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PBPL 84.

2: Health Policy Reform

Professor Ellen Meara, 11W: 10A
The goal of the course is to analyze likely strengths and weaknesses of U.S. health reform to address
three major challenges in the health care system: access, cost, and quality of health care. To do this,
students will study key elements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act enacted in March,
2010, considering how it extends or differs from prior health policies to address enduring problems in
health care. In addition to readings, class discussion and in-class exercises (debates and policy
simulations), course work will incorporate brief exercises designed to introduce students to commonly
used sources of health data, and analytical approaches. Students will explore one aspect of health reform
in detail, preparing and presenting a short research project on an approved topic. Prerequisites - at least one
of the following: Public Policy 5, Public Policy 26, or Sociology 28. Government 10, Economics 10 or similar course is

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