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1. Create a new 600x600 pixel document and name it 3D Text.

Now press D and then fill the

document (with Black). Then create a new layer. Next, create a horizontal type mask, (note: I
made my text size about 600px, yours may vary depending on the font you choose). select a
grey color and fill.

2. Now skew the text by holding down Alt +Shift and then clicking and dragging the bottom
left corner outwards until you get your desired look.

3. Next, copy the layer with text on it. Make the copied layers name 'back' and the origional
one 'foregound'. Remember to arrange the layers so the foreground layer is at the top of the
list and back is below it. Now we will nudge/move the layers. Select the back layer and hold
Shift and press the down arrow about 6 times (moving it 30 px in total). Now with the back
layer still selected apply a bevel and emboss to it with default settings except [Size: 10,
Soften: 4, Shadow Mode Opacity to 85%, Angle: 64°, and Altitude: 39°].

4. Now with the back layer still selected, hold Alt and press the up arrow as many times as you
need to until its right below the foreground layer. Holding the Alt button down makes a
duplicate of each layer.
Now you can make more than just 3D text, just play around with your Layer Styles and then
just do the Alt arrow and you can make many nice 3D looking objects.

Start out with a new image and type your text out. I used an RGB background of R32

G42 B57 and a text color of R53 G71 B97 Once done go to layer/type/render layer.

Next on the layer with your text go to filter/artistic/dry brush and use the settings of

Brush Size=10 Brush Detail=10 Texture=3. Repeat this exact same step one more

time. Next run filter/artistic/paint Daubs/ with the setting of Brush Size=1

Sharpness=40. Next go to filter/artistic/poster edges and use the settings of Edge

Thickness=1 Edge Intensity=5 Posterization=6. NOTE: Depending on the actual size of

your text you may need to increase or decrease the Posterization settings. But when

you are done with that step your image should resemble the image here in step 2.

Now go ahead and run the filter/Brush Strokes/Accented Edges and use a value of

Edge Width=1 Edge Brightness=0 Smoothness=6. Next run filter/Brush Strokes/Ink

Outlines and use the values of Stroke Length=1 Dark Intensity=0 Light Intensity=0.

Now go to filter/Noise/Add Noise and use a value of 10 for the amount with the

"uniform" box checked and the "monochromatic" box checked.

Now go to layer/effects/inner shadow and just use the default amount and hit ok. Then

go to filter/Sharpen/Sharpen and run that filter one time.

Now Ctrl+click your text layer to select your text. With the text selected make a new

layer . Now on the new layer make sure you have black as your foreground

color and go to edit/stroke and use the a value of 2 for the width, "outside" for the

location and 100 for the opacity, and make sure the mode is normal with the "preserve

transparency" box NOT checked. Hit ok. Now drag this new layer with the stoke outline

into the create new layer box to duplicate this layer . Once duplicated and you

are working in this new layer go to filter/Brush Stokes/Crosshatch and use the values

of Stroke Length=9 Sharpness=6 Strength=2.

Now create a new layer and make sure it is on top of "all" the other layers. Grab

your Rectangular Marquee tool and make a selection in the middle of your text just

under 1/3rd of the height of your text and fill it with white. See picture for a rough idea

on how I did it.

Now on that layer with the white bar make sure it is NOT selected and run the

filter/Blur/Guassian Blur and use a value of about 12. Now change that layers mode to

Color Dodge. While still in this layer Ctrl+Click on your layer with the actual text in it to

select the text. Now hit Ctrl+Shift+I to invert the selection and hit delete on your

keyboard making sure you are still in the layer with the white bar.

Now all you need to do is add a drop shadow to the text layer and you should be done

=) And if you want to change the color of your text all you need to do is go to

image/adjust/Hue Saturation and check the colorize box and choose your settings. And

if you want to make the light or highlight brighter like I did in the second finished

picture just duplicate the white bar layer that we set to color dodge and it will give it a

real nice highlight.

Take your text tool and write whatever you like in large white text. Duplicate your
text layer, but hide the duplicate. We will come back to this one later.

Rasterize your visible text layer by right clicking your text with the text tool, and
choosing rasterize. We are now going to apply the wind filter to make an icicle effect.
After you have rasterized your layer, merge it to your background by pressing Ctrl+E.
Now choose Filter > Stylize > Wind. The filter can only apply the wind in one
direction, so we are going to do one side of the text at a time. Choose "from the
right" in your wind options menu, and click ok. Your text should be blown to the
right, now lets do the other sides. Choose Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 Degrees CW.
Press Ctrl+F to reapply the wind effect. Do this to each side of your text, and you
should have something like the image below. I applied the wind filter twice to each
side, you can do it however many times you like depending on the size of your text.

Lets make the text stand out a bit more, choose Image > Adjustments > Brightness
Contrast. Darken the image slightly and then up the contrast, yours should look like
the image below.
Now we are going to use that duplicate text layer you have been saving. Control click
the layer to give you a selection of your text, create a new layer above everything
you have so far, and fill your text with blue gradient. While your still on this new
layer, choose Filter > Pixelate > Mosaic. I used a cell size of 7. Your image should
look similar to mine.
To make our text look more "ice cubish" lets sharpen it a bit. Choose Filter >
Sharpen > Sharpen. Reapply the filter a few times by pressing Ctrl+F until yours
looks similar to mine.
Your done! here is how mine turned out.
Create a rounded rectangle using rounded rectangle shape tool.

Double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply settings as shown.
Duplicate the layer and chaneg the bevel & emboss settings as shown
Press Ctrl+T and scale it down.
Duplicate the layer. Change the bevel & emboss settings as shown.

Apply gradient overlay as shown.

Ctrl+Click the layer thumbnail to get the selection. Move the selection as shown.

Create a new layer. Apply Black to white gradient. Change layer mode to "Color Dodge" for this
Similarly create another selection.

Select and merge all the layer except background layer.

Duplicate the layer several times. Press Ctrl+}t. Scale down randomly and place a shown.
Create some diagonal lines from every corner to center as shown using line tool.
Create a shape as shown using pen tool.
Apply a dark gradient as shown.
Similarly create another shape and apply same layer style.
Tech Ring Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will learn the very simple technique of creating a techring.
This tutorial requires very little skill for this great effect. You want to use a very
large canvas simply because the image loses quality when you do this and youll
want ti be able to shrink it.

1. Start out with a square canvas painted black. Note that if your canvas isn't
square, your ring will be an oblong. Start a new layer, grab your Rectangular
Marquee tool and start making technical looking sheets.
(Click to enlarge)

2. Now make a few more layers of this, and merge them together (Ctrl + E).
(Click to enlarge)

3. Now here comes the fun part, go to Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates,
select Rectangular to Polar and click OK. You now have a cool techring.
(Click to enlarge)

4. Add a Edit > Transform > Distort, a Color Balance layer, an Outer Glow,
and a background gradient, and you've got a nice techring.

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