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National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts

Free Education Bloc at National Demonstration 10 November 2010

London, 10th November 2010

The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts has called, alongside London
Student Union Officers, for a Free Education Feeder March starting, today, from
University of London Union (ULU) in Malet Street at 11am. The march will join the main
demonstration contingent at 12.45pm at Horse Guards Avenue.

In its body, the Free Education Feeder March will include, among others, the University
College London, ULU, School of Oriental and African Studies, Birkbeck College,
University of Westminster, London School of Economics and King’s College London

As an education rights campaign initiated by students, the National Campaign Against

Fees and Cuts opposes the disgraceful proposal to increase tuition fees by almost
three-fold (as announced last week by Universities Minister David Willetts), as well as
the outrageous suggestion of the Lord Browne Review to lift the cap altogether.

Along with these measures are proposed funding cuts of around £2.9 billion.

The NCAFC makes the simple argument for Free Education. Fees force individuals
and families to shoulder the cost of education, while business gets the benefits of that
education effectively for free, and a graduate tax simply transfers this burden to the rest
of the students working-life.

That is why organisations like the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts exist. To
co-ordinate student and academic staff resistance to these cuts and lead a struggle to
stop the implementation of the Browne Review.

Today we are marching in a Free Education Bloc.

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The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts on

Press Contact
For further information and high res. images please contact:
Joana Oliveira Pinto, Press Relations
0044 (0) 77 866 97 369

NCAFC General Queries

0044 (0) 77 757 63 750

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