Mathematics Trail

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Last week we had learned so many interesting of mathematics activities and

places like mathematics garden, mathematics laboratory, mathematics trail and many
more. However, I felt really excited today to talk about mathematics trail.

What is mathematics trail? From my experience, mathematics trail is an explore

race or a walk to discover mathematics. It is can be almost everywhere like at school,
garden, neighborhood, and many mores. Mathematics trail also can be held anytime
because time is not the obstacle to make the mathematics trail.

During the mathematics trail, pupils can explore the environment and everything
that they can see and at the same time they can relate it with the mathematics. For
example, when they walk around cafeteria and see a table, so they can learn so many
things from there. Maybe the can figure out what is the basic shape of the table,
calculate the height, weight and the volume of the table and many more.

From this, it show that students can develop their thinking which is they can
apply their knowledge about mathematics that they had learned in the class to the real
situation. Why it is really important for students to apply what they had learned into real
situation? It is because, when they can apply their knowledge into the real world, they
will find that mathematics is really fun and easy subject. Furthermore, some research
show that student only can remember about 10% from what they had read and another
10% after them listening. Students also only can remember about 70% if they look,
reading and say it out. However, if they can apply what the teacher teach them in the
class into the real world, they can understand and remember it about 90% from what
the teachers teach in the class.

Therefore, it shows that mathematics trail is the best ways that help student to
apply their knowledge into the real world so that they can increase their understanding
about mathematics.

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