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February 11, 2008

My interview with Michael Brown Founder of “”

Jerry Coin: Hi Mr. Brown, how are you doing today?

Michael Brown: I’m doing fine. Thanks
Jerry Coin: So tell me, what is “”
Michael Brown: “” is a social networking website that
interconnects users while taking them on the ride of their lives.
Jerry Coin: Is this site similar to the likes of “Myspace” and “Facebook”?
Michael Brown: Well we are in the same category as “Myspace” and “Facebook”, but we
do a lot of things different.
Jerry Coin: Where did this idea come from, how did you develop it?
Michael Brown: I think that God gave it to me. I don’t want to get all spiritual on you,
but I believe that this concept and idea came from the man upstairs.
Jerry Coin: You said that your site does a lot of different things; what do those things
Michael Brown: To start off, is not just some site with the
traditional social networking tools- messages, emails, etc. Instead, it’s the user’s home on
the internet. On, users can do an abundance of things. Users can
make dinner reservations, buy tickets to the movies, concerts, live sporting events, and
even shop for gifts.
Jerry Coin: Wow. How did you think of that?
Michael Brown: I wanted to make traveling around the internet easy and simple. I use the
internet a lot, and I want to be able to check mail, listen to my favorite music, and
research projects without going to ten million different sites. Therefore, what we have
done is; allowed for the user to be able to control all the things that they do online from
their account. The user will be able to do multiple things such
as check emails, chat with buddies from multiple buddy list, get updated on their favorite
musicians and shop for gifts, fast and easy from one place.
Jerry Coin: I was looking at this “yard sale” feature, what is this all about.
Michael Brown: The “yard sale” is a feature that will enable the user to sell their old
goods to other users on the site. Unlike, we will not charge users high listing
fees. We will only collect two dollars on every sell.
Jerry Coin: Why two dollars?
Michael Brown: We decided to only charge the user two dollars because we think that
this price is cheap and favors the user. Say a user wants to sell a bike for 150 dollars, we
will only make a measly two bucks off of that while the user makes 148 dollars. I don’t
know about you, but I rather have the 148 dollars.
Jerry Coin: Tell me about this housing market feature.
Michael Brown: The housing market feature will allow users to sell their homes, and
businesses to prospective buyers. The seller can upload photos and videos of the property
as well as list important facts such as house features and nearby shopping areas and
school districts. We are only going to take 3% of the final sell. This is pretty cheap
considering some agents want 10%.
Jerry Coin: What do you hope to get out of all of this?
Michael Brown: I just want the younger children to be able to look at me and see that
they too can reach their dreams. No matter who you are or where you come from, you
can reach your dreams if you trust God and work efficiently. The sky is the limit.
Jerry Coin: What do you have to say to the loyal “Facebook” and “Myspace” users?
Michael Brown: I think what Myspace and Facebook did is great. I don’t want users to
feel as if they have to choose. All I want is for users to give our platform a try. They can
have three accounts; it’s cool with me. I just want users to give our platform a chance and
not just judge us because we are new to the game. This site will not let the user down.
That’s a promise.
Jerry Coin: Thanks Michael Brown, I wish you the best with the site.
Michael Brown: Thank you, I appreciate it.

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