Csab Min 09-20-2010

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Washington State University Vancouver 

Chancellor’s Student Advisory Board 
September 20, 2010
1.) Welcome
2.) Introduction/Attendance:
• Mason O’Lennick (ASWSUV President)
• Tiffany Moore (ASWSUV Vice President)
• Haeyalyn Muniz (ASWSUV Chair Pro Tempore)
• Sally Thrall (Lead Ambassador)
• Jake Kleinschmidt (VanCougar Editor-in-Chief)
• Triana Collins (KOUG Radio Station Manager)
• Jenny Mockford (Student Media Board Chair)
• Kenneth Allan (Student-at-Large)
• Michael Looney (Student-at-Large)
• Michelle McIlvoy (Student Involvement Manager)
• Nancy Youlden (Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs)
• Hal Dengerink (Chancellor)
• Lynn Valenter (Vice Chancellor)
• Lt. David Stephenson (Representing Public Safety)
• Audrey Miller (ASWSUV Director of Academic Affairs)
3.) Purpose and description (Audrey Miller)
I. Meetings will be every six weeks: September 20, November 1, and December 6.
II. Always in Administration 236 at noon
III. Please notify the ASWSUV Director of Academic Affairs two weeks before each
meeting if you would like to add any items/topics to the agenda.
• Mason adds that he is excited for the open communication between
leaders, and in-turn student groups.
4.) Campus Update (Hal)
I. The “Big Picture” is that the State is in trouble financially, therefore the school is
in trouble for getting funding
II. A plan for remodeling the 2nd floor of the Library has been requested
III. New building is coming along, with help from the WSU capital funds and land
IV. On the operations-side there are also progressive cuts
• While there use to be funds-per-student, it was stopped before the 4th year
and tuition was raised
• Things are “tight” so the school is looking at operations first to find where
money can be saved
• Enrolment numbers are up 4%, and we are over 3,000 for the first time
V. WSU Vancouver is continuing to grow, hiring new faculty, and program


Washington State University Vancouver 
Chancellor’s Student Advisory Board 
5.) Dorms on campus (Lynn)
I. 3 main phases for proposal process
1. Intelligence gathering
2. What would the dorms look like: what are the needs of students (freshmen,
international, married couples, etc.)
3. Business development plan (# of rooms, ex. 300+)
II. The benefit of having dorms will help attract and maintain students
III. Still need to look at the demand, financing, concept, and templates of housing
IV. Focus groups will take place on Sept. 30th
V. A Final Report will be out by the end of the year
• Nancy comments, an online survey will go out to all students about dorms
• Audrey asks if dorms are a necessity, and will Legislature support them
• Hal answers that the state will not support dorms, athletic fields, etc., and
residence halls are part of student experience.
• Hal notes that Bothell and UW Tacoma recently put housing on campus,
Bothell’s is in need of more space, on Tacoma’s condos are too expensive
VI. Please note, that we are using a private enterprise to hold studies, because the
state won’t
VII. It would be necessary for on-campus housing to have kitchens, because we do not
have enough students to maintain a 3-times a day, 7-days a week meal plan
VIII. Adding housing will also increase the amount of security needs on campus
• Hal mentions that it is possible for anyone to build off-campus housing
nearby, so it is likely the data from the surveys and focus groups will help
outside groups
• Lynn remarks that on-campus housing can provide better security for
students, and piece-of-mind for parents
• Audrey encourages students to get the buzz out around campus
6.) Campus Safty Report (David)
I. WSU Vancouver has 4 fully-trained policy officers
II. They work to address theft, stalking, car prowls, car theft, etc
III. Remind students to avoid targets-of-opportunity (don’t leave valuables in sight)
IV. Security is present nearly 24 hours
V. New Mass Notification System, allows immediate announcements to students (opt.
out at any time, automatically entered upon new-student registration)
VI. New exterior emergency warning systems are mounted on the top of 2 buildings
VII. Practiced campus evacuation drills
VIII. Cell phone coverage of T-Mobile.
IX. Interior public speakers attached to fire-alarm systems (with personalization tools)
X. Interior map up-grades at exit points


Washington State University Vancouver 
Chancellor’s Student Advisory Board 
XI. Safety zone supervisors (handicapped, etc.)
XII. AWARE network, warning signs of “at-risk” individuals can be reported online
(with possibility of anonymous remarks)
XIII. Remember you can always call 911
XIV. Note that Universities are required to report annual security reports
• Nancy notes that all officers are fully trained, some involved SWAT teams
• Audrey wonders about students who park off campus
• David responds saying security is only able to help on school property,
and on-campus provides more support and security for students (cheaper
parking tickets too)
XV. The campus hopes to have in-door and out-door master cameras installed soon
XVI. Please inform others that they need to report any suspicious activities
7.) Open Floor
• Audrey states that the Library is conducting a survey
• Audrey is concerned about testing for students with disabilities
• Jenny would like to discuss spacing for the media entities
• Lynn notes the 2 new degree programs: Bachelors of Science in Nero Science,
and Administrative Nursing
• Triana requests the school get a music degree, music program, or electives that
emphasize the arts (History of Rock and Roll, Music Theory, etc.)
• Hal explains the idea of Radio programming as a class, and ponders over the idea
of music for elementary children as a possible class
• Michael asks if Electrical engineering online learning will be available soon
• Haeyalyn stresses her desire for the school to provide a Human Resources degree
(not a minor within the Management Operations degree that it currently offers)
• Hal suggests that Haeyalyn talk to administration who handle Human Resources
• Michelle encourages all students to spread the word about CougSync
• Hal request we invite Karen Schmaling to the next CSAB meeting
8.) Conclusion
• Audrey concludes in stating her appreciation for everyone joining and is excited
for the next CSAB meeting on November 1st.


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