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Vena cava-
2. Right atrium
3. Tricuspid valve
4. Right ventricle
5. Semi-lunar valve
6. Pulmonary artery
7. Lungs
8. Back to heart via the pulmonary vein
9. Left atrium
10. Bicuspid valve
11. Left ventricle
12. Semi-lunar valve
13. Aorta
14. Organs in the body

Here is a step-by-step from my university level Anatomy and Physiology II


1. The right atrium receives deoxygentated blood from the systemic circuit (the
body ) through the vena cavae (superior and inferior).

2. Blood flows from the right atrium through the right AV valve ( right
atrioventricular valve or tricuspid valve) into the right ventricle.

3. When the right ventricle contracts it pumps blood through the pulmonary semi-
lunar valve to enter the pulmonary trunk which starts the pulmonary circuit.

4. Pulmonary trunk divides into left and right pulmonary arteries. Pulmonary
arteries divide smaller and smaller until they deliver blood to gas exchange sites
of lungs (alveoli).

5. Once blood is oxygentated it flows back to the heart through the right and left
pulmonary veins.

6. Right and left pulmonary veins deliver blood to the left atrium.

7. Blood flows from the left atrium through the left AV valve (aka Mitral or
Bicuspid valve) into the left ventricle.

8. Blood is pumped by the strong left ventricle through the aortic semi-lunar valve
into the ascending aorta.

9. Blood flows through the aortic arch into the descending aorta.

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