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by Spandana & Sharmistha
Visitors counting is simply a measurement of
the visitor traffic entering and exiting

Sports venues
Metro stations
Car parking
Reliable circuit that takes over the task of
counting number of persons/ visitors in the
room very accurately

When anybody enters into the Room then the

counter is Incremented by one and when any
one leaves the room then the counter is
decremented by one. The total number of
persons inside the room is displayed on the
seven segment displays.
The sensor pairs are placed face to
face so that an IR radiations from IR
LED are continuously received by
phototransistor which makes its
emitter base junction forward and
collector current Ic equals to emitter
current Ie (i.e, Ic=Ie) assuming base
current to be negligible.
Hence the voltage at collector node
becomes zero (logic 0) which is fed to
microcontroller port pin P3.2 and P3.3,
if any object is placed in between the
sensor pair blocks the IR radiation
which in turns put the phototransistor
in cut-off mode and Ic!=Ie, this makes
collector voltage to +5V (logic 1)
If sensor pair one is been obstructed
(P3.2 becomes one) first, implies
persons entry and second pair is
obstructed (P3.3 becomes one) first
shows exit.
 Resistors
 Capacitors
 Transistors
 Integrated Circuits-555 Timers
 Sensors
 AT89C2051 processor
 7 segment display units
 Power Supply
 Resistor is a passive component that resists
the flow of direct or alternating electric
 The resistance of the resistor can be
estimated by their colour codes.
 There are some non linear resistors whose
resistance changes with temperature or

 Capacitor is a passive component used to

store charge.
 capacitors are used for smoothing power
supply variations , coupling the various
stages of audio system, tuning in radio
circuits, store energy like in a camera flash.

 Transistor SL100:
It is a medium power NPN
Transistor. Commonly used as
switch in common emitter configuration.
 Transistor BC547:
NPN transistor.
Low voltage(max 65v)
Low current(max 100mA)
Used for general purpose
switching and amplification.
555 TIMER:

 It is an 8pin timer IC.

 It has mainly two modes of operation:
monostable and astable.
 In monostable mode time delay of the
pulses can be precisely controlled by an
external resistor and a capacitor.
 In astable mode the frequency & duty cycle
are controlled by two external resistors and a

 A sensor is a device which receives and

responds to a signal.
 Sensors are used in everyday objects such as
touch-sensitive elevator buttons and lamps
which dim or brighten by touching the base
 Compatible with Intel 8051
 2kB of internal FLASH program memory
(1000 write cycles)
 Voltage range from 2.7 to 6 V
 Fully statical operation
 Clock 0 Hz to 24 MHz
 Two-level data protection
 128 bytes of internal RAM
 15 programmable I/O pins
 Two 16-bit counters/timers
 Analog comparator
 6 interrupt sources
 Programmable UART - (RS232)
 2 power-saving modes
 Small and non-expandable program memory
According to the previous diagram, we see that
 Pin 1 is also known as the reset input. All
the i/o are rested to 1 as soon as the RST
goes high. Here, each machine cycle has 16
clock cycles
 Pin 2 and 3 are connected to the 555 timers
which act as serial input and output ports.
 Pin 4 and 5 are XTAL2 and XTAL1 respectively
which means that input to the internal
inverting amplifier and output from the
inverting amplifier.
 Pin 6 is left open.
 Pin 7,8 and 9 are connected to the resistor
and then connected to the transistors BC 547
These pins are bidirectional i/o pins with
internal pull ups.The Port 3 outputs buffers
can sink 20 mA which is done so that the
base of the transistor is in the forward biased
even if the logic high is written on port 3
pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull
ups and can used as inputs. As inputs, port 3
will source currents due to pull ups.
 Pin 10 will be grounded as per the pin
 Pin 13,14,15,16,17,18 and 19 are connected
to three seven segment display units. The
Port 1 out-put buffers can sink 20 mA and
can drive LED displays directly . Here they
are used as output ports.
 The IR transmitter will emit modulated 38 kHz IR
signal and at the receiver we use TSOP1738
(Infrared Sensor).
 The output goes high when the there is an
interruption and it return back to low after the
time period determined by the capacitor and
resistor in the circuit. I.e. around 1 second.
 SL100 is to trigger the IC555 which is configured
as monostable multivibrator.
 Input is given to the microprocessor.
 Microprocessor gives output to the 7-Segment
 LTS542 (Common Anode) is used for 7-Segment
 Reset button will reset the microprocessor.
 555 timer IC is configured to function as a basic
monostable multivibrator. A monostable multivibrator
is a timing circuit that changes state once triggered,
but returns to its original state after a certain time
delay. It got its name from the fact that only one of its
output states is stable. It is also known as a ‘one-shot’.
 In this circuit, a negative pulse applied at pin 2
triggers an internal flip-flop that turns off pin 7′s
discharge transistor, allowing C1 to charge up through
R1. At the same time, the flip-flop brings the output
(pin 3) level to ‘high’. When capacitor C1 as charged
up to about 2/3 Vcc, the flip-flop is triggered once
again, this time making the pin 3 output ‘low’ and
turning on pin 7′s discharge transistor, which
discharges C1 to ground. This circuit, in effect,
produces a pulse at pin 3 whose width t is just the
product of R1 and C1, i.e., t=R1C1.
 Provide information to management on the
volume and flow of people throughout a
 Human-based data collection comes at great
 Counting the visitors helps to maximise the
efficiency and effectiveness of employees,
floor area and sales potential of an
 Low-cost microprocessor based visitor
counter is easy to build
Thank you

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