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AA High School Cafeteria

Alcala, Ferrer, Gatpayat, Gomez,

Guillermo, Quinto & Vallestero
November 4, 2010
First day of observations:
- In the middle of classes (Before lunch)
- No student was physically there
- The area was clean and orderly except for
little bits and pieces of rice and plastic.
- Trash can was not properly segregated
Observations in the Following Days
Trash Cans:
 Not segregated properly.
(ex. Paper cups in the non-biodegradable
trash can)
 Pet Bottles, Newspapers and cans are the
only exception.
 Trash a few inches away from the trash
 Too much left overs

 Small bits and pieces of food.

 Pieces of plastic are visible.
 Generally, clean but will be left
 Trash is forgotten
Utensils are forgotten to be brought back
Pieces of rice grains can be found
 Oftentimes, have a sticky liquid texture.
 Infested with stray cats or
animals simply roam
around freely.
 Pond is visibly dirty.
What environmental concerns
are being experienced in that
particular location of the
Proper segregation isn’t followed
 Limitations in upholding the “Care For
God’s Creation” core value nor the other
school rules that are supposedly helping in
limiting trash.
Leaving trash on whichever place they
please. (ex. Plastic bottles on top of the
Throwing of trash that’s food packaging is
harmful to the environment.
What are the steps that the school is
taking to make sure that these
concerns are taken care of?
 Manongs segregate the trash properly,
once they collect it.
The Manongs and Manangs clean for as
many as 6 times a day.
Signs have been created as a helpful
reminder for students
Student Council holding school projects
(ex. Newspaper drives, pet bottle drives,
CLAYGO, Zero-Waste, Scratch Paper
Segregation/ Environmental awareness
related talks/subjects such as
Environmental Education.
Does the school have a waste
management program?
Discuss the scheme work.
 Trash bins are divided into 4 for proper
segration. (Non Bio, Bio, Cups, Leftovers)
Advocates the lessening of the use of Non-
Biodegradable materials and also,
reducing and recycling objects.
Zero Waste Management (Bringing of own
CLAYGO (Clean as you go.)
The school has it’s own compost pit.
Do you think there are other ways
by which the school can improve
its waste management program?
 A stricter policies in segregating trash,
following CLAYGO and supporting other
projects like Zero Waste Management.
Less use of plastic for the whole school
Students not being spoon-fed by the
manong or manangs, they should be
resposible and obliged to do the right
thing. (Help save the environment.)
More assertive and continuous in
implementing projects that involve
environmental concerns.
What can you do to contribute
and further improve its programs?
 Create slogans and promote the school’s
environmental projects by doing them,
 Donating cleaning materials if not for the whole
community but for the class/batch.
 Bringing your own utensils and reducing trash
at your own will, with no reminders needed nor
the manongs or manangs.
 Suggesting clean-up days.
 Being someone that makes the difference and
not being swayed over the wrong things we see.
 Preserving the beauty that our school really has.
Manang’s Comments:
 There are still kids that do follow rules by
their own will. Hopefully, this will not end
soon but will only broaden.
The Manongs and Manangs are always
here to help and be of service.
Gentle Reminder: After using the school’s
utensils, please bring them back even
though you are not given a borrower’s
That is all. Thank you.

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