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What would you do?

You are traveling by plane to visit some relatives
in a remote area. You are the only passenger on
the plane. The pilot loses control of the plane as
you are passing over a large national park.
Remarkably you survive the crash without injury.
The pilot dies. When you come to your senses
after the crash, you:
Stay on the Grab your
Get off the
plane to make backpack and
plane as
it easier for the plane’s
quickly as
rescuers to emergency kit
you can.
find you. before exiting.
In your daze after the impact and shock of
the crash you failed to notice the smoke
billowing from the rear of the plane. Before
you understand what is happening the
plane explodes. You didn’t stand a

Return to Stranded
You unclip your seatbelt, grab your bag and the plane’s
emergency kit. You stumble from the plane before losing
consciousness beneath a large tree. You hadn’t noticed
the smoke pouring from the plane. You regain
consciousness when the plane explodes. You watch the
plane burn before realising that you are hungry. You
remember the banana, the apple and the bag of chips in
your bag. You:

Eat the banana

and save the rest Eat until you are
for later. no longer hungry.
Close call
You unclip your seatbelt and stumble from the
plane. You lose consciousness beneath a large
tree. You hadn’t noticed the smoke pouring from
the plane. You regain consciousness when the
plane explodes. You watch the plane burn
before realising that you are hungry. You
remember the banana, the apple and the bag of
chips in your bag. Your bag was on the plane.
Frustrated, you:

Decide to look Sit quietly to think

Curl up and cry. for food and about what to do
water. next.
You eat your banana. You don’t know
when and if you will be rescued so you
want to save as much of your food as
possible. You don’t have anything to drink.
At this point you:
Go through the
Decide to look plane’s emergency
for food and pack before
water. you make
any decisions.
You are so hungry that you eat all of the
food in your backpack. You don’t have
anything to drink and you aren’t sure when
and if you will be rescued. You:

Sit quietly
Decide to look
Curl up and and try to
for food and
cry. come up with
a plan.
You are so tired and your head hurts. You are
starting to think that you will never be rescued.
You curl up into a ball under the big tree and cry.
The plane is still burning. There is a second
explosion. A large piece of metal flies through
the air and hits you hard on the head. Everything
goes black. You didn’t stand a chance.

Return to Escape Return to Decisions

Food and Water
You walk through a patch of sword grass towards a
small rise. As you scramble over a large boulder you
hear what sounds like running water. You pause to
listen. You make your way towards the sound and
discover a small stream. You drink until you are no
longer thirsty. When you look around you, you notice a
small bush covered in strange berries. You:

Pick a handful of Ignore the berries

berries and eat Pick some berries because you
them because for later. don’t know what
you are hungry. they are.
You walk for what feels like forever.
Everything looks the same- it is like you
are moving in one big circle. Your legs
ache and your head is throbbing. You start
to worry that you will die without being
found. You slowly start to panic. You:
Tell yourself to
Give over to
calm down
emotion and
and keep
You lose your nerve and start to run. You
are blinded by panic and you no longer
care what happens. Branches slap your
face as you run and sticks flick up and
scratch your legs. You don’t see the rabbit
burrow in front of you and you step into it.
You fall hard and hit your head. You black
out. Things do not look good for you.

Return to Circles
The Plan
You are in the middle of nowhere. You hope you
will be found sooner if you stay near the plane.
You are tired, thirsty and very hungry. You
decide to look for food. So that you can find your
way back to the plane, you take off your jumper
and rip it into strips. You will tie these strips onto
trees and branches so that you can see where
you have been. This will help you find your way
back to the plane.
You cram the handful of berries into your mouth.
You chew twice and swallow. Berry juice mixed
with saliva runs down your chin. You are too
tired to care. It isn't long before you realise that
you have made a mistake. Eating unidentified
berries is never a good idea. You start to vomit
and spasm uncontrollably. The berries were
poisonous. If you aren’t found in the next ten
minutes you will die.
Return to
Food and Water.
Help appears
It is not a good idea to eat strange berries.
You ignore them and turn away. You start
to walk in what you think is the direction of
the plane. As you walk you hear the sound
of voices. You call out. The voices answer
and become louder. It isn’t long before you
find yourself in the midst of a group of
bushwalkers. You are safe!

Return to start
The kit
You decide to go through the plane’s
emergency kit before you do anything
else. The kit has lots of different things in
it. You find matches, a pocket knife, a
emergency flare and some other items.
You are most interested by the flare. You
read the instructions for the flare. You:
Put the flare aside
Set off the for now and
flare immediately. look for food and
The flare starts to make a hissing noise.
You step back from it and sit down to see
what happens. Luckily for you there were
some campers nearby who saw the plane
go down. They have been making their
way towards the crash site all afternoon.
They see the flare and walk faster. They
find you. You are safe!

Return to start

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