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STAR VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL A Newsletter for Parents and Students" November 2010

Braves Bulletin

SVHS’s 2010 PAWS RESULTS Bravely

Relevance Relationships
The following results are for the students who were preparing
tested in the spring of their junior year (this year’s for the
Scale: percent % Proficient or Advanced changing

85.3% of students at SVHS are proficient or advanced in Academics Activities

SVHS’s Vision: Bravely Preparing Students for
The state average for reading is 65.2%.
the the Ever-changing World through Rigor,
Relevance, and Relationships in Academics and
96% of students at SVHS are proficient or advanced in
writing. As the weather outside becomes
The state average for writing is 77.5%.
frightful, there’s activities at
Math SVHS that will be delightful,
74.4% of students at SVHS are proficient or advanced in
math. like plays, games, meets,
The state average for math is 46%. concerts, and much more. To
view a calendar of upcoming
63.1% of students at SVHS are proficient or advanced in activitis, go to
for events and activities.

SVHS wants all students to learn and to be successful. In a sustained effort, the teachers help the students
gain knowledge and skills to do well on tests, like the PAWS and ACT. Additionally, last year a group of
students met with the administration and discussed incentives to reward students for learning and working
hard. The students who were proficient or advanced in all areas of the PAWS or showed growth from 8th to
11th grade had the possibility to earn special incentives, such as a longer lunch, participation in a class
trip, and a chance to bid on prizes.
Schools across Wyoming and the nation are expected to improve each year, according to the No Child Left
Behind federal law. This is typically referred to Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). Each year, 11th grade
students at Star Valley High School take the Proficiency Assessments for Wyoming Students (PAWS),
which is the assessment system developed by the Wyoming Department of Education. The instructionally
supportive design of PAWS presents a palette of information focusing on individual student growth and
performance. Assessments in PAWS are rigorous and include reading, writing, math and science. Star
Valley High School has made AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) and continues to strive for all students to be
2010 JUNIOR ACT RESULTS ACTing Above the State
ACT Reading Results
SVHS 21.6 The ACT® test assesses high
State 20.2
school students' general
ACT English educational development and
their ability to complete college-
State 18.6
level work. The multiple-choice
ACT Math tests cover four skill areas:
SVHS 20.9
State 19.6 English, mathematics, reading,
and science. Since 2008 the state
ACT Science
SVHS 21 administers the ACT to all
State 19.9 students in the spring of the
junior year. The results reported
ACT Composite Images from Microsoft Office

SVHS 21 are for this year’s seniors.

State 19.7
Source: American College Testing Program


The staff and administration at SVHS feels strongly about adequately preparing students for their futures. In order to be
successful, students must learn information in many areas, and the faculty teaches a plethora of skills in academic and technical
areas. During the past ten years, SVHS has focused on goals such as speaking, listening, writing, reading, and math. Recently,
as the faculty at SVHS began researching the most effective goals to prepare students for the future, two target areas stood out:
reading and math. One reason that SVHS selected reading and math goals is that competency in these two areas is
essential to all students’ future success. Another reason for these two goals is that SVHS is required to set two goals as part of
the North Central Accreditation process. (Accreditation is an on-going, extensive process of meeting standards, continuous improvement, and
quality assurance demonstrated through an internal and external review).
Furthermore, reading and math are tested by the Wyoming Dept. of Education on the PAWS test and on the ACT
examination. With all these reasons in mind, the faculty at SVHS has determined that reading and math will become the
primary goals for teachers and for students for the next few years.


Although SVHS students are doing very well as shown by the test scores, the faculty wants all
students proficient in areas essential to a student’s success. Hence, SVHS has adopted the following
programs to help students in the crucial areas of reading and math.
Reading Goal: All Students will improve
Math Goal: All students will improve in
in reading skills and in comprehension.
math and in problem solving skills.
In order to ensure that all students
To attain the goal of all students
will improve reading skills and
improving math and problem solving
comprehension, SVHS has adopted the
ING skills, SVHS adopted the following plan:
following programs: READ
*Intensive Math Courses
*Guided Reading Literacy Groups
MATH *After-school Tutoring
*Read 180 Program
*Individual Learning Plans for at-risk students
*Intensive English
*Parent Meetings for at-risk students
*Guided Practice/Peer Tutoring
*Accelerated Math Program
*Summer School
*MAP Testing
*MAP Testing
*Summer School
*After-School Tutoring
Career Resource Training
During the fall semester of 2010, 45 students are participating in Career Resource Training (CRT), which is a
work experience, educational program that combines school experiences and learning with career related work.
The students work at various businesses in government offices, and in other schools. The students do not
receive monetary compensation for their work; however, they receive benefits that money cannot buy:
*CRT helps students explore career choices.
*Students in CRT learn specialized skills associated with a specific career and acquire
experience, which can help them when they seek post-graduation jobs.
*Students in CRT learn job-related etiquette and responsibilities.
Over the years, many businesses in the Star Valley area have participated in CRT. SVHS appreciates their
willingness to train, to encourage, and to motivate students for life after high school.

Star Valley High School’s

Mission Statement

The mission of Star Valley High

School and its stakeholders is to
provide a safe, secure, respectful, and
stimulating environment where all
students will be engaged in a rigorous,
relevant curriculum.

Success will be measured through

local, state, and national testing. All
students will be challenged to become
Senior Brynja Hansen and SVHS graduate Aimee Clines are
working at State Farm Insurance. collaborative workers, effective
Senior Alex Cooper is working communicators, and critical thinkers
with students at Afton Elementary. with problem solving skills.

Their development will be fostered by

A Message from Principal Shannon Harris: positive relationships. All students
will be guaranteed equal access to
available resources.
We have had a great start to this school year. We are so
with the efforts that our students put into the testing Upon graduation, they will
last spring, and we are very proud of their results on both the demonstrate personal accountability,
PAWS and the ACT. Additionally, we continue to get become responsible citizens in a
compliments on the behavior of our students as they travel. democratic society, and be prepared
We have received many phone calls, e-mails, and comments for the challenges of an ever-changing
global society.
on what well-behaved, respectful students we have. We
thank you, as parents, for raising students that we can all be
proud of, and we appreciate that they act in ways that reflect Red Ribbon Week: Promoting Healthy Choices
favorably on our community.
For several years, SVHS has participated in Red Ribbon Week,
As we finish the fall sports and activities and move into the which encourages students to unite and take a stand against
winter season, we hope you will continue to support our substance abuse. During the week of November 1-5, SVHS had

students in their many activities. Something new this year many activities to promote a personal commitment of a drug-free
that we are very excited about is our “Our From the Heart” lifestyle. Officer Hunting and teacher Mr. Mattson planned the
dinner and benefit auction to be held on Wednesday, week’s activities. On Monday, Chief Phillips from Alpine gave a
November 17th. This is an exciting event that will enable our presentation on the impact of drugs and alcohol. The Student
art department to give back to the community. We are also
Body Officers encouraged the students to sign a banner, as a
looking forward to our very talented students’ performance of
symbol of their commitment to stay drug free. Afterwards, the
Bye Bye Birdie to be held November 18th, 19th and 20th. For
more information on these, or other activities, please visit our students were given red ribbons and wristbands to wear
school website, or call the school at 885-7847. throughout the week. During the week, students had dress-up
days, fun activities during lunch, and prizes were drawn for
We enjoy working with your students and helping to prepare students wearing the ribbons. On Thursday, the highway patrol
them for the future. We wish you all the best as we move into showed the students a video about making choices. Red Ribbon
the Thanksgiving season. We will dismiss at noon on Week is part of a national campaign sponsored by the National
Wednesday, November 24th at the completion of our “Braves Family Partnership whose mission is to help students across the
in Action” service day. As always please feel free to contact state and nation come together to keep children, families,
us if you have thoughts on how we can better meet the needs
communities, and schools safe, healthy, and drug-free.
of your students.

Upcoming Events
The story of Bye Bye Birdie was inspired by the phenomenon of the
SVHS’s Fall Musical popular singer Elvis Presley and his draft notice into the army in 1957.
In this musical, Conrad Birdie, who is the biggest rock & roll star of
the 1960’s receives his draft notice. Albert, a song writer and an
aspiring chemist, is convinced that he can make his fortune and
marry his girlfriend, Rosie, if he gets Conrad to appear on a popular
t.v. show and kiss a high school graduate goodbye. However,
Albert’s mother will do anything to break up Albert and Rosie.
To find out what happens, attend SVHS’s production of Bye Bye
Birdie. It’s a hilarious step back into the early days of rock ‘n roll,
poodle skirts, saddle shoes, and more.
There are two evening performances: November 18 and 19
(Thursday and Friday) at 7:00 pm and
image from
a matinee on November 20 (Saturday) at 1:00.

SVHS’s Fundraiser for our Friends SVHS’s Braves in Action: A Great Service
Five years ago, SVHS staff and Student Body Officers
"#$%!&$''()!*+,-!".-//'!0%(1(2#1!3%#!4%/5!#-(!*($%# wanted a way to thank the community for its support, to
3%#!36.#+/2!327!8+22(% help community members, to involve students in service,
and to build relationships within the school and
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which is a day dedicated to community service. On
November 24, 2010, the students and staff will spend the

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day helping others by participated in many projects, like
washing windows for the elderly, Christmas tree cutting,
making quilts and food boxes for those in need, sending
letters and putting together packages for the military,
reading with elementary students, sewing Christmas
stockings and filling them with goodies for those in need,
organizing the food bank, and other service-oriented

activities. Overall, Braves in Action is a great day, and
SVHS hopes to continue this program for many years.

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Pictures from last year’s Braves in Action Day

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