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Unit 1: Managing Human Resources Assignment Details.

Guildhall College


Programme: BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business

Unit Number and Title: Managing Human Resources (Unit 1)
Unit Level: H1
Assignment Ref. Number: 1.1.1-Human Resource Management
Module Tutor: Sabir Hussain Jafri
Date Set: 15/12/2009

Learner’s name and statement of authenticity

Learner’s Name: …………….. Learner’s ID: Date handed-in: dd/mm/yy

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. Where the work of others has been used to support
my work then credit has been acknowledged.

Signature: ……………………. Date: ……………

Learning outcomes and criteria covered by this assignment:

The aims of this assignment are to measure the outcome of students’ learning in terms of knowledge acquired,
understanding developed and skills or abilities gained in relation to achieve the learning outcomes (LO) and criteria
(i.e. P, M, D):

LO1 (1.1): Investigate the traditional view of personnel management and the new approach of human
resource management
LO2 (1.2): Evaluate the procedures and practices used for recruiting and selecting suitable
LO3 (1.3): Establish the effectiveness of principles and procedures for monitoring and
rewarding the employee
LO4 (1.4): Explore rights and procedures on exit from an organisation.

P01 (1.1.1): distinguish between ‘personnel management’ and ‘human resource management’ and
discuss the historical development and changing context in which they operate
P02 (1.1.2): assess the role, tasks and activities of the human resource practitioner
P03 (1.1.3): evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource practices
P04 (1.2.1): analyse the need for human resource planning, the information required and the stages
involved in this process
P05 (1.2.2): compare the structured process for recruitment in two organisations and evaluate the
methods and media that can be used
P06 (1.2.3): evaluate the interview as a selection technique and discuss a range of alternative
selection methods available
P07 (1.2.4): evaluate selection practices and procedures in two organisations comparing these to
‘best practice’
P08 (1.3.1): evaluate the process of job evaluation and the main factors determining pay
P09 (1.3.2): identify a range of reward systems eg performance related pay and its benefits and
P10 (1.3.3): explain the link between motivational theory and reward
P11 (1.3.4): explore organisational approaches to monitoring performance
P12 (1.4.1): evaluate exit procedures used by two organisations, comparing these to best practice
P13 (1.4.2): analyse selection criteria for redundancy

Unit 1: Managing Human Resources Assignment Details. Guildhall College

M1 (01.1): Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions

M2 (01.2): Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques
M3 (01.3): Present and communicate appropriate findings
D1 (01.1): Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusion
D2 (01.2): Take responsibility for managing and organising activities
D3 (01.3): Demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking

Unit 1: Managing Human Resources Assignment Details. Guildhall College



Programme: BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business

Unit Number and Title: Managing Human Resources (Unit 1)
Unit Level: H1
Assignment Ref. Number: 1.1.1-Human Resource Management
Module Tutor: Sabir Hussain Jafri
Date Set: 15/12/2009

Key dates

Distribution date: 20/11/2009

Submission date: 15/12/2009


Human resource management is a strategic, integrated and coherent approach to the employment, development and
well-being of the people working in organizations.

Research is required in order to assess the evolution of HRM from personnel management and how the new
function is playing its role in selecting new employees; rewarding existing employees and treating those who are
leaving different organizations. You are required to first understand these concepts and then assess the applicability
of these concepts in an organizational context in your report.

In writing the report, the work that you present must be your own. However, you will clearly have to work with
and present the work of others. Ensure that you clearly indicate the relevant source(s) of material that you present
to support your work.

Specification for Assessment

You are required to produce a case study showing evidence of application of human resource management
concepts and principles to analyse success or failure of one large or prominent multinational business
organization. You may choose the case of a prominent business (Asda, McDonalds, Barclays, HSBC, etc.)
operating under the recent economic environment.

Unit 1: Managing Human Resources Assignment Details. Guildhall College


Before you write your report, you should choose any organisation that has offices/operations in this country. Your
report should have following format:

1. Synopsis of the company: you should cover the type of business the company is in, history,
business growth, and geographical location/spread.

2. Literature review- in your literature review you should cover the following points:

a. distinguish between ‘personnel management’ and ‘human resource management’ and

discuss the historical development and changing context in which they operate (P01 -
b. assess the role, tasks and activities of the human resource practitioner (P02 - 1.1.2):
c. evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource practices
(P03 - 1.1.3):
d. analyse the need for human resource planning, the information required and the stages
involved in this process (P04 - 1.2.1):
e. compare the structured process for recruitment in two organisations and evaluate the
methods and media that can be used (P05 - 1.2.2):
f. evaluate the interview as a selection technique and discuss a range of alternative
selection methods available (P06 - 1.2.3):
g. evaluate selection practices and procedures in two organisations comparing these to
‘best practice’ (P07 - 1.2.4):
h. evaluate the process of job evaluation and the main factors determining pay (P08 -
i. identify a range of reward systems eg performance related pay and its benefits and
limitations (P09 - 1.3.2):
j. explain the link between motivational theory and reward (P10 - 1.3.3):
k. explore organisational approaches to monitoring performance (P11 - 1.3.4):
l. evaluate exit procedures used by two organisations, comparing these to best practice
(P12 - 1.4.1):
m. analyse selection criteria for redundancy (P13 - 1.4.2):

3. Findings and analysis- you should cover the following points in relation to the company:
a. Outline different human resource strategies applied in the domestic market and in an
overseas country. [M1 (01.1)] of your chosen Business
b. Use appropriate techniques to identify macro and micro environmental factors, which
influence human resource decisions. [M2 (01.2)]
c. Analyse the additional elements of the human resource strategy which have contributed to
the success of the company. [D1 (01.1)]

4. Conclusion and recommendation(s):

a. You should write a conclusion about the findings and communicate appropriate
recommendations to the board of directors [M3 (01.3)]. In writing your recommendation
you should demonstrate convergent/lateral/creative thinking [D3 (01.3)].

Unit 1: Managing Human Resources Assignment Details. Guildhall College

Learning outcomes, assessment and grading criteria

Assessment criteria for pass
Outcomes To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate the
ability to:
1. Investigate the traditional view of  distinguish between ‘personnel management’ and
personnel management and the ‘human resource management’ and discuss the historical
new approach of human resource development and changing context in which they operate
management  assess the role, tasks and activities of the human
resource practitioner
 evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in
human resource practices
2. Evaluate the procedures and  analyse the need for human resource planning, the
practices used for recruiting and information required and the stages involved in this
selecting suitable employees process
 compare the structured process for recruitment in two
organisations and evaluate the methods and media that
can be used
 evaluate the interview as a selection technique and
discuss a range of alternative selection methods available
 evaluate selection practices and procedures in two
organisations comparing these to ‘best practice’
3. principles and procedures for  evaluate the process of job evaluation and the main
monitoring and rewarding the factors determining pay
employee  identify a range of reward systems eg performance
related pay and its benefits and limitations
 explain the link between motivational theory and reward
 explore organisational approaches to monitoring
4. Explore rights and procedures on  evaluate exit procedures used by two organisations,
exit from an organisation comparing these to best practice
 analyse selection criteria for redundancy

Unit 1: Managing Human Resources Assignment Details. Guildhall College

Merit Descriptors Distinction Descriptors

M1: Identify and apply strategies to find D1: Use critical reflection to evaluate own
appropriate solutions work and justify valid conclusions

M2: Select/design and apply appropriate D2: Take responsibility for managing and
methods/ techniques organising activities

M3: Present and communicate appropriate D3: Demonstrate convergent/lateral/ creative

findings thinking

Achievement of a pass grade

A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the assessment criteria for
each individual unit.

Achievement of a merit or distinction grade

All the assessment criteria and merit grade descriptors need to be completed within a unit to achieve a merit grade.

All the assessment criteria, merit and distinction grade descriptors must be completed within a
unit to achieve a distinction grade.

P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12 P13
Requirements 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 2.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.4.1 1.4.2

Grading criteria M1 M2 M3 D1 D2 D3

Requirements 0.2. 0.2.2 0.2.3

0.2.1 0.2.2 0.2.3

Plagiarism and Collusion

Any act of plagiarism and collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the regulations. In this
context the definition and scope of plagiarism are presented below:
“Using the work of others without acknowledging source of information or inspiration. Even if the
words are changed or sentences are put in different order, the result is still plagiarism”. (Cortell 2003)
Collusion describes as the submission of work produced in collaboration for an assignment based on the
assessment of individual work. When one person shares his/her work with others who submit part or all
of it as their own work.

Unit 1: Managing Human Resources Assignment Details. Guildhall College

Extension and Late Submission

If you need an extension for a valid reason, you must request one using a coursework extension request
form available from the college. Please note that the lecturers do not have the authority to extend the
coursework deadlines and therefore do not ask them to award a coursework extension.
The completed form must be accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you
being sick.

Support materials

Support materials
Sufficient library resources should be available to enable learners to achieve this unit.
Particularly relevant texts are:
Armstrong M — A Handbook of Human Resource Practice (Kogan Page, 2001)
ISBN: 0749433930
BPP — Business Basics: Human Resource Management 2nd Edition (BPP Publishing, London,
1997) ISBN: 0751720763
Corbridge M and Pilbeam S — Employment Resourcing (FT Prentice Hall, 1998)
ISBN: 0273625276
Dransfield R/Howkins S/Hudson F and Davies W — Human Resource Management for Higher
Awards (Heinemann, 1996) ISBN: 0435455281
Foot, M and Hook, C — Introducing Human Resource Management 3rd Edition (FT Prentice
Hall, Harlow, 2002) ISBN: 0273651439
Torrington D/Hall L and Taylor S — Human Resource Management 5th Edition (FT Prentice
Hall, Harlow, 2002) ISBN: 027364397

Journals and newspapers

Human Resource Management Journal
People Management
Personnel Review
Personnel Today
The Guardian and any other quality broadsheet newspapers

Companies such as Video Arts and Melrose produce a variety of videos, which may be useful in
covering human resource management topics. Television current affairs programmes can also provide a
useful additional resource.

Unit 1: Managing Human Resources Assignment Details. Guildhall College

Websites Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service provides business case studies appropriate for educational purposes Chartered Institute of Personnel and development website with a
range of learning resources employment questions and answers Commission for Racial Equality Disability Rights Commission Department of Trade and Industry Institute for Employment Studies Equal Opportunities Commission provides links to news items and reports Health and Safety Executive up-to-date intelligence on employment issues (Incomes Data
Services) bi-monthly journal of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development relevant articles and statistics relevant articles on current training and development topics

For recruitment and selection learners could access websites such as: gives details of vacancies at the BBC gives details of job opportunities for disabled people gives details of job opportunities and careers advice gives details of job opportunities and careers advice

Unit 1: Managing Human Resources Assignment Details. Guildhall College



Programme: BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business

Unit Number and Title: Managing Human Resources (Unit 1)
Unit Level: H1
Assignment Ref. Number: 1.1.1-Human Resource Management
Module Tutor: Sabir Hussain Jafri

Learner name: Learner ID:

Information/feedback on assessment and grading criteria

Assessment criteria (Pass-P) Achieved Evidence Feedback

P1 (1.1.1): distinguish between Yes/No Report

‘personnel management’ and ‘human
resource management’ and discuss the
historical development and changing
context in which they operate
P2 (1.1.2): assess the role, tasks and Yes/No Report
activities of the human resource
P03 (1.1.3): evaluate the role and Yes/No Report
responsibilities of line managers in
human resource practices
P04 (1.2.1): analyse the need for human Yes/No Report
resource planning, the information
required and the stages involved in this
P05 (1.2.2): compare the structured Yes/No Report
process for recruitment in two
organisations and evaluate the methods
and media that can be used
P06 (1.2.3): evaluate the interview as a Yes/No Report
selection technique and discuss a range
of alternative selection methods
P07 (1.2.4): evaluate selection practices Yes/No Report
and procedures in two organisations
comparing these to ‘best practice’
P08 (1.3.1): evaluate the process of job Yes/No Report
evaluation and the main factors
determining pay
P09 (1.3.2): identify a range of reward Yes/No Report
systems eg performance related pay
and its benefits and limitations

P10 (1.3.3): explain the link between Yes/No Report

motivational theory and Reward
P12 (1.4.1): evaluate exit
procedures used by two organisations, Yes/No Report
comparing these to best practice
P13 (1.4.2): analyse selection Yes/No Report
criteria for redundancy
Unit 1: Managing Human Resources Assignment Details. Guildhall College

Grading criteria (Merit-M; Destination Achieved Evidence Feedback

M1: Identify and apply strategies to find Yes/No Report
appropriate solutions
M2:Select/design and apply appropriate Yes/No Report
M3: Present and communicate appropriate Yes/No Report
D1: Use critical reflection to evaluate own Yes/No Report
work and justify valid conclusion
D2: Take responsibility for managing Yes/No Report
and organising activities
D3: Demonstrate Yes/No Report
convergent/lateral/creative thinking

Assessor’s general comments:

Assessor’s Signature Date:

Print Name:

Learner’s comments:

Signature Date:

Print Name:

Feedback of this coursework will normally be given to students four weeks after the submission of an assignment.

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