Dictators Vs Bullies

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What does it feel to have no freedom?

Is it easy to live in a world that is controlled by a mean

leader- a dictator? Dictators are people who practice excessive control on others for their own benefits.
One of the most notable dictators is Adolf Hitler, the most terrifying man in German during his reign. He
was once referred as the absolute dictator by the people of his time. During that time, many people had
to suffer from his mean and uncompromising leadership. Nowadays, dictators are no longer often used
to refer people who practice excessive control on others. Some think that calling people as dictators are
too offensive; others think that dictators only exist in a political world. Therefore, people start to call
those who practice control others with other euphemism, namely, bullies. Bullies, while may seem less
offensive and dangerous, are similar with the dictators in terms of their personality, their ways of
controlling people and their methods of remaining powerful.

One of the similarities between dictators and bullies are their personality as both are arrogant
and strict. They think that they are the most superior person in their territory. They always make their
own rules. Usually, their rules put them as the highest authority. They can alter the rules anytime they
want; they even can make a new one if they do not feel satisfied with the old one. They want people to
abide them regardless what the actual law says. Some of the bullies and dictators even bribe the
government officials and authorities to ensure that the actual law will not harm then if anything bad
happen. As a result, even after tons of reports about their misconducts, they are still free to do what
they want. As time passed, they tend to forget about the existence of the actual law. They have become
too familiar with their own rules. They also seem to think that they will never been effected by the
actual law because they are the authority - at least, in their territory. All in all, their rules have turned
them into arrogant persons. In addition to being arrogant, dictators and bullies are strict too. Since they
think that their rules are the most superior rules in their territory, they expect people to abide them. For
them, any action that goes against their will is a wrongdoing and any wrongdoing need to be punished.
The punishment might vary according to the severity of the transgression. It is rare for the dictators and
bullies to forgive the offenders. They want others to learn from the mistakes. They want to show the
people what will happen if the same mistakes are to be repeated again. They also do not want people to
see them as soft hearted if they forgive the misbehavior. Thus, it is undeniable that dictators and bullies
are similar in term of their personality as both are well- known for their strictness and arrogance.

In addition to their personality, dictators and bullies are similar in term of their methods of
controlling people as both manipulate their subject physically and mentally. They expect people to abide
them and follow their ordinances. However, some people may choose not to do several things that are
against their ethics. They choose not to abide the dictators and bullies. This is when the dictators and
bullies try to manipulate people physically. How they do it? They will torture, beat and harm people until
those people abide and follow their demands. In many cases, some bullies and dictators also come to
the extent of locking their subject for a number of days without giving any food and water. They will not
stop torturing their subject until those people give up. In most cases, they managed to get what they
want although it may take time. In addition, they also manipulate people psychologically by introducing
fear into people’s heart. They will spread the words about what has happen to people that choose to
disobey them. People who have seen these acts firsthand or hear them from others will start to feel
afraid that they may get hurt too if they take the same actions. As a result, they choose to abide the
dictators and bullies when they are asked to do something. Other than that, the dictators and bullies
also control people psychologically by threatening to harm the person’s loved ones. Some people may
not care if they are harmed; however, when it comes to the loved ones, they will not take any risk. By
establishing this fear, both dictators and bullies are able to gain control on people. Thus, it is evident
that both use the same ways to control people as both manipulate people physically and

Another similarity between dictators and bullies is the way they used to remain firmly in power
in their territories as both try to maintain their gangs’ internal and external strength. To remain
powerful in their gangs, groups or nations, both of them need to ensure that their followers will never
stand up against them. They will intimidate their followers physically, emotionally and psychologically.
They will make their follower to think that any plan to go against them will just bring more problems.
They also will punish anyone that tries to bring them down from their position. By doing so, the
followers will forcefully obey their orders. Ironically, as harsh as they seem to be, they also need to get
the trust of their followers. Therefore, they also will reward their loyal followers with power and money.
After maintaining their power internally, they will ensure that their dominations are strong externally.
Since they are territorial, they do not like to share power with others. To remain powerful in their
claimed territories, they need to get rid of any external threats. If anyone comes and claims the
territories, they will never think twice about fighting the claimant back. Their stand is clear: they will
fight people, gangs or authorities that try to disturb their reigns. At the same time, they will attack
others’ territories to expand their reign. By conquering others’ territory, they become more powerful.
Others will become afraid of them and will not disturb their territories. From this, it is evident that
dictators and bullies are similar since they remain firmly in power by maintaining their gangs’ internal
and external strength.

In a nutshell, dictators and bullies are similar in terms of their way of remaining powerful, their
methods of gaining control and their personality. To remain powerful, they try to maintain their strength
by internal mean and external mean. While some of them intimidate their followers to gain loyalty,
others award their followers by giving them power and money. They also fight people who claim their
territory and, at the same time, expand their territory by attacking others’. Other than that, they gain
control on their subject by manipulating those people physically and psychologically. They will torture,
extort, threat, harm and beat their subject if they need to do so. They also use psychological mean by
establishing fear in people’s heart. In addition, their personalities are similar. Both of them are naturally
strict and arrogant. All in all, although dictators and bullies may sound different, they are very similar in
many perspectives. It is important for us to realize that both of them are powerless if they do not have
followers. It is the followers who keep them on the top. Take the followers away and they will become
typical civilians. Therefore, the choice is at our hand: become their followers and see they gain control
on others or fight for our freedom and live the live happily.

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