ICQ

tomer occlusions




" ,





~, .,

8!mongl tr,a,vemngl W8!i~lttffiiifl,d ifIlUgg ~ts ~tanliifl 9 a,gailn~lt j~r,~d ho~re~ryj im~d1imeiflj!~ lni~ing ,a,gailrn~~ ~he sun 8!nd its Io-rng ~nmitiga~d prolapse,


u psta~di'~g ovoi:d geam seated 'fruits facing hS_llh ,3,Ppellation or punitive retf1tads en a cak'ing 'fossil 'fo,r ani'lmated tbreads Ibreathi'~g :5 utcu le~t: diamrf:!ters in 'the, fs;ce of Ibleeding tangents. Litef,s_1 accJs_matio,~ lend.s, boots, lead tees ,to heel b: - ,Oil' vendors k~ow~ to send!

- - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -y, - - - - - - -- - - -

battered 81dhcm" blankets downw'ind.. 'he ethef1tal chilli deflects tbe gallelrimg I~OU mena, tumi'~g PIfO,visia~8J to I~etlected, a rallell' U ~$uitable de~oueme~t: fOr lI,e, Jammi'~g traM'¢, m us:ic::ia~s looti'~g

binary 'thid;tets fOf' dread ,8,Ppe8-1 sti¢kl1ll to enSUIre tbe flKeption ,of perception as, ib Ilatemt radar ummlds the seeds of' de~m"mall ~xtures.

b6L¢6b~,ou 9:2 !P 19J6U~ L9q~L nU~lq ,j~6 a6&q2 01, q6~W&llIj'911 ~KJnLI,&2' LA ,j~!!t~~ tOL, qL6lq '9 bb&9-1 anC~1112 iO 6uem I.G i~& *6bJI,oU '01 fI1U2h1i1P-_-16' q $UOfl1IW$U':I'OL,rllll& 19w1W lu6 ,'L'911_IIIC wn21CIIU2 IIonrllu6 p'IUI"

iii • _ t fl.... iii Iii _ It: Ii Iii ·'111 Iii

,Iu6 Irqlll&U 1lI6 UO,fI1W6USI m w IUOI bI.O/d~IOU91 ,Ie u66116C_lCir11 1 LSlIII&1.

_..... ..... III [Ii ill ill _ _~¥"".F'

psnSlSq InJ~O~~ p'19-IlI~SJ2' qOJUJM!uq" 1~6' 1&i~1L&9-1 cp,ml q6H6cp 1IIIlIq2 IPOOIS II&9q ,ieG2 iO [~"I p~~' 01. ,A$uqou' ~UOMU "0, :2suq !11lI i~& ,peG' '01 PI6&:Q!IIlID 19uOI." 1r.~1L9I'9tCI9lWSI,OU 9U,!W9~q ,i~mq~ pml),!uol 2ncoflll6u~ q!~W~U 'OL, bnu!RIA& LI&;L&9'q2' Gill 9 't9~IUO ~2~111 ~L :2S9J"" I li.h lua ,I'9''ltIIllD 119La~11 9bb;119~IOUI

_¥-.., II [Ii. Ii ill ~ r .[Ii

nb!puqllUOI ~,~!q 66112


[B, Millr,g~t [abro,ga~ion tlumed sarOonl mix:

a ~lltalFp.edged prolfo~i:on eirtn;er w,a,y YOil,iI'lre ~Ucedl.. A :gllJimbo ma.s.col :~elks hams~r tu'~laJgle, s]ow a~ ~ OlJinfililfilgl oy~ter on deCk til,ilminlgl ioVe~st ag,~inst. ,a, better '~annun9 s.~IIQon'i ~oon to be :iii fifI~lrnor lfltofi..ion :~ic.Mon posed ,as ~ poem made of' mam;enlary ~q]uen,oe-s


the shade


a glho~iliik!~ ,amber' mi~t


aJ ~auIJ~line mix,

s,a[1 u br'i 0. u s as sts Ie ,aHe r .. s;[rata, pll as;[[91r-ed b ~[I [I boa r[o s a moo g the co 0 .. , c:rete seate 0 i 0 th9 laue r p[lvi I ions w h e r[9 i o'wotaii n msnt 1a les era oln[9d th e ha If .. baths of batte red ce leb rity ii s s u es, 'ramous as th e sta I te rs wh 0 wa I k [centu ~i en am 0 n 9 the' pre daten;"" E[I asfic eh eteaus re press th e ,SOIU n der ~ fIlm ~ts, no ,aclQ u ies[cence imp ress ive en 0. U QI h tto tu rn p[1 as .. , t~c i n'to cas h :1' [P 05,1 m od&;[rn ,a[1 ch e m'~[ [b edalz;~ed or n ott a mong the SIU it .. , ad fOlotag[e. NJol bou n da rii as pa s s tth e [e[1 is ~o 0 'witJholut a thoug htfu [I s I i[p of hee I and s I iid e Oim- h 8 n d ,ag,ai rst t h a bra kiing [p ave m ent. [ilts ml8 9 ii C: c[onj ures 5,U n .. d r~ a PIP e[11 lui ons, ra ~s,i 0 5, to a pu I[[p eo n j oii ned. Ra kj n gl th a pOll Is fo r tu rnout br~e-eds, a 9 andere 0 vasecte m Y [P ra m lses a Ii g Oi, ati on ti It a nd a '~"&;ng e ance' ham m 0 e[k to e:v'er~yo n e IllJ 0 sleated. F u [~O[F raises iits [r~ghtt arm to he~11 a taxi. Sha[le breeds the sentiment of his .. 'lCUJ;11 fu e I ii[n 9 fossi Is '~iO fa lse cone 111u.s iio n :S'''' A,ny pa I'e !QC)C ~1[lS iio n faces th e mii r~Olr of ~ts resii sta 0 ce, A.utonolm ~c s,u n s'c[r'&;e 0 plant ries hose past mii [lien 0 ii a ~ ,slhottgllllJ 0 ri 0 g,s, sla m p[i 0 g ~Ir[eci pii e nt ,0 U9" rna r[~s[r,s w'~tth s hy repests. H2n~inQI the [pro.mi,se of a bri[ght ,suturel nOI young man weu[ld C:U tt his t iies to the Wi n dso r kin ott 'wiith 0 ut a parae h ute 'wi Illow,. S i mlii I ar e ntreat~e,s fa ~[I on iO e a f h 0. rS[9S. 'The ii nJlIllJ rii as me u nt eo 100 se sa dd les, 'Wh ~[I e j u r,' den n itji 0. n S tether th e pa nOlr; m ii C: ii nfll ux of u nsug Qlestji b les d ~[r,ected ttowa rd ~n 0 ueno 0 ~ th ey' hurry' 10 w'esther ~;nett,eo ro ~oIQY th rests '~~om e[limate gangs banging tthe pr~[m,a,t,e stew'", Pi, s[lew of '~,he~r fo 11[1 0111-' e rs a lso k"n S'W abo. ut the ig yrat ~o 0 ta ki n QI head way tantJru ms i 0 th e mii x. The «:[r[e'w a ch e 0 f~o[m [p. ithy accol ad es ,and w,atta[g e [r[9U[9Intji 0 0 ,. M e,anw'h i 1[9 ~ s,o.cii a ~ b[riq ueUes ig ath9lr[ed at the pii n9S fa r a [I ast wa,ste of tasty fo ofta,ge' biro ugh ton by th e ca,s sOlc:k, ig 0 U g[er:s sq u a ri n 9 off 89 a iinst the fli rst r!QI[J n dad surtace to a PIP ea ~ eii rei a .. s h a pad Of' more

oorrug8!~ln9 :$paC€!: :i;I$ e.nlry;

liilllQ I,ab~,,-',al tr:aliillllsc1riiIIPt. can 1~IQllldi elmllbilt:b~lif€:di fru it


, ,

" ,


OF' the '~nsom ,appliC8nts iSuqJeol t,o th~' wheelll

one must rnre the F'OOm one :~~ek5

$.ens~iion aill~, oiod~grad~ole 'oondlulil nJU:siks to nnalt,~ un 5enninal p~jjnfle giF,~eiiiil(gs\i atJ"u;:ieiilr~ Fitu~ll~ reek

unfillniiion ,alt dil,l~k Consume~ nn~eiiiil(g

a par-ad~ of w'ir-~I~$$ eli $1I!e;rrll!i on absmtuffil polytoiil,all (:IU5re~ ~go\JeFniiil,g

a hbgheF' OOiilNietgenc.e


;fL, u.t.i~ .. D~iJ.. .... ~ ,IIJ(;' .W.N·~f~:,UJllii)t




- - - - -

I ~""~""'A~:""'" , .. ""

.. , :, :.', : .. _" _'," ~.:. - -, ::. _:. _. "

~lp ffJe iiife' ~'

~m1Iath,ire' ~alaiili~ iiil~o1iive l\ab:lel$ pmfilO~fi1 lreli'Q$p~ti~' ~dverbs before' '~,~ n~aF,~t nolJin~ ooiil,JoLfiI'i re~ist,~, 10 oit.p,fiI~1 :~olJiroo~ ~~I[~b~€' ~o lfil~i~iil,P~ fa,ct'OJS ~n $.n,pm oon~iilit$ ~~h~re 'rear FUnS ~rne n,aJ[IJdli~p~~ F,aJ[f1,parl~ api'Q~~, the paSit '~oi"rune's gray d~h,iige

.. 27 .. ,

past 1th e pe ri [I of catwa Ik: 1t:ren'dis th,a1t: te,nd


pue'lrile iinSiste,nce'

a. t,1'8c;kilng ga.Rlut

th,ait 'end,,-

ste'lrile' ,as tal k.



,a!perliJ,ilr,es seeikJin,g ilnoerl'tatticm fiui,os,

Wfrler'~ qm~~I:)~1fS nettle' 'liJru~Jrr m~dilesom$ ~~ni8!ru:[)JiIS '~ill '~,~ absen,o~ o~ ulfilsung '~i~SUlres,

panfilg 'the· ifilunrlalion o~ {~,r'08sbar flllffllion

,a9ailfilsl O\ii~Jse81~ ~mpOJ1~ sharingl

1Ji,,~ mill r,p:lJil\ili' '4:nQsen

'for lren,~o mvery n~nj~OJiliS

betray II t riddlled [oUgarchy iin [SI chorus [of pencil 'mbrics,

a [a1l1l1';l1 wn,eJ~· .~,~ sl\ilincitls 'ffor:gol 1Jh,~ I,ost. chords o~ r'~·Kamilfil8iru,[).fiI_


a [mediUlm munt al ted i um's [post e[ntlY


'fr'€;n ~~i c r€ialilill phCH-N~,tie d1iilatliilillb~

5!iltea,m i"'9 the h ea,rt of 'lith e fe rn-,fi lied m i silt_

and theili" f!)J'thlniglht. ch~d.aun 'of fFUlilIfilJillledgern

fJ'al~~ne!j b) ~'IlIeilr 8oo!)hirdes'j

alii off Item

oO-5Jgned as

'g oug eF$ of 'lith e sea

in the 'g roo n d ridge

-- _. fl-' Co -- .-' - --11--"--'--' ---

re ex. 5,Y ogu~;rn

ttl,I .• ~~fl tWO. I _ __ .rUW

n- - •...••.•...•.

'_ _-


atrlum '~lX,a.tionj~ ~l ~rne tabLoidl hour,

a caJrnlivaJl ~ee~inlg iJ~$ 'OWn] velf1fta,w[ar for- 'the, vagrant. [prnpo~iJUOJiI~

- .. - - - _. - j, -- - -- - - - -.-...i.I

,8, q[Ue~l renew~


...... ~~-" -,mfi1Jtng pafiltelf)gl9ms ,,'

l? WtJIds" _', ()(:"ptt,' ,- 'mal" .. ", fm}I:" - - ,: ,:

.' ::: •••. .1 : .. t: .. : :': .. ," :,'.:. r

- - _'." . "_", - .:."._ :,- ," _.. " - .: .

/BCfO$S' t_nic tmlllleef


S:«Iue'Stljl'ed fil~nts'

'€:p'k;h~H-m,a I tlif,aliiilISlil€:liiillb;!i'

tr,~,o€:' n[M~lillr 9 t"H:J!15tly foota:9 e n,o, 1~lplllaC€:lml€:liiillt$

(1he tenor olf [pa~atadic dissuasioms)

a oa,$iI!i on of slllQlw refi n.€:,FY

:s:.uitallie 'foF' the slowly re me mile ring

.ano:ther liink Ibeu-ayl$d

lund€r 11h~ scent. of ~ sulface V€i~

c,almli1oinic developellfS unv,eiiil a new surface in depth!

L. • ....:. ~ .:..:..~ _. _- .J

,t··_~"r'lu_~.· '1IiiS:.·.·lnl·:··· "·· .. a'·>·· ,c····· .'t··~·'o··· ry ::

- ". ~.~ .. '_'.: - ... _. ," , : .,:



in tithe, malliciiillii'ilgi



'I/Vi,th' sc,a'rred ve,n·dors

bearilng :iil8Cfe!j deh,l~bon~

aboUJ~ P€lS~ ifrii8St,e-JS Ci~ pF€:~eiilOO' Ga~g~liiil{g ifrih.Jrruw8.ry p~tfume and tli;,~ la~~

oW i~ 8~O~J"dCi~al eiil~~nce



br,~edliil the 'tenor 'of ~ -Y,8li"iied piUarnce il,ilnder:.I:Jfe8!~lin91 :i;1iilJ ~iil{gliJit81r ~cent


iiill '~Jh,~ ttJolllOl.iifS wn:ere Sh81riks I go to lba~~



~ Il" f-' I I'"l II r ....

nl leu o a, as ,ling CllrtUlntllt=Jr1ence


'their' ¥lisiCUlIS, ,aJrlI ilrlI~nit,~ wb-ici~y se'aled

Cor,dOi!/Bn rec:r,~~~ion nostri~s, oircui'lll\!if~HlIt ~rne Inu~eC '~ 1i'llJibricat-e' the, :~aUF€d llub-lli~n'b~ ~O~~

too ~rne lmidiilhlip sta.timt~Jy IDHing ,th~ S,~~O:i'lfil :~o~,fiI~ o~ 1i'~~iOiil gone' 'd1~ w,a,y oF!

vffl~,fi1 ,th~ rorr,~pondence' lraLied ~~, eerie do,ggeF,~1 pasllhe laitler ~nqiJmben'r~_

~ I~teral ront1~gr,a.tion lmissi\ii~ ~Ol.ii.I'~y 'Dealt ~ maSSlive ~8J~iili(iifiJ ImJssing ,th~ d~Je,g~~ions'~ hiifij~



the, lega,'t,o amp:rnith~t~r 1i'llJifliiin~~ing



amO:fiIg their' lremailfils, a~ thouglrn

'v' p
e I
II'" U
t n
ii d
e' e'
a I'"
[I ~gli'~teffilJil eli!Qi~iions weather '!j,ii~,nbal sopki~t~ fr,aliJight. with [PO~~,ge' :$~arti,p~

ihe :sub'~~l1i 0'" iheilr ~~Ib't'~Jild f?J~dl ~~o1Jionl. wmile~ 8!tllie4:t:a!~on J3mon,g ihe ronrelalive~ by mama,ge dluly undlone_

Their ~fil"ip~J~d oonulfildrulITil spread tn;€' dys€a~e

on whicnl ~he fJl:ai~ ~!~M,mdered 8 orllJidlf$ pN)$jperity mnikilng :$ubmm.g f$ to lawn ve~~~~, 8 delayed portage to :S·afil"iOV8r reHex_ Retail rhetorio lfilailled ~liIe lin~ifilce~ nludiJ~lt '~or'~cOO~i O'~ whe:~,f?J lp, be' :~rorm~

iln ihe ro~r:~f$ o~ ri~ua~ inj~inceril)l OF' ~mal blookage

P8rlo~ '~qk!~ '~,f$ 9Jamesie~,

811egedl ~!) Of$ ~~gend$, 8)$ IrllJimor$! Iper:$i~~ ihem_ P,ane.gyriO lalilud ~£, willi ~aill ~1ihen,~1i" mpcmlii or,~eze$

rerre$h ihe (}oI~lmnalf navi galion

pr'~ump~on, 8n 8!M~ilr n,pi ~!) of$ OO~J~.een

I~o[aft,~d ~mS(JI$ preside wh~J~' reHoul8r h,an~planj~ ro:ta~ions gffiVli~l€' ihe hundmo$!~ :~Iffi~or:$,

~h,arin,g polyme:~Jfi;q grenarjie~ ,anrj ham~~ng '~a~~I~ Ihlungl ~"n,~ '00 i:si de' 'rorces enjte:~d tn;€' wide d~y c~~in,g ihe gap m '~'f?JIf midnrfIW ,~1ongaliO:fi1 'fanitas1e~ agailn~t the l.i'IieIJ~r'




' .... .. -.





.... ,

, , ,




. .. r


r,~b~Ik!~ tlh:€, ~noh~nt tribUln~ll~, ~he court. ji€5Its, blotJ"tde ey!$S 1I1at '~lfOnn ~lJeary :$rn~a O:almCer:~ cast ilm ~ranoing rolls ~cro~~ V"i;inJis.ihed 5are~y n;ets l'Qi85ed ~slh;(ire when ~'he tlir~el~nJ$ ~r~yed ~~e '~ other jllJinJO~IN~.g dlisp[a.c:edl ~o s~;pen:or ele~8!ti:ons .affilrlmin(g ~rne 'oOJtica~ $[peec m esoape '~JhJ~ p,asitilllle of un~I~.ase!j data, 'f~ntZ~


" ,




~ .,




~. i


1111·, .... _ L~I


:8iMikiiilg PP5€ in]

filal e:rni9mel

wih.e1r,e 1ordh'ifilQ pCist~rr,es stand 'for flame

ilfli ,any sertous rupt!Uirr,e

or (l!!her l"eG.OOffi'e

'~O 'lhN¥l'~enedl ,aJlfI_,sJlogies,

:S,'!, 'linger CI"O'Ssirtgs

for ~h.e melfljtall~ ba;d~'e{r,edl

lhe' pJ~n~rialfil hOi8i~g ~ ~mple~, it~ ~~ulnn9 :~willl ~t ~rne ~mh~rg8!~ tr,~Jllis, m~Je' nn[),fiI~gl~ giFifte:rs [POiJI!' ~ 'tm~d Q'hI~tel~ine' ~Gm~~ 'their [bel[lio~', ,delilfilea,tilfilg

the' 'D[)'Urne of past.


a long gasp


[ --


fir; r' dk.iO~ ~U'lo;J(lil~o

~ ... """"""'~,





a llong '~oUJiish gm,ps

destnines f'rIa()~d"'1 r-r.Ll~·.

Tnl'e pIUIf,aI$ of' p,asit ~nl,ali-n~11

'G"a3t. ,glfen~di~if'$ p,as$linpg lnilu:5ter in tnl,e lniIO'Q'ln Ilig nit,. $nl,adoVV'linlg tnl,e dri've'nl OU$1:~lrd p'ortllets,

VV'h ~r,e cor,ell iall po,rtall:$ if'~f'lfaliln

f'ro ilil-il 'vi ~VV'i npg 0 b $'0' II'e't'e nl'e'\i!\I$, :3ta, nl,d;a, ird $ :;. ,a ca:3,e iln varie''ty ilf' no't iln pO'linlt

".i i __ 1 I ......

" th e veri'!),irniillitude of' ''lI ,~lbel1'aUO(n s:trucbl r$S,'1

"'1 _I I""

ei'iSiiJii i'i 9 .8!m(Jng

"fractures dread reveries

.s & ~


G>ii~& ~ l& -& ~

~1t ~ !Ii ':'J 2 & ?l_,

is CoJ ~ ~

if frJ - if -II

~ l! g_!

» &&




,aIO\rng the 'POJll;€ty [passage (jf pom.iGajlldeb~


Am ilmfieriOl oo~imogony replaces the filih~1 s~ifrilmeringl ;aeFom;iuti~1

eJ}S_1ffe.'$' tJ I'JifNV ~~ ~k~' /fl~~


,Afs md~ fl;mi_~nl ~'$'~~.wmo ,~~~;$ ,~iJJs!,,~ ,~I!twfnp ~

S~~~~lt sid~ng

fOl ~he lITi_aj~tic OV,*JtUII1e' t1i~t'en wiUl ;a


~, r




(. ~f' ':1"" j!',iIi T'~N'~ TU:E'DENE,W/iD

~I,_·I·V"',_· ,. __ ~ ' ' ~; '_ _ _. _

Drn.'jTiliT'~O':' IN""'" r.F'i'D' €", (J' .... , W: r " ~jCrlt#-.,.M,. 1 ... ·.· .. r\v,.... ~\r:;.:.' _._

" "', ny" B,'r,,;t'~

- l,!1.,1 Kft" '- ,~, ~



-.._ ...

$W~JbJ~B,~~ ~,wff{jn:ll~$#

._- __ . --- - .~ ... '



~JI.~l$td ~~'&$W~ ~t)~,~

ifBw tJhIl9$~,~ mn~

an i'lirteiri'm

f oonfabll'latiol t

%~\::~~ ~~. ~.~~. m'~~~

- --

,$J4f~t ,of'~Lbn SN.s'

'~'E).1~~ \~~~~

~ ~.'''it,,~'~,

$,~'~ dJtIl~ ~ to'~ IYtemM~~

the, a~, su~~' upwarol,aJt titl e tiS\ilrte~~~'l)J~ed lre~urlgenae o;f adversaria:1 ~ena;city ichart .. iing doulbted '~MaJt,ers, inl a siingte bailer whooe.' 'tMials, '~ay' llie :a1te\FJm~~m pr,ecedling] t~;ei~ 'SUlr .. vlival on t~e, IrankIfiig spim of'titlle ror'Egone' dloth. Lmer,all :aotlons ffiQu[re' Imier.arohical devas~ taJti(m ~n :situaHons, where t~:e' ox cannoi be Ibored" Where sta.tionaJry danoem t3r1get ~meilr lfiieD modality,l ~me clea,ve~ str,etchers Ibring ,ad~pose sUlb~ulnctives to 'lhe '~F11ar mix. lelhal ~nCUlrSions tum br,afiidy ,ca,si~ ~mo fin:ery,l r'90umbelilrt on the ~plaimed [pdo" Eadm rad~ool mssen IbeaJrs iuit. and Ilflglht wmer'9 mleSm WQulldl be prefem~le, O~~I iIj lfiioihilfiiQ else,,! the abSelfiiGe of its geome;try. Skeletall Imunndiingers, w~b, ~me ,aJrti,elnlal dlotit1l. Scteros~s reeed es as, iOQ,ilrtempt achf eves [fiiew forms. Pametal onnn~vm'e$ cauch the, \l\QUC~lelrs of! their ohm .. dren"s future in oaJtnneal1 r,efineries withou~ regarol for :selN1icealbl e [rec~oniing iin past deeds\' Sirens waiil :agaiinst the, jU$ti:ce, of it ,aJII. II n taJfiid em parMcleSl, the lulbricious cede, ~mei'r vs-

oous gJilp to d9lad a;llegiafiiGeS. FutUlre, nice;ties barrell hamstem badkwarld whille 'lreading sanded fferMmzer rasps :ShJnded among 'lhe filles !of who saw" lime lepidoptera s~rang~I!a, .. tion r,~pea,ted frlSelf lfiiig,m~ly in vacuum [packs, y~elding] a oornuooPJa of ioocoon Ilecwlr'e$ among wine, fi~s.ks\, Bartertlng] 'lhe 'task ~hat Ilay' a~:eadl of them, titlle beH,emmen~ velemns tumed the, infilux ta~MaJrd '~he mloodwatem demanding a m~r shore" ,1\ far simar,a IProoet1 mor,a Ili~elly ,aJmong 'lhe munl~Gen[, com feed9\FS g]ratilfiig] stililbom subtl~;tles ~mo the, hyd~nt. mix. F!Qur'''~ushers, doubled 'lheir nultiI1be~ ~n SEBJr,ch of ootagQ,fiis\! then c~~lleng~d 'lhe nnath to a shoo:t{jyt betweenl Ibli'fiid tar1gebl lheiir he9Jrtrelft, pson\asis neg8Jt\ed the, very piremi:se of the, cootl!y amtacr:s dwilfiidmng procedural :sfamp" IEvEm the lo~er:s Imad to l;oo~, back. Nlo ceimng s~mper ooul~ s~:aJre, 'lhe swilll of d~adl[p~ne$, needlling redempHofii '~racts ag)ainst the IF'ail~ng oushions [QJ supplennelfii~all Vielfiieer fail II i n g] tl holld them ~n [plla,ce,. Her'e'l titllere', el;s~ where, 'lhe Gtmdlles S\po~e to '~me $Omb91r ~reading] the, wary pa~m tcrward ffa;d~n 9 Ifght an cd glt)'Wing 'shadt)w~L 'The spectre of 9J h~nt amse! shading 'lhe lfii9JrFlI)WS before ~nrfierloPelrs could penletr,9Jtie theJr hop~'1f1ned Iloquacit.y pots. A [goodl eflrort ichosen to '[ade befole, i~ scope couldl nOOle' past [defEmses nnade a dinn impr,as.sion, Gra~lng 'lhe surplus ofjf 'lhe I~ $On lid i[s fo,rt,ulfiie lunllearnedl. Mlagn:a.tes ste9J1 ro~ less, plus [pe~"s. Gravi~ation modallifies sipped ~meiir iinlfiier s~rength like :a castiigaled bre'weryll a [raw d9lalleft to 'lhe ood~" 'The rip and bUIF1fii echlfiii:qrue PMed eminenHy' Ibeg~;ttalble 8JnnQ,fiig] biibUcal taJb I atu Ire' distortion e'l<pelr1s m~n~ng the fields o'f the variedl ~nJfiiOO9\ilrtll eyes sta~j'fiiQ ou~ fr10,mJ theJr sad pookoe;tg

gatl1~J1illg past, 'the' 'liJ,ilnlio ,pr,O'WdI, ,ass.eifriloleol at [hie gm~lng_ A Ilroi~Hy "".".ti,""->I .~- __ at ~rne Ila~~ r,~fr,ailn ~ung iJt~ €G~\p un ~he aliF:. A vanity 'tha~ skg~~ ~opki~t. calpulla~r' g;eminarn, r,~a.d fOJ one' and fe1t lits, absenj~ lum_ !E:vlffi liItilh '~Jlt~ili" 'iiliealtn.j the f~lilfilg lper:~ist'~'j np m~Mer h()il,o't €W they ,Do,fiIs.ioereo ~hlem~~lve~ t.p b~" irim~ anll tim~ added IUp, Dl.!it IrlIeveJ fil'Ie~.


- -


~'~ o/~~'

0' D


~, '~F

' .. ",.,~,~J~ ',~'~~~

cr~' ,B,JMvd~


d!jri~ilnigl theilr freinzy "rom [lost catalogues

amidl ~rne fife:fiIzy 8j decilamtilve' se:fiI~nCe caifll caUl~~. OOiflA~Ulrl~iflj~ 'OJ oonS€OUI~J!iii~. wi~l f~atheF:iil wnliskiing the ailliing mLiil~ 8j cucumber pag ~iflr~ for' 'the, 'dli~am01ilt~rj

the ~renlfilia~ jjlUIllriiiSdiiictiii01Mli matters

,a p'p,r,o,a,en a t:e,h::I::;l!,pa r '~ra,c~i on m uti nY' l~nd€red hostille

AS l", INAirrlVE, ,ARTIFACT' (8, plectrum IQf C1FOS,S,W 111m d

pie a s u r e' 's)

lnipp,ing a S€maphoF'~ to seN~ ~rne auail ,Ou~let Wiapped

mlUng ,8lmlong grapple-lboumd incendJane$,

of a fOJthlnight. wina

tUlrlfiling past the ooealfil ,plaH~Js.

cn,o,rliLJiIS F'e,e,1 in 91 V~$,'~ed cinelrnla velifities

s!.arvilfil9 th~, 'OUlrlnicul~m

wli~rn '~nSjpar,~t \Joudrner' ~als ,alfilY Ulfildu~, ,olaim81filt

No lffI_art.i~:r ~he ~a$'t r,~~I'g, $~rly ilnveolive

the' loss, leaders, p,I'Qdalim '~~J .. Figh~ous. 'Vich:;:ry (to,t,e'm:~, f:alnlillillll91 the, lilIIl;aClre01iLJilS wind} 0" ooa~~ a lalP~dalfilce h,a,prneoto:ml'l

agalin$~ '~~ dgo" 'of a :$8,w·kiCl~OO windl


. - -II " - - -..:I aCC,81lmeu

mounte!ban ~ status

~eFpet\iJia'~ 'the' ~peotral assa~~ifils, oUrving 'U1~jr 'd~tailledllftloda~u~y :~qu8l~h~r$ to

ifumiin atiive C:i ne pll'ex :s.ta.tu if'e %~~'~ ~"*~~' ~%,:~"~ s: '\


'\. ~~"t\.'i.'%" ~~~,

~~~ ~',~

,~.~""'- .... '~~ 'O.&"'I.'!I~'ii'~~~

'~",.~, '~~, ~'\.~ '-.,~ ~,"b;.~~ ~~~~~,


~;4<' .t:. ..... ~_&v... '~·~/.~U0·

~~ k'.$'"r-o/ ~/.P.7Q:~'

~~ A7~~


~.e ,~


,~~' ~'~:~: ~~





~~ ~~, ~'~~ ~~~~. ~'~

'~~~ ..... ~


the' mUlfiliriO~Jilt ba,b~lfils, wlilirl ~liIeilr anoient IfTi_aker:i;l at pa;s~ tr,~~le$,

a I'Oi1:i~i~ '~,fiIigma

\i,:ari,oo<s}e' as tn,e' I~leelll ,all tillmles w,ounio


among 'Ul!$ ~aJrlriling s't'~,fiIcil sh~ts, gaUl~Jed


~n 'the' ~~Id spot wh~J'~' I~u'e;sumptbons occur ~ik!!$ ~he heat (i;f la.t'~J m~~~rn, UlfilS,W~pi in ~liIe void oooJing ~g,alfil ,o,*m;€illit

EJj tidEJjI ~phit

ilnl,U"ed to '~,!$ oa,ylea.f oroppilng~ EJjnd '~rbi(j ba,one:~

aurroas BLOOM nJ NIDIE~ A GllfS;lANIl YOKE,

lhe' les,;s.ons o~ ,oa,tailepti(:] m8l~O:fiIr;y slilal~ not dle

EJj s,y;stt,~

ill :$haillo'w dlfOple:~ pr,~idlingl

the' 'Ulidk-ets, \1i~1i" their''ed plunder

--~'--Is,;e,', ~~ --=~-.; .. ~,".iNi~ie:~·I: ,~ ,.',::iI'.:.':'~'''~;iIiIIiII

, •. _~_~.\ .. _ ~ ~ .. : .. _~ ~,~_ .. l~."'.. .....~ ,!I!II!!II!I"~ __ .... ~.-.:


${peFima.h~!ZQa gallleFie~. , t- '~ 11m '!j,i',aQffln, [puF:$jj~!L

of unSQld homilies,

r::Wi.~I~~.'~~ ~~"'rI;.~'\~~ '~~~ .. ~, ~ '¢~

t~~'V!\ 'Wit:.'Vi::.;X~,. ~'~:~:~ ~_\(is.~i.r~i~, ~~~~~\~'~v.. ~~i1;'\&ii$.~,~n-. 'Qi~~,Vt·~,

patterns 8l$ gre~.m ,as ilrll~~pia :$o.rlIoFit,y V~C~ljjlrfiS !tiomimg ~n~$.~~ OWF' ~~. ~stt

Frontal ,alfalffJa me8l$Ures

~Ia.'t,~~e~ j'Ulrfiina,'tiOn fr,~.rlIz.y apo~IY1P~iG :~roi1i ~ttFitJu~~

ghostilmg the, nemil h~,

l~tfilecUn9 '~roim Gi$r,~ectfiLli~ IrfiiooF:$, ~ ~g[lad,.{hanG lim 'm~ ;showing

that dilmtJs.

ben~ ladders, ~firo the, pa~i


~~~~~ "\R\

fiTt t:.f!Lt.~ ;:!, ~.\~rQ:'.~


~~c~~\'t~, '~~\~~~ %'~'~~';"~~ SIi.~"!&,~ '~~~

- - - - - - --

~~"4Wt.~1 '~'% ~\w..~~~

, .. ~m'~~.'~ Wi.~~~~



\) .'

" lj •


" ~ .

• - .


• 'If •

~d •

~«G •

~~ .'

.o( • •

3- •.

• •• •

sililarpenilfilg ;annong 'Ule nnoloroade h13.fiIsil

",""'c.i'\Ci n.i'\Ci;e.'C:'-n~ to, '~"""n~ """'" "r"c..,j.'l"",..-.i..-.r;c. 'g~'"[I.e:.':;J-m~~ 'th~ "",'I~' iI-,'ID' ""' .... us .e:.\j\c. ~II~.I~' r--'ll ~~b. ',·ILG ~' [~jll~~UJ.. d· ~"' 1bt;;J_ liJ ~ I lill "._. ~O .. ~ Ib.~ ~J

.... ,

\. '\

to a 1F€~rospooti~' O,fiIslallJight. (;r,a,yon~ d~ling first blood

IfTtutt'~,ning pop~Lole vio[~ce tracts

aCfotl,a~ic m8stulrb8i~r' seaJanit. ~inge$ tn~' mof wh~J~' amber IfTLa~hem8,tics SOil1 Ilith~, retread among i~$ variegc8!tingl homilli€S;,

at a Mexicanl :~~afare, to ta II ,8S ~rne lotm~ ~xed '11h~ jack, $jpot l~en~ bt~ad has, berom~ 000 pr'eoofllc!)Us OF' '~o Gead t,o

fOJtify the' nali1f8!w$ at iJ~ v.rea:Kes!t


S~B!H4l P8~9e-s Ibe~or,~ velofU' :~Ulfil~e'l$_

l.ean m8,triOlJit8,;t,es

lbarU:er '~Jit~ rooftop W~ier.i Ile8denling

'~c~ p.ace

~~~N:\i~ ... ViiJ,.¥i!.\~~~ ~~~\.~ ._.....,oo ... "'··. '?:ii!;,\ ~~~~

\~'~'~\~1t'1 '~~'~t~'h~~

enoie~~' ~e;m ./): 'tH1,11~~" ebII#tJ 199 ....

p~i.' 9tiJ ml JMhQNi liwtl~~'


~~'\,~~~~ '~'~~~

~~~'lfJ~, '~~~\~~ '~~~ ~~~;~;~~~"~\~~~~~

IbreeCs, a lre~lJim ~'Q' ler£l, droppings, alq.:rng ~he waf- SJlJire·'~oO'h~c emolems seek: rlit~h.):nh~~al [po~~r$! 'ror ~rne tJ"u~;xJt ernulslon, \\'h,~ther gnli,tifl~d OF' la~~nt liil;$iru,iJaltimt$ 'of ~I;~t [p8J~$ by the' lrespectiive' lao~l~ of ql.!iaiil:dary [pna~rdl relega,tilrng iiilsigiilia b) 'Ul~Jr tirny '~oO'tage ~\'hlil~ 1~~roi8pemi~' laoels selll 'ror zoO'~ slJin 'doillars liiill Carthage reviv~n~,·~~e a~ the, :~odilum tJ'.!)IUl~_ Inh·imulra~ ~mage re!juoos 'M"~ iil;€ed for ~good ~pOJ-r~imalrnshli[p, 'Of am,phetamjn~ lreplaooim~,rn~, for theilr pl;lJiri;i11 di~oharge-s, ,ool[aredl fq.:r SlJiojllJiiil,O~IV~ mi~sed o~ha\iior [e-s .. son~_ ,Amor,a~ ~garnanzo mu~'€Ia;ge [plalC€s, '$thlrn&o Seiilj~nen~ ar'OlJind alii ,oamplire~, grilJing '~,~ lin~FF,ogawe-s on 'Ul~ fast. (:lack, ~\'here 'hC~F' permiJ~ anlrnea~ the ,alPpoJiilj~d epiSQd\~ among adipose l\"is't'eJs foJ ~rne tong~ ~tied_ Th~ ooiil,diment delega,'t'ec l'O, high:er rnn~ align~ wli~h me [language oo~rayilng iI~ :~o~,rnt.. ~o precedent e~~abU~he~ iNespooti1lffl' con~ volution~ befQre me '~IF:~~ s~ulidl- p~ denda ra~~l~ '~inagle' ~he sqlJiaiil,dered pi,~ties dlulning oon~'e~~iona~ bealiiilg:8" Gir,aiffi'ti a~se:rti:(Jn~ ,asidl~\1 the, nomendla~r'~ de~ndl$ Imi~readllng_ Soiled a\JOiJ\f me:ir rermirnall pa~g~, Irno lind:enliiilg OF' gmphilng 'Ml,~ paltaphys:ical ~ajf,adhgm :~~lllirllg q~,adrnn'r~ a~ '~Jh,~ iil:earest. V\eot'Or, su'eed or ():thefJ'i.1Jise_ E\Je:ry h,ailf:"'rfi;Odleinl dio~ its rojllilrng] CBl~~r:~ '~ p!)Je .. ax '~,~ sidlirng ~1Jhere hling~, ~n\.ii~,rnt '~,f?JfI~Il\iie-s" The net~ ViOFk: demarnd~ i~ p~is, o!~!;fore i'ts pri,o!$S, n)~~" No aft,~.rln;_ath 'of [pem~iSS:iOiill caiill lreh,~al ~~elfW tmder SIlJich veiilj~llalion" No.r 'Ul~ c~fUm;€~, 'daiil,dy ,as djs~nl ,oalt'etwaulUng swop the' fer~Je di.~arnoo from 11$ ebibs- VilhB!t, s·cralGhe$ '~j.O,FSt. sli;oes, ,a,wary the ~lJi~lJirel\s, ~mory,; Iblulrlning OOiilj~onant YlisiO,rlIs, 'with dioo.onalrll~ rowel~_ IFllJi~rnerimO,~' oeOOme~ aft'eJlrfi_a~rn" H:ep€rou~~ion ~lai'1$ a ,dlr'l.!im oorp$,; r,panlng blll.!inder iiill th,~ vmoos- Owlls, screep'h ~'iord Gf' the' deedl aiil,d i~ laoo,ning faotions, a d~dlly o~konilrng_ TLimilng 'ro 'the' iil;€'X!t ~r,opi,o, '~,~ Irains gB!~,f?J rep'~Je~ lirn dl~lary, la,th~ring meir replies wiUl '~'Or,a,~, iiilft.o ~.m~~Gi~i~ yealrlrnungs_ What f1Jt~ befOre 'Ul~ ~sitern, has Irne\Je:r lroll.ed me '~lliiil 9 lrotur iln the' ilUelcs, G~ ~rne 9 !)redl- A ibib-1icail ima~g~ paJi'iloF' greett~ the, need ~rna~ 'moos, ilt, a ooGy 'ot Th,~ pr'!)OO~~, ab(i~e am:1 tJelow,; gfilvi'ta.'t,!?S t'!)iiffir,d lroUJre~ 'd~req~ng w,alrnd\i?,niiil,g ~~u,age '~ r,~.m.ains sta.'tion wlher'~ Qre~oont minds I~nk ad!!ler a Ha,oKs" A re rmirna II fifiame:m.a~iQS, d ~i,d m ,oah~~~llus im~aS~IF'e-s deluxe :$implliGilie~ for ~alf·lreaSll.!ired s,ympath~e~ at dlaiil:de~liiil;€' il\itt.lirng~_ A sldeb'.!)lr r,~.m.ains lina1ppf.[)pria.t..~" Eaph resineiilit, mUl~~ aFF'OQB!re I~milne~oent \ii~ring ~rom ~he mo:rnoU~h relns'taJtlng] li~ ma~~a;ge ,oa!pabi[i~les- A r'OOt nfiu~i:c eiilj~Ue~ 'wJiJe~ 'the' tuo~, se:\'!\~J_ IProporruion tJre~s, di~co:rnoort ,amoiil,g 'Ul~ mooernb~ ~hliri ol[limber:~ halrngilrng ~heiJ ve~~~~ O~J~ to d[ie, v~rio!)S!lli' as, Geo~,mbeF!~ chilli, Ilimping] to ~he last cradlle- FUlrlhermoj',~, the w\ reach~ es, ~rhead f'OF' the, i:.adr€, o~nlng '~,~ n~are~t scent, :~liiiil,g~ng revullsil),rn Irn me fa,C€, 'of '~,~ Irne'i.i'l.F_ Wlhoiffiiier IrnoHoe-s must stalke' ~he dl~falm.a~ion dlaim, iil;O, QhaF,a,ct'~J lincl~d~ iiill 'Ml,~ depo?Si~ry or th:e' r'~lpo~it!),ry o~ '~ac~jJ~j:ou~ emblems" AllJiOOmaUC gme~ periods, 'Ul~ pr'$vlious sen~noo'" A imalt~F' Gf' iilA) ~UJ~qu~no~, lPar~ml;o,rn~ ,den,de' 'Ul~ ~ms,; ~'O' dOl.i'l.lfi '~,~ iillUlmi"' Ibej',eC ~rack's, be~oF'~ 'their' e:rnvy d~!$S, f!):r di~glraoo_ [Doolarnti:Qn~ o~ vap.idl '\J.alloF' ev~poFat,~ ~n the [polii~ioal wlinds, ~heur' ohllim:e~ as, ,alealt!)ri0' a:8, th;€ir ma$l~r plan, a j;~1 ~ke:rn ,alt ran~ dom OOnOolJirne Iradiano~" OUl~J iffiii~,rnt ilnSlJire the' 10$s .of chaos,; nO'~ a milng ,de!juclib~~ ibe:~I),rlId ~a~Oiill_ The ,poot 'o~rb~arn, ~rne ~Inder:~ighj~ atwoh,~c 00, lils, cm~~ilng \Jariaoles,

:'~ ~:.- - ~r;lL-. •. ,~ ,~: ~. ."",.~ .... ~ ~.".Ii .,~ . _.: i-'~ ,~:, ~', ~, -.'~ ~: _IPI ~ 't-··~ --.~, -- ~ --- -~ ~ -~,j. ".Ii':- -: i ~~_ ' ..... ', - ---IL-;.ri,." - ~I, -. :_~.~.-...i.I '-,- :r;lI- - d.: ,-',_ son~:;I!L'I,.(llllng ~ lGIilIUr€iI;,JI nJlJlainoo !L'L;.' nee la orne remrni:1JIilIL, I;,JIISeai~!~t !;"'!oml'L;.'ll la ~II ow~ II n !I,.( !U _ €,.

EVlid~,rn~ disto:rti:on ~oedes '~,mbl,~,m_aih;:; :~~E!Hq.:rnary VOuchers, ,alrnd 'th,l?ir looiming] vli\Jil~1$I? tion~_ lhe' tlo~~ proimi:8e$ t'll ~, ,ash).rnh~h~iil,g as u~ pm~J~ breed Irno$tic $u~peiil;~ioiill naddle:FS oi!lfW p.ily~w,oo!j [preSil,i,ppoo:i~ioiilS or g,a~, ma~k~ beaFilrng] :good midirng~ ulrnd~J ~'iB!rer:, A pivo~1 Irfi;Onfient li/JIFnS Oiill lits own dirfi;€:',; the, moimentum l:eaiillng] f!)J 'the' Janus \Ji;e"",; me:~' appli~ Gan~ no 10iil(ger r'~mailn ~~lio:rnery ~mbl.ems, o:r ~\'Bf.'( seals" Goirng tJom ~y~ lrel[eve~ 'the'

ViOmtl,a~ ciprneF' 'tut,~lage'

~nd 8~nk)ri~n [phOSjphl)J 91~am Gad~ perpl~'x~ :S'h~a-'O'hI fob amalt,w~ ,pOl"fe~alt,~ p,a8!t vag,aries ito, '~Illing tim!$S.

l~x~liO:fi1 w,ann_abe gravel s'talm;ps r,~tr,a,~' a 8~rl~t n,OOn_

l€mpl~~' ma.'t,ohtJox glit~j" '!Nfimb ~nn€als di$1pla,)flin,g pF,~d~,fiIits.,

~ ,oli8ingenll.!lous palr.ade '~loa.t. di~g~iS'ilfilg ~ 'fJla.'t~o!)t,~d tlotiHa,

or a surr'~,fiId~J~d moto~d~'

st..!)Jming ~rnrnugh Ip8J~~ ,almtiiN',ailence' 1~iJ,ilndrner:S' Vie8lry as' S1iJibg~m


ill., 'UCI,'II, ,1,I.'ATlil' RA'TOas

S,EIKII'G ",I.U'I'GI ,aEL"EA'1 ' •• ,111, ,J,I.U'I[.' Bu,a'NI,I'G I'O.'(!IIA,I'CI G,AI,Enll

".:, iU 'I a,,~'" 8', L~ I&II'G', A'-' "I:' 'U',' ED- "U\ ''''S'"

"_ II i ,,".PiIIl .. ,[ -e qr .. '"_ "l!'''~' i . _ '.~ .... "

an 'a'CTI~, 'U~'f\,




~ ~~%fi~

A corolllairy trUlrnlpet re· sou rnds lts alnci Ilaries

pmm;e.nading ihe de~~ z.on,~,

in Sea,FOn of loS"~ geese qij,arreUngl ~ltingl ~rne tenor iqUBdronj~ Ha;ppy .as, Glhl~mydj~ lreflux. g~ihe:red l'Oget.lh;e.r as a Irnamp~re!j f8rni~;I Oijl~lng ii$ ioJdil?St sonl, 'rul;,~y rnlilh,f?J '~leOO€di ~i.5, ~lJ 00111;1 tern pe:r.a nnenlt_ DJsreg,,aroirng

ii$ ttlHf?J 8jpo~hep81ry momf?rnl, ~ent mteree re;po$e lu, ihe sitres£, refI:e'x~

'O-,,-t- -t-h

,- . s·· moon

- - ._ ' _I_~ \II' ; l" _ I

!II Il''II!iri,l:ll



'. _.l1a.biic· -··ula,timg

~ j~cI<$1 IUlrlIacy f,PJegrounds ~rne Im_~runix~i

no Ir~dical slafiflmer ,aH.Etorneij ~n ~ttackjn(g the pre~lX

S·- - - -_.__!HATTER

tra~lilfilg ~mel~apk!~ diNi~Js:ioi'lS '~i,g~t ilfilvadlin,g i'l~iioi'lS m~h ~an,~1 'm,.ck;s, W1r~~ped ~n dJyi'l~mhre do~:hingl belits Ibuill~ 'ror ~rne short h;aul

left aft,er phos p horus i nvasion.s


m~' IllJirid incafi~B!~,O:fiIS p,ro$P~J'

~n the b-1eall)i' suHenlng t:Jh,~r brood ensue~ to int,,*Jlfflitt',*,fiIt ~rne sb~~~dy lm:eans

of ~rne e'x)t~me~

Unst,.~~dy ~innbs

SlJil'pa:s:s, el.!i~Iu8i1 d~ilies

~ 'U1id~fiIe~~ th~t folTills, ,as ag~',.

{ta 'I.!ie-s'tige iof

faloO:fi1 idlroppJn,gs)

Ii'taspilfilg 'o~rsigtrnt

~nuI~d t,o r,~petitiO,fi1

O~tintaro, hlills enllJinCital'e' ilrti;peri~ed gltare~ m,*,~' :~uoh ,,*mti!)us, r,~loitr,alfilts (ji"ffltJ"g $

or p,re:sa,ge' :~o:m'fiIoleno~ a~ Inrnyrurnmio thrust, ta r',*,fiIunoiatio,fi1 iof ~ts ~llitier:

lhl~~~ iof emer~gen,o~ 'rolllCiW calilbratiO:fi1

ta pa~~age €wry Inil'€' Im:lJis!t aU-eno

ca Ib tion rnixtur s

slenlle' Irti,lJiCnl oast ~-

celebration master


~ ITill i n tal sel'p,*,fiIt ~OqUS

A ~Ipu~u~ thta~ dis~gali'ds, nllJimerics must rely on celebr,a,'b:~-d nameS m,*,~' ,appllicab-1e tly ioe'.SiglrlL TheilI' railluli'€' 'ro €mploy 'U1~ foroo~ of di.alm:e~niG '~nsion appo~i'ti"fflg, di~,*,fiIgage~ their- th~lTillal siglfiling

oerebtal tarOOit'~ct, oognlition


a quarrel

of bedrock blasphemies

divo c,ed fro

the ready ractlon

of a foo !Is economy

underscoring cumme -bund elas ics

when days past the last scrutiny harrowed 'What

ma,n'y re,garded as obsolete

or bet er left to unguarded

Initiat,es of a diffe ant sort

t.he sons 0 he wea,thered sentries

daring to escape the staring eyes that eveal nothing

but. creeping animosity

over' a typhoid barrel tug

across he wate - to beyond

lifi~F:~OOt.ilfil9 polar F,ooi~~ions.,

Avocado idi[~:ttBlfil~1li;S' 'H~~"i seeikiillg refu,g€' lin glilfflJfl~r zet),fiIe$

made Ibrig~t by IbuF:$~ ,agtiiilfilsit ~rne :Silty, liglhtingl

lhe' F'~9nli~ion

Of oom~ly ,aJPpalFa~Lli~ S'Llii~ '~,e \Jeil,

~~. '\~.

''\;.;~''',"~' "~ '~", .. c.~_.

_'. , ....



~ $\~ (f/ i~' ~wltJg


ta piBr.te' ~ e.'I'8'$U/;f1 :StJsF'mfed' !ht?/J'l' I/:ff ~ ,$'~ ptii'p(!$;f1 t;t/ 4U'~ !Iie' d/_~' 01' ,a~' ,~ iWlm~ lIt§n~,efj'

~ts, d)~(jly i!Jj~rture~ thlF€a~nling

'ho !S1~ke

~ 'o!)S'tly mi~deed

a ~odico to oarrier occlusions.


aqain t a 1:0 vex rnoratori m In! heat 0 souled lampoone

ct'JIJJ~.~" .... ,. .

1 '. .~ .~ • : .. '

- - - - -"_ -

.a 'ttermilfilal w,age:r ,aJrti;Ong refJlu}': barlldilt$ and 'tlhA~d[f carriers, Vl.lho sn8i~IhJ

lVIunor ~J\r(7J-


·~i"roitth~: m:fA)fpit



'. '",_ i ! . '.- , .....


S, ,covelill

Oif' stoclk:lP[i[III€OI no,ra ri~$

w~aring und~,r th~ '~'!$pl,~ n.~id~' of' [i[t$, eho,i,o~'

S€eki[rng their r!itch~u-'1 OLJtl€t ~mong :~liri.fry ~god)de$5e~ e.sming ~rneilr kg~!p'

~~p,alm lrneiress'j '~li\ili't, [iii'i] 'the' mtOmo:

/.' -.

,agailrns1t '" ....

'ru\t$ ~hreat of ", ' "

'w~mii'ig gJureii'i,att,~, " " ""

Bdg~rilrng succe~~ [r~~io~

$ mm/,($"$immI!(ltmtd m/W$t'o/ 1Oe' ta!es:! ~ $! ~€j OR' tlw~ ItClflZ-"--m p9$1 all Me


~9ain5t !iii torpiD ailJocado Sirnive:ningl iii'i] ~rne [rlIoorll mrsit, [rno order for iJb~ [~I,~~$e_

In$lrume:rn~11 f!).Joop.~ sqil,ii~gze

lh~ lily out'torn" IElemrcee :~~iziJ,i[r'~,g, g,~sp ~t S1~r~W$, oJ some ~rniii'i(g

to Ibuy, im not clli[rngl 't,o::

Imy hydrants iifi y'Ou can ,




'Vet ,aJ[lIo-U1~J vetoiU' ec:ono:ml'l seeks

til 'bgfl~n footingl

in] ~rne plaC€' of elasUc grips, Wn:ern cau$liC; wipes,

~vO'lJildl sufl\lce

or !bear il$ rjj~~lJill di:$pilea,'S!jjre

't~~\~, ~~~~ ~t'%'~~'f,,~~



~~~~,~~ ~~~~yt t~~~~

a gfJiJ,i;esome om:amenit, ~l [:aSit mUngl

lake the' $itling and rUn i.iVi1h it

IDi~ITIIltilmgfil~ has

~its ojjj,l\fi1 plearure



canasta. w,aJtichers mrledl

On 'Ulf$ 'ni~ of ,a. eaul'eniZ,~d aprnrodisi~c 'Mtat otJ"U~$ ~ulred ~ooo.gg8ins. i.o tlh:eir sinu~~ds tad ~ 8i gra~ my£it'€ry .. IEmb8iF:gO tr'~:ad~ b~r ja,dkallh,ammetJ"$, t!lliJ~' sU$l~Jilance' ,~rgll)t_ WhetJ"tever lfila~,nti:cal ~i~t:riO:filip~ ~hre8ihgfil 't:h$ 'evenilfilg curlF€n~ itake a :~mte[f'ijung 00 OJliJiS'i glissandi '~ F,~t Cu~, lhe :gl8imoro~,~ OOnstitu~n~ i.o :~iJlffIJfler'$ W8tJy. ~g ~iilifiry

F8iilliiil,g an ,aJiJi~horiLed medliatioiill, 'tlh,e silack '~,fiI~ry ooncealed ~he (jr,~(j of '~,e liJinh~ar,d., Car:go, '~de-O'HS, pl~~ iOiJi~ lr€oont. h~$bJtJy.'i oh8inG€' enl8ir:giiil,g ~he '~ustered Fep~t.i~ton _ l3ellcrw tlhlem, thf$ ohronlic corti:cal$ never go to 3~ke '~n~ we~~r ~rn8in Ii"eCUIrringl :~PQts\i ILmnerved whille pas~iiilg the, Iborillilg l'est:: i.o hamlffI;€r lhe pa1r€nl ~n ~r~g ~y·s ,qUli"VtL

fO:Ftify 'the' imist., i't~ canrton :~utures

the (;I~ri[)JII im~dl€r :~hUimin(g lheir ijlplirM mille S:fiIaki~ baskets D~ '~Oj" empty \ii~,fiI0im or a ciaJLH:l!trophobic arimoJre.

A 1~~F09r,ade ~fiIloUIF se~ks fiIla~ki~ nns:i~ 'ielJhlil~ sil'ealiing a cask.e~ 'of lITi_assed appeals", INo d~nipUcull 'pallil 'd~fy

cr!ow;ing thie vast brayiing fr!om its, religlious serpern~,)

c IlSeqqlS ~rl9frme IS1J9J~eg B,~ bW010 .te~aiSdl 1~~nulBl erU' [[)t glnii~,B[')dl ~esv erlt gfl1lhN(lr1~ (~n;eq1ea ,euoigUs[1 ,~ii nnOlff

.. ..

Elm_ana,tion~ fr'[)JtiI a lIiIalf-:~hell conduit ~nd Cf:Y18!tI~ nfHarlker:~ shijltUiJng '~or' amDien,O~ in ~he lhane! w~er'~ cra(;ki~JS kifif€i~ long~l\Ud~ ~lJhlil~ decilarilfilg 'their' ~ptitude' '~'Or' lin~;p~irulJide tJey[),fiId the r'~alim of a oourher's, 'O~J€b~1IulITil or ~liIe lliICitcaki~ ~liIa~ GrOss its ,alFiidl Doumey

Pos~~ ,aIPp~a~~ r'~lJirif~Ge lhe :gUi:Jjrdian fiJ~onulim as In'i_att'~Js [pa~~ lhe :grom!j 'rUlrr,ow" .suIFlr€al ~ar,anels ,a,OPQstt deim~;fiIl\€dl '~abflc; at r,~taill carp~,fiI~rt detentionl ,oonmrs, where r,~t~,fiI~ion drailrils, ~'lile bladdeF' imiJt,~ ~FOIlIl inoendliary p,FO~opa.'tionl 'or ~he liinnellight 'of ,pas'the' lh,oIdl~rn, m~' Bastilt~ me:m;(Jries drift ~n 'th~' tJlood of lhe IEup1iJrom~, pdn,~all as ~ :~ulrgeO,fiI's ~uqh MUl a IF1lJiS!ty Ih,alfildl. ,Ani ap;peal ulfilm8!tolh,~, if~ aM,\€rgl~~1J parades ~liIe ~~red mn_acily ,tIh,~ oblong nxtur'~ I:;uiin 9 ID ki:Jjr,a,olke '~~d.'S, ~fiIli!j IhrjOl""~nlt~ Drok€nl by lhe counly lin,~ 'or ~ts oe~p~,fiIdalfills pF(Jlofilgifilg their oD~l)lete enifO:FPefillenlt. oniteria", IRe~s S€ek. the, oOuUary, blJi~ lrile:!j,ii~J p1ay ~'lile nlulmber; A :gt~!jiJ~~ cr,~nln9 aU:~Gk's, theiF' ~itn,alP~es; mall;:irilg ~hem hnn rea~"


/$' l'IbmiOllltv:e ,~I;I ,ttmtll1ll ,ambijluovs: p9$um$

- - .. ~ .. ~----- ~.-~ ,~- '."",-,

u pg Fa.u I ng I L::5

$kywa,$he;cI t~ nab I~$


, ~6a rt~ ef 0 n. ths til'

wher!e tbe ,chiilll box fI ol!l~isjbts

a ongsi he weight monolith I sti:rrin

'\t\ ~,\~ rt:A

%. "4~~~ ~,~~~~ .~ ~~"IJ:;.'\~,~t~~",

'~%~~~'~\. \~;'S.~WJ:iJIf. ~Wi~'I~ ~ ~~9tl

~,%'m!,,~ .~"\~

~Ie message oomes thlfm£glh ~19\re" ~nlbro~ern as a nectarine, synlSpse schledulle,

lr~~es the, ne'lfjt ~r~in staHon br,ea~~ng mhe gates IbefOre pl~us[ble hatred Ire$.umes amid the 'Wake~' IbuU:oris [anln~n;g '~he' breakage fleet


a mOJilgr,~1 'of the' '~'Oulrth d~Qsilt. fOJtif1~d on the la~t shards ,alFl~ar;~ li~, 'ronrrnLdaole .a.pp~mnce

Irlllflllina~iQn a~ the 'H~~ts mund lle~ps its ~liIird raill':~ ~.yn8j~e

or ,tl1~ ghOSits. oW corialfilde-J allloy.~,


~8J~~ingl off ilS '~eat 8J~ !!U,.lD~rr~{ge ory~t,


~ ~\<;


'rtiF' the' present .as, l.asit reim!?Jiiber'~ ~'\\


.a bllloij,,, IFilmnling ~hrough the Un~ ~



~~e~!~i~:,i~~USh to. ~~ o:...._ ....,

ca~rpiliiali- molt ~ \~

.as, 'hnSC€ndeno~ :0- ~

()~ ~~~

~<;fl ~~~~UO~~ __ ,_'~~t_iIG~'

:~eelk. themr iO'!Nlfil

:g,ecufi,~~ oJ any ioUler 8i~hg n imenj~ in Hile' im8itJi::lings, 'Ule ~~imo.5ph~rie VU510nl$ IPI~~' OJiI h e rn i ~ j::d'llelFiJe ,a,(hJ8inoo~ fr,OfifI 'tlh:€' i nterlior [P~ane,. A :~Ial'€' o~ ,,~ide ~'€s, :$hedd~lfilg b.a c IIl:g riO U llil d s' ,~~~e~ '~-atJ"d 'tlh:€' :~liidlilfilgl lrev~l.aiio.ns

mealfiling obsolJire~)

pl.!irpo:rb~crry pos't,~c ilfil gJ.aniJt.~. nev~r a :~lplP;page 'ro ,d U III '~Jh,1$ mo.imeJillafil .as, it. lak!$S '~orim, I~v·, I lfil gl 1m aD~enoe .as, w~ke_ A-$ p!)Jt.abl~' im!?Jii;(in,f?S Willi :~lilll '~mO!$ th~' ~eld'j 'tlh:€'

'~lliin{g ~o.~~ ~_~ :gos., :~8ilfriler wi II e[f'~s-e'

'~,f?JiilS€Il\!if?S 8!~ 'tlh:e' w~kilng mOim~t of a reoup,rocal IrllJis!lii

'~ O~re ilnlhiloJtion 0- 'Y


A~ ,,_ ..... - -- ,~k-_ . 'l 'Ml'11~,re' IiJ I~

tread 8i9P~ - -- "ll!$ lh,a~f:..oon,o~~I,~, a 'olarity '1-,.-: of visionary iq1lJie$'lS

tJy th - , I or~.siglh~d whl) s~n,d ~U

1- ~~5l8rde:r, asking their 8.fiIs,~Jtered ~'tion~_ B;alrl~~ilrilgl neUhino$ on L J'tL.'~ .ano:th€r lintemOJiiI lhiglhil,!Vay, lfiloliO,fiIal

~ '"' T settilfilg~ ,oalfiln,l):t. up~et. '~,~ Calrb~s:i~n

.AI>,..AI>,.t.;. ooglffi_~ ,oalrt.[),fiIS'j pilled on ~~~t, IPreren&ions ..

~f?> PlI~$ima, containJiment or'eed\$ offien5iJ~'

~ ~rruilage, 'Ul~ p.a~5ung '!?Jii;(ition.a~

0-' 'J ~qkage 'toi) pr'Oiphe!t~ Ibllilfild~ by \Jil~ion,alry

~ ImJrror 1~\fileqliO,fiIs'l a oond~i~ 'ro €nd~e~~ 8iimongl sarrv~~ion Go.rpcHf8!~,!),fiI5_


tlindertyilfilg vaga!bond ijlU~n:ae"1 ~$ ~iffln~'

~ 'Clr,adl~ :shift m 'th~' r,pwry':$ edge, a ladlle IrllUlis,an,o~ t,o ~rne 1r€5tt !'ii.~ striGtUlr€5, 'oom;pty iHid'i the' '~umique~ on ~ :$.ailn~d ni~ce grinlfiling 'fOrg:otte:fi1 gJ~niJt.e

oi!ifW the r,~luQ~ant IlaootJ'$ 'pf the :~wlililiin(g '~look,

~ de,1\init'$ shift to M~(jr,as., An Ulp1irffing madness ~n~'Orm~ i't$ tirad~':$ e'xeqution, by haJrlIgilrllQ [limp !'ii$ ~ ,oalrt.o,fi1 10iStt tu, 'd'i$ fflilfil'i !'ii ooiS~ly Iperus,al ~n~nded ito, dissuade tn;€' mJi,tFlffI:iJir8, \!Vending 'd'ir'Dugh ~um$lil~' :gIF~~rn, W;rnil~'

~,~'~a ~~~'~~,~~,\$~

~~,~~~ ~,v.~~~~.~~, ~~~'~~,i&.,

of' ,sharing

( :)


E1t'OOria.'tilrng (lI,.lUett~ fUlry trneili' Do]dlliifiiren'tioifij~ ~GfO~~ lrnii;irr,a,ti~~\i ~rne pi'~l'€d plaln of w~11·made


Stagger' ib~umj)~Js

ornamber the flfii~~ ,

a master of' 'fate: waws

its, tissue

the' 'termilrnal mortem lretlilex ILlindercu~s motimy is(sue~

a "alte, 'weaves 'the [masteR of ib liHIlI:e'


.".. lhe' '~i~h€r supplles ..... ~n ~roD SI,.IOs'talrnoe

-- -- -.-....:1'-- -- - -- --- --- - -- ----

Ipreo!SUmg '!)QQ'upalfilC.y,.


oOil,i]ar [preoedeifi~'

oonjlLlinCb\!ie ~s(sur,es dooide the' f'Or'~8it


,cr,~n~ :~~nes, ~QOJ'iljng Q\,ii~J


lifi~ned tUli'lre:ts Ilalthe' the, :~h()re


vffl~J~' 'U1~ onG€·h~Jd v~9aliiie~

dha~~if1ed their S1Ui~ ,as, en~mel nalfflitJlalt,~ f!)J :an :anlim:a~d panel

~pp,roaqh~ng idlissoIIU~' Ibanlfiler:~

Cli~CiJssdon Ci~ :~rori~d emblems, th~tphing 'U1~ h~t of' a re$il,iITi;€'

JiW~$'$o!1I$ tlIWJtrF./~ tittllan ar~',~s'

17m ,i'Ji;!$wms ~ ,UiWp8t l'W~$',"

I - . ~ ;' -: = II ~ -" J -


mtt.~,ctl~ dJy,on,~,~

~~~ ~'~'¥tt..'~\~ ~:~~~,

- - - - - -

~'q.~~~'~ ~%,~~W.~, ~~'~(~~~~~



of cutle(;'i


Ibehlino ~rne Inll~rN)W bjllo~lj~

the oJ~rnnt ~dlagr,o $~glfilEJjls ill$ Irn~l1f.purnuia, ooru~Qa.tilfilg thelr emblems,;

their lrepl~OOm~Jlits::

me-J'e' 'Ul~ ~\iilllr~ij,Wg, :~hed 'Ul~Jr r'oo~d sor~p~J's '~ di~~~mjbl~ dUlning 'their- di~plao~J'il;en~

glide 'th~ir- ~xiom_~~iG o1u~rer' siliOling pastt the :~Ulnf~J' oi:l,ges wh~,re' ,oasb~, oJ n,!)St,~1$

IiJiseo itQ, :gli"ee~

Up 'th~' middl~' a oor:~age

deql~re~ tJel~~d [lumilfil~~O,fi1 '~nsdts sl.!inliin,g ~rne ~\,ii~

{Iits, nliddlen piaU'Ony'lrfll r,ali"e' as hood~ lumens ~\i~ave~ the' :$-W~rve

of moh~GUI~r ,dysfUlfilo1lion ~bfilg the' 'O~Si~~ goib~J

ta.rget~ ~nulred 't,o the, :~u[b~ly :~~red oelliJisiO,fiIS, ,ailrming

IPoilfilts, o~ r'~rnmiln~lion host,ed ,as ~ IP8J~~lm~ Sl.!igp~m~ Onl the ,olooik,

whose, 'DO,fiIdomjniliJim h~tdliier:~ ~rn~per 'O,fi1 'UlaJohed ~rchilt,~t~ ~ 'UlOl.!is~nd ilfil 'Ule:ir b,argainifilg

no \Wings, ,a,t~aohedl t.o ~rne \M"eokage of Ipil$ beyond r'~UI~


lao!""iiJ"; i"rICiFSgr! n;..-.I!:nn; b' '1Ia~?i'iif'",,!ljL\.inl~ t"~1 "" . ·lllilal!Jv,lil. U ;';;'lulu;;:;

iirriga~e, llie 'Waloo,t] wash witi media 'splawter vliotlm of the, ie~plooing mom,em':

:smuggl~l1g intemlor tr[epid:a~lon patrerns fr!om ~he oross;.seam dilreotlve !d~ces the, vigilant [atrium

it. quells ~~ellfi agajl1st

a .... a;,IiCI""),I ....... -n;"q' 'et [~, IJI~""" eY 'lll.)lUJ1Iiil. U,






8V,a.tar [huddles

.' .' '.'



0/l,8!J u/J#J1i C8J.(eat

me-le' te4:~nliG 'oo:rnceptual tn31rnsi~,rnts

h:mk the mQI~F' dOOl ~gainst. ~nmpetall fO,~$ \!Varp,ing to, bend ~he OOmer o~itw~rd

iNiUlOlJit re,gard fOJ reciiPieJilt dis:pla,Y$

of ~rne di~ma,y m :~ha.ten carnp1Ji~t I~ver:~

b~,rnt tu, 'Ul~ spnlrngDoardl point; ~ Ila~rnrn de~ayed1 ~ill ahr breakJ'EJ~t

lh~' po~t~m;O~fifi w~e~rn, ,ory C€lllldold ~~I~t'(J~i~ agalin~t 'Ul~ logjam o~ motOl kime~ in ~he iPed~~!taWs, ,a,frermalth

¥€t ~no~rner' fifion'tulrn~ ~n di$arlray or p.raying ,d~aoo,rn '~renzy bUt~ills

llidles oW :~jjlrl~p~jJ~j,OlJi$ ilrllg e;rlI~lity

fa,atOJ ~rne [Ie~~~,rning o10~~!) in s!Mid~.,

A oorpo:ne'al halrnd~~and ilrnslitlJil\iliS '~,~ w,alilJeF' tJe~'Or'~ ~he Qro~~,.beU scenario

lneck.ons a ~fi~r,~ fifiodllJil~

a9aJin~t 'Ul~ lallJindlr{ oW iJt~ iPreviO~i~ Irti_anl<eFj

l~nd~r ,as fifiu~la~d envy,

'th~' 'CaJrlnier:~ olllart 'Ul~ prison ~Ioo'kad~

to rumo:r ~rne \I\illa

sa~, '~'Or Ilutrri~,rndly irriga~o,rn 'ho~

!Vlen as the, next moment's fade, to bla,ck conceali fhle ieveniing'-'s screamling alRertw rle


a falled crescent

where the CLJ rlous pinata falls, a pale vector

s~ng~ng places of last merriment


.... ~,....1.:;;:; '::;i!'i! .::;li'jnn".=. ... ~~ ... 'i'O'i ....... .,. ill ilU~' ~~ ~1',(1 ~1r---'t~'~'l:.J~ .. ,ril~LJ.'iI iI

$1attng j,!s limed ,9~ometQi ,sJ' in oonj.ulfilctiooS! wiJh m,e l.Q,g{Jl~

.", .. i:, 'OO~' ~.m.:; ...:;\n il1l ,,:; ,~;;;, .=. ... " ."f':;':; ~~ v ", _ l'!,n.I~~. ~~, ~ ... r. r:a--:~11 ~

huggmg m,' bBttJl€, stllrtJ\oos

n~a\f CiYPt'S be.anng iUtl'~~ rewalfds

,oil..... J!.. ~ j;li'- - • -.4',., .. _.- - - - _. -""m· .K!\I ,~jg',t~er SU~ji51il;lli! maI!!;N~9'-

,jn',~'efll' on w7l'ee1iill{J oogs !p~f lonely ,~Iil,gMt ~ng,sj

,the' scarier ,the' b€t~'ef;

,the' pfang~',t letrern.ead

nurses !.he ,~'etrQf' bJili$ter assumes 'Wng.n- .feeding j,!s haJTI$trin:g ,DiJit\Pna' ,the' !Of ,C~iil:t€iIlt ne:eded'

,~o fu'rlher ,the' 'Dooslal se(f.i$ng

of ~'t'S miiing ;ndi~s\fio,r.r

orer leapfrog

- -- - -rs

. ..



~. '~.~~. ,~,





~- .

'a,_ .' .. '. , _ .. ' . .::

wb/~ Inl&im ~~ ,~ ~ fkilt 70' maff:JifgJh ,~ ~~ ~i~m§~ ~'t ,~ wtmo ,17W$I wn!lJJ!tie' bE' .if$: ~t

~~ J_>jl.c..cA""".~~ J;.,._j-~....u_._J.' .£ ... "" . .I''i-"'.,....H,'!..'if. ,yylU'IU¥:L "r,-i~v,l~{n#~SE1~---

_--~ --.c....... -,~ .nJ~ -~ ciA.... ,.-?~ &1'1 &..

CI17(klun ,.!l:~ P'~Ji L:l~ 4!7>-~... r~:n '>I;.'

stJp-$:Flmpw€J ~it ~. on lite /Hm$ thal ~nl,~ ,/t.' ,~~ ~'I!.t1i7,~ 1ht'/itJ1'#kIl,~' ~S' ~ ,~,pamt ,cif,~

oW a d,*pl~t,~

" slhor'!$

taunit$ the' t1.anOs of' re8lume lreGn,lirb$ fl~shilfilg ooll~r Ouli'o.fiIS, ,alfild ti~' ,ql~:8p$ ~t ~rne ~ddliG r,~ur'O!$ fIIlan~g,*J_

,at 'th~, mO.m:ent 'of ~pplica,'ti:on, the anrog8!ti:on OOgilfil8, its no~algl_~ 'rolf st~(j ~rtj[~ge" 111$ n~ce~$alF'll b!$t~r:$ &4 ~rne ~ng~e to ren~w th!$ bNlken ~romise, io~n[jn[ue~ be'trerm~rlIt

~~ ~, \"h"wth t:;~~~\~W. '{ff;#Nf!'J;. ~'~ ~~ ~~'i_; ~~ ~~ \~ w.. .~If;$.-'\t::. ~Yt.·;!;~jt;f:N;$j,T;,~

'~·~'~iri.~-~ - '!.';".,........ u.~··", ...:r. '~.... ""","""'~ '~ .. ~ .. ~, ~~~ "'\.~'!;. ~~'\. ~ ...... , ,,"N$;,""fL~~ ",\~,

~ ~~ ~~,- ~,~\jK"\fii,~~ '~~,m~~l~~ '~,~ ~,,''i:·~m~·~\~t~~, ~'W4 ~ ~''w.,~ ~~~,.'~~~~~~W$';' ?A~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~\li. ~~~, a'~ "l~ ~'i_ \;!$t~~m ~~



\~ ~ \~D..~'iX.~

- - - - - -

'~\~ ~l,~~~"is~,


~, ~~m~~ ~,


,em ~mi)tl.jhtlj:~' u/~r


its ,lblu:i'C'S to ~

w~ ~;~$t#tJm emlJ~

'fo,r a r'ev'ersiiilbille, [piiie,ce, Or. IlIailMbo,rne sblrublbe'IF'Y

lin~FimUlral IpeFilffl!lliter ,~illamion reO~JveF:~ g~Ilh~J nighdy, ~t 'I1h~ lurpiIS ·roiil~.

ani en[Mpreneun~1 dlpenM~lonl of past pl!tlsure$, MCa$t

InigOJ~d t,o ve~11a1 ~lJlilmnOiillie$ among 'Ilh~ s~k.IFnalian lffI:onlBge·

t,o dOO€i\ii~ ~he 't'~Narium fauo~t. alea.¥~g~

MIlh malad or c8J~~galion nlng$, 8J SOiillic me.asure deo~Jving

t.~NesIMial pliumage· I'auoets selliing ~rne sv.rel'b~',ning c.ap~e~$

${Pringing '~'Orllh lil's, Iluridl relro$p~clive,

A GLI1'C:H INI THE. All!T1Ifl1QRS OF' HISTO!RV Ipridling ~heim~~lve~ on memory's, 'fuiillure

lhe' ,aJI:;Jsent wrealk ~heilr ma,glic 'O:fi1 'Ilh~ past wh~J~'

hiad~,fi1 :~ub~'xJ1.s dlisgoF:ge' '~,~ Ilie$

Across, 'Ilh~ wilreg,

tumid fr,a,ctal 'oonliiil(geiilj~ flire' 'Ilh~Jr bUrslts,

seekilfilg \MIlling ,aIffI;plitude

Where sandlblast'~Js inv~d~ ~iUlley :~nak;;'heF:~ t.o raid '~h~ sou~s' 'of oblong] spiniits

f,!)J ~rne str'~,fiIgllh of ~heLr 9mlfiluL~r \i.[ois~ik.ldes,



A •", ··E·.- -'e' '115--"- 'lI'RA' "'-TlVE" C"- .··B· .. ·· IlC-'IE'IIY' .

I,' ,:. . . '-.' .' I,. 1"". ,.,,:. ",,;,,: . '. ' .' ':" • .: -: -;'. ,:. • r ~ ',: ."_ . ':" ,'. ' .• r

, ••••••• _ . _ .• ...: : •• _,' ·_·L." •• ' ',._,,' • _~' •• _ •• ' _' , ,", _'-" _. "."

'~m~ ~~ '.t'.r~~ ~,~~~t 't!~~ ~ 'i!lfi~ ·rw.ftL~ \~. \i~~W'1J;, '~u',&~~ \[;.,1~, ~ ~I~' 'Q.VJ.\f$'U.~~

lin~pjre~ the' imull~i·i!Ji~aimin :~ing ~r

tl) br,~.aoo caUipu~i reactiOnj~ Wh,~JiI I~~~ons ~1Jinnl prootal

or other w.a~\, lilfilruiffiii~ reol.amalioJiI tra,C€\S, f'OUlfild obj~O'Iiions aim!)Jilg oFlllGi~ix ~mbl~m~, sold in n~(in lffI_.ark.e~,

~ .. A ~ .....

:~ql.!iintiifilg thouglm a :soLid Imaze ,as lazy a~ ~t's, taslt imp~rolive~_


If,adii,al p ud e nda ShO·c·k.'eli'"'S sCIf'e,a,mi ng ,at tlh'e IrEH:U rnbent statiion po,aitiioned for an imlmiine'liIrlt: d'ecline no, If,a1t:io, mlo,re be'atiifi,c, 1t:han its pn~'sciie'nt odor' pll,a,yiing the' scarves theilf bitter mu:s,iic iimlplf'ecates its harsh mlotiifS dura,lb,le' fr,ag Ime' rita of liift=lh'eigh1l;e,n'ed pll'e,a,s,=, ure' iimplf'egn,ate'd with natio,na,11 pre'senClf!' iin f:orgot,=, te,n ,a,llle'y:s, whe,re I,abii a tlf,e,a,d th'e ,dlepth ,of ,every :s,u rfa,ce miirrOlr0,dl in 1t:h e n iglhrt"s pre'almbl,e to! Ile'c1te,rn If'eCiipients clh,olr'e'o'Qllraphe,d agaiinst the' war' z,one crook remlaiindere'd to sta,n,chiion ja,c,kals dUlirablle, ,a,s IiIligh1l: :s,'we\a1l:s ,amo,ng th'e ne'edy' bettermen1l: w"ee'p'=' 'ers, keepi ng the, zo,n'e a,a.-fe fo,r' hu m,a,n ,dluc1I:i lii1t,y ,a,s vapolr:S Ifii:s,e thlrOU'Qlh tlhe,m skiitte,riing a'Clross a folilly 0" iice to volllle'y Imetro,nYlmiC: p,a,s1t:ilmes to, na1t:io,nal ,antle'li'"'S ,a1t: a pre'=caus1t:i C: rn u se'um o,u1tllet ch,ain,=, ,owne'd and wlf,apped ,as le\a1t:helf giifts 'QII iin1t;e'd iilill 1the stu,dlde'dl night no, fOlrmal denOluement s·eekiing iinte,=, Ifiior' :s,u bsiid i,es for' p,arst grave II ,or effo,rt:s c;a,st iin II iquid bronze' ,a,I,one as ,a dlfY foun1taiin rntx ,am,ong dese,rt python Ib,e,alre,rs d'ecl,a,ilmin'QI exc:lalm,ato,ry e'x'Clre'lme,nt iin :s.ta, rrz.a or' ,out of wed Iloc:k poc:ke1ts a siil ve'll'1lish in the, rn a king Olr pa If,a.tactiic Ire'g'en e n~!ti'o n 1t:is:s,u,e:s, 'fo'if a nose, iin h,e,at ,or chilii verg,iions w'O,rshiped ,at fiish ,death ritu,a,lls ililiumiinate'd thr01UQlh th'e optiic c:hill 0.1 a ootd :s,to,ne'~s gll,a,re to,w,ard whe,re the, rntaetori I,ost iilts visio,1iI1 to Ime'ch,a,niicall pas,sio,n ,a,s ,ornamle,nte'd ulilldelf b uff:alo s k,iie's 'e n d,a n g'e re'd by w,a,lnra n1ty n~'stlri,c:Uo n s ,a1t: 'ev'e ry bUlfn iin 1t:h e II,o,a,d or' turni ng Im,a.trii.x on whi m ,or o,ff;"lb,allllast a s,e,a 'fo,od c:red,o crOis,se,d twiice ,a,nd 'Qlon'e IiIlevelr to return 1to btrxorn wa1t:elr=b'e,a,lring otrtfits a IUlrid mlisfit iimpre'sariO' ,can,dlile w,axiing b'efo,re the, w,an e' can de1taiin ii1t:s e,nthu$ iasUc, bl u ste,r' from If,eclk,oniing the' mantra of se'llf;"n~,pute' a'Qla,iins.t h,omiily Ile'sio,n:s, Im,a,lrchin'QI s,o,re,lly behin,d1the CUlfve, t'ow,a,lrd a h,appe,nstanoe diire,c1I:ive' unwittiinglly sche'dule,dl to, iinve,nt inve,c1I:ive for sUita,blle' ,occa,sio,ns ,a:s, ,apPIf,oprii,=, ,a1te's 9 a1t:h E!'1f for the lh'eariing ,a wh iplas h ag a iinst 1the spoon be,;alfiing do,wn o,n tlh,e clf,adl,e siittiing ,onlly to, Ifii:s,e ,a,gai n frcsrn the ta,[b,le a rid depart 1the ba riq U et :s,o'

OWF' 'tIi;:e' deh,il~~ mO'~J~ ,calll:ee 'U1~ iHa,dken$a!OJr: IBo~rnd8.ry, 'Wtnu~~re ~vnjsltles j',q;am '~,~ 9]FiIITi] [peFilITi:e~rn, rem~J~ lo q8.FlIiiml] di~~rtt~no~ Ta,qt'OJS embr,oi~~d trn ~rryKo,rn ~u99,age ,disput,~, at oross .. wolorr iln~on8!Hons_ inrne re$ullin,g linri,ga~ions cau~~ depth [peF'oep~ion t,o derignit iln slJirif;aoo$, :~hlimmeringl tln:c 'danoilrn9 ~o m~nLrng5 ~idden iln the mind wher'~ the look nay tJolh~c on] i[),rne si:de_ ILoosen]ingl lli~ tennplaW' 'oe,rnl'etJ"ful:d ~llrlJiminal'ed the 'elilnnilrn8!~d ~islotJ"Y'i no lITi_~~te:r hO'lN' n,anj '~,~ lliim '[acID~nn situoied the de~~ttare '~ablet. F'~miK 'Of the tUlr]rnsiil:~ Inrny1Jhm qnaDkin,g doJlaIrs in] the, oa,dkglfOiJm;n_ A ~i~~ 'Of l'!.!¥O '~lfOnn the, diisoonirent A wem·mealrn~

as!tral geo:mJllitry s\lr:geon tJi~~n

a \!i~JiI~niGUlar '~~nq seekilfilg lnival ur:ges,

aeriallinnlibHion$ lfilCi~ Vi,I'!i~1iI :~~anoilng prohlhlt IPE!lEIPhy$i~1 Gemal~~ions

10 :$p;€ak IlJin$pok.en king,lJies

tJrings, th~ unfalmiliar '~ ~Ia,y against the ,daily nostrum

PPstt .. vorillical rumilfila~!),fiIS, ~ea,~,

tt81m;pliltilg 'the' nno:tilgi',~1 'vio:issituoes, oon~mntiltilg Ihor~rory stamp tlendetJ"$ at ~rne Ipao~ m '~Jfu~dr buoke~ oreep thlrQUglh ''!,!i!$S'tigi8~ b\racl-(e~$j er,8s:iiitg memories, iof the' idee~niltil9 orevio~ Ibe~~~~n SQci811 r,~i~~r:i;l, '~ach on~ SQ~anniitilg ~m, D81(j ~81$eu.o ~ablet$ thouglrn :~~asonall¥ appmpniale

mna ,qhiime$, p,il'PliIe~ o1innbJng

t,o sonar freqruenoie$ e'xmbJUlnj~

as, 'U1~ s,~v~a~ ~rQm uitilskilileo ml,lr,8I1s,

A l~g]is'try Irl'LamgnJ$ the' ilrll~lbqred

wrner'~ d01dlFUlITiiS 8jr'~ $ilJlr'~ lp, '~oIIIOiN ~liIe Ipllulmbilng or 8j tignj~ 'qr'$VaSse wiJ~1 ani o~eF:~~as :~~nnp.,

Med~oqr'~ undennn~~ie$

'fia$lenl theiJi" gllue' '~ striokenl amilJllets.

In;€' pnice of fiel~a~io ou~lebs, r'~J'i'Lains e:dfenn~ 8Ji;l the' p,ro~o~~ of sUDuroatil ni9nit~ aio~ '~,~ oda$ nn8tricui:8Iting] fo:ren,O('jnl ~m\,i\~iions or I~a'n$t. ganderitilg a~ hatildUng] Oil,iitl;et8 preceding] oom1laF'/ !Sundials, ltil n;ooni's, r,8dius bemre o~rner ql,la'llranit~ ~e8JP' '~IfOI~·,eJs '~ !Save the hoode(j venj~llation 'from :~qrue8jkiiiitg

nlrthern: )',1I",iI9111 platters ..

[a~!t fair paS!t

the ~EIl~~ hope o~ i"~$crrl8.ti:on·s EIlm01.Uf

.(!t$"~.fhat~~$e' .~~dJe ml1€Y'.me~ malleT

- - - - - - -

iWb'e'*II~ fI:;e.~~ u1'tf:1~$~t~mm' .~,(XJbWi!?b$Ie~~'~' $hw~

-"'(l ~0

it 6'<.: :\ ,,"-'

-'-hg ceO

~~'~~ ~~~';;1~~

'~.~~." ~.~.~~


Ilm(~· iob$oh~l€· .a,QiUiflrym$

EIln EIlu~oJfl_ale(j Im:eifl.S'~all ,aIPpl~EIlnoo· $eelts, [ai':gets 'fOr Ulrllifl.iil.'tUIFtall InivallFlie$ tuml ti'ick~, to pro~ll

I" . glliflitilng

iifll the ,$y>€llio$

'~dlilrllgl 't.!~st,ost,eJoifl,$

-9:3-, GOfilf~b~J~iiofil ~filii.5,

revel [fil l;eveUing dis1traotingl ~rufi;iGI.g, ~iUm $lrongly ~ng;end~redl refi.d.~liO,fiI~, Cif' lBOUUl1 de;preGa~i)Qn lunirbs

~~~ ~\~'~~

~~~',"it&. '~,~~,~ \~m~W;p ~~\$.~~ ~wa.~W,th~ ~,~~~,~~%.

~~, ~~,~ '~~~:~i ~~',~~,~ ~~'~ ,~~ .. ti~, ",~,\~,

a n,oo·phlilla.t,~Ji,Q mi$d ~JfI:€flin(Jr :~mm;ped1 c:m ~liIe msl; ~ lPil,mi~hifrile:filt

- - - - .- --, -- - _. -- -- ,-- .- _. --- 1.-. ...... - '1.-.

w~aFllfilgl €lJlglllfl,~1l" wo~

'to th~' neflir'$St vaGajnq ar'Oot.

$oliidl :s;,~~, panlc DF,~~dl~ op~pall 'vag8wie~ opiilftiHifriI l~v~llin(g


~$? ,$".@It1~dI~ ,~,fJJtl$ ilJel,~~'

~ ,Uiif1 ,a,:Ml./m

~"'9.:..\\~ ~~~~~"f!:;

\~\~":J:.,~,~~~, ~,

~ ~$? /1l?$bt!IJ4l ~M~~:tJlh~ ,5$_llo/~I~,m,~. $lter,/bS$~;$ ~' ~ of/lYIng'tt'me,

lim~ble p!l,i detJ·tda '\,iioooH'u~'J's [pul~ed ~iUm 'U1~ in~mi~b\le fHe~ dUFilmg ~ ,dec::af 'rrenzy"~ bitt~, iNhme ~eriodCUli~~ litJ'tqlue~~~


limpassionedl moans, nl~~ 'from [prod~OOF;~' (JOUorM~-S. d!r,phe$ from d~J'livali\ii~ gib/~e~, burieC lunder bed~ Of raffi~lhl reqiJe~ts.

~~k~n9 tn,~ dialmg ~J' o~ .an ernf:3jn~ ~"ia.h~·J' $!l,ilpply casting] ofif

iI~s ,ooe '~ F'~UN)~ 'kit a p,alrMo:i~an~ kidkba,ck lim ih€~lr 9JF'OUP ,alFetJ'ta, du~ OF' tn,,*]rr oolo~seiJlffIl ren~1 p~dilllp;es,

wlMm ,~5Ijj}a#S' ,BI/!Im~

- - - --

~W~' ~~$$t ,(:n;J$$"~ ~$~y ~8~~a! $$'~l~8!~$

~'~ /.fJf:q$'l~ ,anp"

,v_~ a$f!li1pJ/


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