Sardar Jokes

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One Sardar happens to be smartest among all other sardars, Once

wanted to transfer some files form one PC to another PC. Following was
the steps followed by him.
1)Right clicked the mouse on the file which he wanted to transfer and
selected cut option.
2)Disconnected the mouse from that PC
3)Took that mouse carefully and connected it to the other PC where he
wanted to copy that file
4) And trying to paste it there....!!!!!!!!!


Sardar - Why r all these people running?

Man - This is a race, the winner will get the cup.
Sardar - If only the winner will get the cup, why are others running?


Man: Sardarji, where were you born?

Sardarji: PUNJAB.
Man: Which Part?
Sardarji: Oye!Part part kya kar raha hai,whole body born in Punjab.


One Day Sardar's Girlfriend asks him,

Girlfriend: "Darling,on our Engagement will you give me a RING?"
Sardar: "Ya sure, Give me ur Telephone No."


A Teacher told all Students in a class to write as essay on a Cricket

Match. All were busy in writing except one Sardar.


Sardar was Standing in front of the Mirror with his eyes closed.
Wife - What do you think you are doing?
Sardar - I just want to know how i look when i sleep...

Sardar at an art gallery "I suppose this horrible looking thing is what
you call a modern Art?"
Art Dealer "I beg your pardon sir. Thats a mirror!"

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