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CV (Curriculum Vitae)

Name: Luis Alberto Grisolía Encino

Age: 17 years old


Adress: Pablo Coster 1178 (Bella Vista)

Cell-phone: 1137845827

Personal Profile:

I am enthusiastic, energetic, patient, honest and a good person.

Besides, I like to hang out with my friends and to be with my family.
Next year I will start to study Law in Austral University,

Key Skills:

- Team skills

I am happy and a very effective working in groups with other people.

Besides, I like to share information with other people.

-Listening to people

I am good at listening to people’s stories or feelings mainly because I

feel that I can help them.

Educational Qualifications:


-IGCSE: I promoted the international exams of Spanish and English.

-1998-1999 Santa Ethnea- 1999-2010 Aberdare College.


-Advanced English/Spanish(mother tongue)

Additional information:

-Favourite sports: football and tennis.

-Future carrer: Law.

-Computer skills.

-Clean driving licence.

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