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1/11-10 Engelsk Nikoline Markussen

Echo Boomers

Dear ladies and gentlemen – I am glad to see you here. Welcome.

My name is Jane Buckingham and I come from The Intelligence Group. I’ve been invited to come
by The Danish Travel Agents. They wanted me to tell about a generation called The Echo Boomers.
At first I want to tell about what characterizes the echo boomers and afterwards I will tell about
how companies can get this generation’s full attention e.g. through marketing campaigns and so.

But who are this generation? They are, as said before, called Echo Boomers. They have several
different names such as Generation Y, the Millennial Generation or The Generation Next. An Echo
Boomer is born between 1982 and 1995, which are about 80 million people.
This generation has been raised with a lot of opportunities, perhaps too many. This generation
was the first that became online 24/7. They had computers at home, at school and during the later
years in their mobile phones. They are always online and in one way or another are they talking
with their friends on facebook, twitter, instant messenger or just by texting each other.
These people are very busy, or at least they want to seem that way, and are always on the run.
Their schedules are always full and if it isn’t, they put something into it because it isn’t cool to be at
home doing nothing.

The special about this generation according to their parents’ generation, The Baby Boomers, is that
they are partying almost every week. They are drinking and smoking like never before! The Echo
Boomers find socially pleasure partying and being together with other people. They get satisfied
being part of a group and to fit in. And can you guess how The Echo Boomers parents were? They
wanted to be as individual and independent as possible. The Echo Boomers has been held in their
parents’ hands through whole their life and this will give them problems later on e.g. when they are
supposed to get a job.

The Echo Boomers are as said always online. They know almost anything about the internet and if
not, it will only take them minutes to learn because they have grown up with this “computer-
mentality”, where everything should be electronic. They are using the internet a lot and many from
this generation have their own website, own MySpace-profile to promote themselves or a YouTube-
1/11-10 Engelsk Nikoline Markussen

account to show the world which talent they have - and in some cases doesn’t! These young people
gets influenced with commercials and offers all the time and if you want to sell them vacations you
must appeal to some of the things they want the most.
- Being part of a group and being perfect: You can show them young, beautiful slim/buff people,
dancing at a beach and partying all night having the time of their life.

It is very important to catch this generations’ attention, because they consume for more than 170
billion dollars. They do all have television at their room/apartment, but with different packages it
isn’t unlike to have 300 programs anymore. Compared to the price and the benefits from a
television-campaign it isn’t worth it. The commercials have to be send many times before The Echo
Boomers will get the message in their hear. The consumers are spending a lot of their time in front
of their computer and therefore will the easiest way to get their attention be through internet
commercials on social networks such as MySpace, Twitter and Facebook.
When you are advertising on facebook you can adjust your commercial to an exact group of
people. You can for example say that all men and women born between 1982 and 1995 should be
possible receivers for this advert. Afterwards you can say that only people, who are members of
special groups will receive the advert. If people “Like” groups that are called something like
“Vacation”, “Having fun” and “Party” will they see the advert in the side of their screen. So people
within this age, who don’t give a damn about your vacations won’t receive this advert and you
won’t waste your money compared to commercials on the television.

If you got any questions, you are all very welcome to contact me either after this or by email.

I hope you’ve learned something today and I am very pleased that you guys listened.

Have a lovely day.

Words: 736

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