Climmatic Change Task Nerea

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Task: ç

Making a oral exposition about climate change trough a comparative work trough last
ten years

Communicative objectives:

-Learning weather vocabulary and expressions

-Be enable to interpret a weather forecast text or map

-Comparing present and past weather

Linguistic and thematic components:

-To be: Present and Past simple

-There is/are/was/were

-Comparative adjectives and structure

-Weather vocabulary; nouns, and adjectives and months and seasons

Supporting and communicative tasks:

A. Weather vocabulary:
1. Flashcard games with weather vocabulary
a. Weather dominoes to match picture and word in small group (appendix 1)
b. Creating a Weather chart (big group: Students have to put different flash cards
in a big chart according if they are hot, cold, warm or wet weather and
according to the seasons and their months.
2. Weather forecast game: [Present and past simple to be]
a. In pairs they are expressing weather with the battleship game structure
(appendix 2)
3. (Optional) Weather wheel craft (Appendix 2)

B. Comparative structures:

1. Listening exercise where they have to order countries countries according to cold,
heat, dampness, foggy places, …
2. Speaking activity in pairs (information gap) about a world weather map comparing
similarities and differences between countries [there is, there are]
3. Completing the common big chart by comparing seasons (big group)

C. Final task:
In groups students have to compare the weather change in the last 10 years in a city
(London, New York, Florida, Sydney, and Capetown) They have to use local
newspapers to compare temperatures in the same date through the decade and the
sunny, rainy, windy and snowy days.
They have to make diagrams and prepare an oral exposition with conclusions


-Observation of participation, interest, attitude and knowledge during the process.

-Listening exercise

-Group work, and oral exposition

Appendix 1: Flash cards
Appendix 2: Weather forecast game

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