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Unit: Maya, Inca, Aztec Civilization

Grade: 6

Time: 1 class period

Ohio Content Standard:

The First Global Age
5. Describe the characteristics of Maya, Inca, and Aztec
civilizations including:
a. Location;
b. Government;
c. Religion;
d. Agriculture;
e. Cultural and scientific contributions.

• Students will compare and contrast the writing systems of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec
civilizations with modern language.





• Quadruple Venn Diagram

Teaching Strategies/Student Engagement:

• To begin, students will look at handwriting samples from pre-school students – 7th grade
students collected by the teacher. As a group, we will discuss and fill out a Venn
diagram, charting the similarities and differences in the writing samples.

• Once completed, teacher will explain different writing systems, and how each of the three
civilizations had writing systems. Students will use the websites above to complete a
Venn diagram, comparing and contrasting the three ancient civilizations, along with our
current writing system.
• Formative assessment will come during initial class discussion and participation.
Students will be summatively assessed on completed Venn Diagram.

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