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Marketing to Teens and Millennials:

Creative Showcase of Digital Success


Kevin Barenblat, CEO and co-founder, Context

Know Your Audience:
• 72 % of teenage girls are on Facebook
• 36 % of teenage girls have a smartphone

Data via Wet Seal and Edelman

How They Shop
• 36 % of millennials won’t make a purchase that friends
won’t approve of
• Millennials look for information about brands an
average of 7.4 times/month
• Millennials increasingly turn to friends, family and
social networks to discuss customer service issues

Data via Wet Seal and Edelman

Wet Seal: Social + Mobile
• User-Generated Merchandise Content
• Fan-gated Page Access
• Social Shopping: Web + Facebook +

“Shoppers using the outfit tool are 40%

more likely to buy something, and buyers
spend 20% more.”
Driving Traffic to the Retail Site
Sears Campus Connection: Multi-Media
• Millennial-specific campaign
• Incorporating video
• Tie-in with off-Facebook retail site
Keep Their Interests In Mind

What drives them to join?

Why would they

Kohl’s Cares: Cause Marketing
• Appealing to the ‘We’/Do Good Generation
• Focus on engagement/community building
• Crowd-Sourced Giving
• Building Brand Loyalty/Affinity
The Value of Community Management

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