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To tell the person how

much it costs. Smaller
Date magazine Background
was released. Picture.
To show how old or new the magazine is. To show who the story
is about
Small Animations.
To make it eye-catching.
Big Bold Title.
Colorful To show what the main story is.

To draw attention. Magazine
Smaller Title. name.
To show what the magazines name is.
To show other stories.

Bright Colors.
Smaller Stories. To draw attention.
To make it more interesting.

Big Front
Bright To keep the attention to the main story.
TV Choice Magazine Cover!
To make it colorful.
To Show when it was
Big Bold Title.
released. To draw attention
to it.

Big Colorful Titles.

To make the magazine eye-catching.
Smaller Title.
To show there is more
stories in the magazine.
What You
Get Free.
To make people want to
but it.

Main Story
Special Offers.
To show what the story is abo
To make it more interesting.

Other Stories.

Radio Times Magazine. To show that there is other

stories in the magazine.
Big Bold Title.
To show what the name is.
TV Programme Logo
To show what the story is abou

Double Main
Price and Barcode.
To show who the story involves.

Smaller stories.

TV Times Magazine.

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