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ee ~ : DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS, UNLTED STATES ARMY VIETNAM - APO San Francisco 96375 GENERAL ORDERS 28 January 1969 NUMBER 308. . AWARD OF THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS 1, TC 320. The following AWARD 4s announced. BINKOSKI, VICTOR R RA11621923 SSAN 029-34-1249 SERGEANT United States Avay, Company C, Ist Battalion, 2d Infantry, Ist Brigade, 1st Infantry. Division, warded: Distinguished Service Cross Date action: 11 September 1968 Theater: Republic of Vietnam Reason: For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations involving conflict with an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam: Sergeant (then Specialist Four) Binkoski distin- guished hinself by exceptionally valorous actions on 11 Septem- ber 1968 as a squad leader of an infantry company during a coubat operation near Loc Ninh. Sergeant Binkoski was leading @ scout~ ing element when he spotted four North Vietnamese soldiers pre- paring to fire a recoilless rifle, He immediately conducted a running assault, which killed all four communists before they could put the weapon into operation. As his men started to haul the recoilless rifle back to their company's location, they sud~ denly cane under heavy rocket-propelled grenade and autonatic weapons fire from an estimated company-size North Vietnamese Arny force. Two platoons joined the scouts and a fierce battle ensued. Sergeant Binkoski carried a wounded machine gunner to an evacu- ation area and recurned to find that a platoon leader had been killed and the platoon sergeant seriously wounded, He regrouped the platoon and led a four man team to rescue the casualties who ware lying exposed to the hostile barrage. By using himself as a decoy to draw the enemy's fire, he enabled his comrades to re- cover the two men, Covering for the rescue element, he killed two of the aggressors as he fought his way back. After the cxsu- alties had. been evacuated, Sergeant Binkoski returned to lead his platoon in an assault on the North Vietnamese position, Spear- heading a drive on the recoilless rifle, he came within fifteen meters of the position and killed two of the enemy with hand gre- nades, The weapon was soon recaptured and the remtining commu- nists were forced to retreat, Sergeant Binkoski's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army. Authority: By direction of the President, under the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved 25 July 1963,

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