Australia y Usa

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Hello my name is Esteban Millas and I’m going to talk about Australia and

USA, both are important countries these days, and both are ex colonies of
England and the both speak English.

Australia is officially named Commonwealth of Australia and is located in the

south hemisphere, more exactly in Oceania .Australia is the sixth biggest
country in the world.
The population of Australia is about 20 millions approximated, and with
Canada is one of the countries with less density of population in the world.

The most part of the people live in the coasters cities (Sidney, Melbourne,
Brisbane and Adelaide). Australia is a multicultural country, the 23, 4 percent
of all the population is descendents or is born in The United Kingdom, New
Zealand, Italy, Vietnam and China.

The most popular sport is the Soccer, but Australia is world known for the
high level of his rugby.

USA is ubicated in the north hemisphere, exactly in North America, rounded

by Canada, Mexico, the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.


USA is the third most populated country in the world, and his population is
about 300 millions approximated.

The biggest city of USA is the cosmopolitan New York, with 10 millions
aprox, but the Federal Capital is Washington D.C.. Other important city is
Los Angeles, which is the second city of USA, and the city with most Spanish
in USA and the second in the world.


The religion most practiced is the Christianity that constitutes about the 75
percent of all the population.


The most popular sport around the people is the American football, but the
National Sport is the Baseball, other important sports are Hockey in ice,
Tennis and Soccer, the last is most played by the women.

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