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#    $


          1 of 173

& %"' %&

‡ Questions to be addressed in this chapter

± What are the activities that take place in the
conceptual design phase of the systems development
life cycle (SDLC)?
± What activities take place in the physical systems
design phase?
± What happens during the systems implementation
and conversion process?
± What activities occur in the systems operation and
maintenance process?


          p of 173

& %"' %&

‡ Accountants must understand the entire systems

development process, because they are
involved in several ways:
± Helping to specify their needs.
± As members of the development team.
± As auditors after the fact.
‡ Accountants also help keep the project on track
± Evaluating and measuring benefits.
± Measuring costs.
± Ensuring the project stays on schedule.


          3 of 173

& %"' %&

‡ Effective systems analysis and design

can ensure that developers:
± Correctly define the business problem.
± Design the appropriate solution.


           of 173

& %"' %&

‡ The crucial phases of the SDLC include:

± Systems analysis to define the new systems
requirements (discussed in Chapter 18).
± The phases discussed in this chapter, which
‡ Conceptual systems design
‡ Physical systems design
‡ Systems implementation and conversion
‡ Operation and maintenance


          Ò of 173

& %"' %&

‡ The crucial phases of the SDLC include:

± Systems analysis to define the new systems
requirements (discussed in Chapter 18).
± The phases discussed in this chapter, which
#  $ 
‡ Physical systems design
‡ Systems implementation and conversion
‡ Operation and maintenance


          V of 173

%&! '( ) !* "!+&

‡ In the  
phase, a general framework is created for
implementing user requirements and
solving the problems identified in the
analysis phase.
‡ The three main steps are:
± Evaluate design alternatives.
± Prepare design specifications.
± Prepare the conceptual systems design

          7 of 173



!,   #  # 
"  "  
   , #

  "  #





          8 of 173


!,   #  # 
"  "  
   , #

  "  #





          X of 173

%&! '( ) !* "!+&

‡ !,    $    ,

± There are many design decisions that must
be made. For example:
‡ Should a document be hard-copy or sent by EDI?
‡ Should the company use a large centralized
mainframe or some form of distributed processing?
‡ What form should data entry take, e.g., keyboard,
optical character recognition, POS devices?


          10 of 173

%&! '( ) !* "!+&

‡ Also, there are many ways to approach the

systems development process:
± Packaged software
± In-house development
± End-user development
± Outsourcing
‡ The company also chooses between:
± Modifying or enhancing existing software
± Replacing existing software
± Reengineering its business processes


          11 of 173

%&! '( ) !* "!+&
‡ The design team should identify a variety of
design alternatives and evaluate each with
respect to:
± How well it meets organizational and system
± How well it meets user needs
± Whether it is economically feasible
± Its advantages and disadvantages
‡ The steering committee evaluates the
-  to view some of the design
considerations and alternatives from Table p0-1
in your textbook. "   $  

          1p of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ /  $ 


 $0 ‡  11# 
‡ *  1$#
‡ ( 1  


          13 of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ How should the communications channel be
‡ 2  # 

 $  $0 ‡  
‡  3
‡ 4  #

‡ *
/ ,


          1 of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ How should the communications channel be
‡ What type of communications channel should be
‡ 2  # 

 $  $0 ‡  5$
‡ "
‡ "  $
‡ (


          1Ò of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ How should the communications channel be
‡ What type of communications channel should be
‡ What type of communications network should be
‡ 2  #    $  $  $
 $  0 ‡ #
‡ " -
‡ " -
‡ $ $ ,
‡ "
‡  #

          1V of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ How should the communications channel be
‡ What type of communications channel should be
‡ What type of communications network should be
‡ What type of storage media should be used for
‡ 2  #  $    
‡ 4 
‡ "   


          17 of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ How should the communications channel be
‡ What type of communications channel should be
‡ What type of communications network should be
‡ What type of storage media should be used for
data? ‡  $
‡ 6
‡ What type of data storage structure should be
used? ‡ $3$16

‡ /  $      5$ $


          18 of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ 2  $  $  $  # $  0
‡ 7 
‡ %
‡ *
‡ %
‡ !"
‡ .


          1X of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ What media should be used to input data?
‡ 2    /  #  -0

‡  $ $



          p0 of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ What media should be used to input data?
‡ What format will the input take?
‡ / /    # $0 ‡ 1
‡ %


          p1 of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ What media should be used to input data?
‡ What format will the input take?
‡ How will the system be operated?
‡ / 6  / #  #$
‡ " 
‡ 2- 
‡ * 


          pp of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ What media should be used to input data?
‡ What format will the input take?
‡ How will the system be operated?
‡ How frequently will outputs be produced?
‡ 2  $ /  $  #0
‡  #

‡ .

‡ " -
‡ "
‡ *


          p3 of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ What media should be used to input data?
‡ What format will the input take?
‡ How will the system be operated?
‡ How frequently will outputs be produced?
‡ What media will be used for output?
‡ / / #  
$ $0
‡ % $ $
‡  #$ $  


          p of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ What media should be used to input data?
‡ What format will the input take?
‡ How will the system be operated?
‡ How frequently will outputs be produced?
‡ What media will be used for output?
‡ How will output be scheduled?
‡ 2    /  #  -0
‡ &   ,
‡ + #
‡ ! 




          pÒ of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ What media should be used to input data?
‡ What format will the input take?
‡ How will the system be operated?
‡ How frequently will outputs be produced?
‡ What media will be used for output?
‡ How will output be scheduled?
‡ What format will the output take?
‡ 2   / # $ #  -0
‡ 1# $ 
‡  $ $

‡ 1 $ 


          pV of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ What media should be used to input data?
‡ What format will the input take?
‡ How will the system be operated?
‡ How frequently will outputs be produced?
‡ What media will be used for output?
‡ How will output be scheduled?
‡ What format will the output take?
‡ What form will printed output take?
‡ 2  #
  $ /  $0
‡ * 


          p7 of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ What media should be used to input data?
‡ What format will the input take?
‡ How will the system be operated?
‡ How frequently will outputs be produced?
‡ What media will be used for output?
‡ How will output be scheduled?
‡ What format will the output take?
‡ What form will printed output take?
‡ * 
‡ ‡ *  
What processing mode will be used?
‡ 2  #  #
 /   5$0


          p8 of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ What media should be used to input data?
‡ What format will the input take?
‡ How will the system be operated?
‡ How frequently will outputs be produced?
‡ What media will be used for output?
‡ How will output be scheduled?
‡ What format will the output take?
‡ What form will printed output take?
‡ What processing mode will be used?‡  $
‡ What type of processor will be utilized?
‡ / / /  
6 $0 ‡ *$  $

          pX of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ / /  

‡ % 


          30 of 173

%&! '( "!+&
%&"! %& &" ( !& .!
‡ How will transactions be processed?
‡ / 6  / #$  

‡ " 
‡ 2- 
‡ * 


          31 of 173


!,   #  # 
"  "  
   , #

  "  #





          3p of 173

%&! '( ) !* "!+&

‡ #  $  #

± Once a design has been selected, the
project team develops the  
      for the following
‡ %#
 #  /      $ 
   $ $    $ 
# #

   ## $  8


          33 of 173

%&! '( ) !* "!+&

‡ #  $  #

± Once a design has been selected, the
project team develops the  
      for the following
‡ Output
‡ "   
‡ / / $   $  #$
  $ $


          3 of 173

%&! '( ) !* "!+&

‡ #  $  #

± Once a design has been selected, the
project team develops the  
      for the following
‡ Output
‡ Data storage
‡ #
‡ 2  #  $    $  #$
$ $ #0

          3Ò of 173

%&! '( ) !* "!+&

‡ #  $  #

± Once a design has been selected, the
project team develops the  
      for the following
‡ Output
‡ Data storage
‡ / / $   #
$ $  /  6

‡ Input #$
  $ $ #0
$ $ #  


          3V of 173


!,   #  # 
"  "  
   , #

  "  #





          37 of 173

%&! '( ) !* "!+&

‡ #  

#  $ 
± A  
prepared at the end of the conceptual design
phase to:
‡ Guide physical system design activities.
‡ Communicate how management and user
information needs will be met.
‡ Help the steering committee assess system


          38 of 173

%&! '( ) !* "!+&

‡ The main component is a description of one or

more recommended system designs. This
description contains:
± The contents of each output, database, and input.
± Processing flows and the relationships among
programs, files, inputs, and outputs.
± Hardware, software, and resource requirements.
± Audit, control, and security processes and
± A discussion of assumptions or unresolved problems
that might affect the final design.


          3X of 173

& %"' %&

‡ The crucial phases of the SDLC include:

± Systems analysis to define the new systems
requirements (discussed in Chapter 18).
± The phases discussed in this chapter, which
‡ Conceptual systems design
‡ Systems implementation and conversion
‡ Operation and maintenance


          0 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&
‡ During the physical systems design phase, the
company determines how the conceptual AIS
design is to be implemented.
± The broad, user-oriented requirements of conceptual
design are translated into detailed specifications used
to code and test computer programs.
± Phases include:
‡ Designing output
‡ Creating files and databases
‡ Designing input
‡ Writing computer programs
‡ Developing procedures
‡ Building in controls


          1 of 173


"  " 

%# 4  $ " #    
"  "  "  "  " 




          p of 173




%# 4  $ " #    
"  "  "  "  " 




          3 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ %# $ 
± The objective of output design is to
determine the nature, format, content,
and timing of printed reports,
documents, and screen displays.
‡ Requires cooperation between users and


           of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Important design considerations include:

± '   #
‡ 2 /   $ /0
‡ 2   $$0
‡ 2  $


          Ò of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Important design considerations include:

‡  #
± Use of the output

± %# $  ‡ .
‡ " -
‡ *
‡ %


          V of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Important design considerations include:

± Use of the output
± Output medium
± %#   ‡  $  

‡  $ 9
± &   ,
± + #


          7 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Important design considerations include:

± Use of the output
± Output medium
± Output format
± 1# $ ‡  $ # # #  
## $  $
 $ $


          8 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Important design considerations include:

± Use of the output
± Output medium
± Output format
± Pre-printed
± (
  ‡ 2   #  


          X of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Important design considerations include:

± Use of the output
± Output medium
± Output format
± Pre-printed
± Location

 ‡ 2  $    

# $



          Ò0 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Important design considerations include:

± Use of the output
± Output medium
± Output format
± Pre-printed
± Location ‡ ( #  $  #
± Access 3
 ,   $    
‡  $  $ $   5 $  $
± "    #  8
‡ " $     ##$ 38


          Ò1 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Important design considerations include:

± Use of the output
± Output medium
± Output format
± Pre-printed
± Location
± Access
± Detail ‡ /   $  #  #$

          Òp of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Outputs usually fit into one of the following

four categories:
$ $ #
‡ , #1#
 $  8
‡  ## $      8
‡ !3 # 9
± 2-      
± *    


          Ò3 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Outputs usually fit into one of the following

four categories:
± Scheduled reports
± #
1##    #
‡ & #1#
 $  8
‡ #
 ## $  # 
‡ !3 # 9
±     #
 $   #   


          Ò of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Outputs usually fit into one of the following

four categories:
± Scheduled reports
± Special-purpose analysis reports
±  $ 3
#  #
‡ , #1#
 $  8
‡ # $    #  

$   88  : 8;
‡ !3 # 9
±  ,


          ÒÒ of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Outputs usually fit into one of the following

four categories:
± Scheduled reports
± Special-purpose analysis reports
± Triggered exception reports
± " $ #
‡ , #1#
 $  8
‡ # $    68


          ÒV of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ AIS developers prepare sample outputs

and users evaluate them to ensure they
are complete, relevant, and useful.
± Modifications are made as needed to ensure
± Many organizations require users to sign off
on these documents before proceeding
through the SDLC.


          Ò7 of 173




%# 4  $ " #    
"  "  "  "  " 




          Ò8 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ 4  $ $    $ 
± Various company segments need to store data in
compatible formats so that data can be shared across
± Important file and database design considerations
include: ‡ $ $ ,
‡   $  ‡ " -
‡ " -
‡ "
‡ #
‡  #


          ÒX of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ 4  $ $    $ 
± Various company segments need to store data in
compatible formats so that data can be shared across
± Important file and database design considerations
‡ Storage medium
‡ * 



          V0 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ 4  $ $    $ 
± Various company segments need to store data in
compatible formats so that data can be shared across
± Important file and database design considerations
‡ Storage medium
‡ Processing mode
‡ *  
 ‡ 2  #
$  $$ 

 ,      $  0


          V1 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ 4  $ $    $ 
± Various company segments need to store data in
compatible formats so that data can be shared across
± Important file and database design considerations
‡ Storage medium
‡ Processing mode
‡ Maintenance
‡  5 ‡ /   
$ $ /    0
‡ /     3#
$  /0


          Vp of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ 4  $ $    $ 
± Various company segments need to store data in
compatible formats so that data can be shared across
± Important file and database design considerations
‡ Storage medium
‡ 2  #   
$  $$$ 
‡ Processing mode
$ $ 
‡ Maintenance
‡ 2  #  $   #$ $0
‡ Size
 ,  ,


          V3 of 173




%# 4  $ " #    
"  "  "  "  " 




          V of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ # $ 
± Systems designers must identify the
different types of data input and optimal
input methods.
± There are two principal types of data
‡ Forms
‡ Computer screens


          VÒ of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡  $    # $  

± # $  ‡ 7 $
‡ %
‡ *
‡ %  
‡ !"
‡ .


          VV of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡  $    # $  

± Input medium ‡ 2 $ $     0
± # 
 ± #


          V7 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡  $    # $  

± Input medium
± Input source
± #   ‡ 2   
#  $  / 
   $ $




          V8 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡  $    # $  

± Input medium
± Input source
± Input format
± # # ‡ 2        $  0


          VX of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡  $    # $  

± Input medium
± Input source
± Input format
± Input type
± .  ‡ / 
 $     $0


          70 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡  $    # $  

± Input medium
± Input source
± Input format
± Input type
± Volume
‡ 2  
  $ 3#  $  $ 
 #   ,0
‡  $$      


          71 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡  $    # $  

± Input medium
± Input source
± Input format
± Input type
± Volume
± Personnel
± 46
 ‡ /   $    $0


          7p of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡  $    # $  

± Input medium
± Input source
± Input format
± Input type
± Volume
± Personnel
± Frequency 6 /

     5$ / 




          73 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡  $    # $  

± Input medium
± Input source
± Input format
± Input type
± Volume
± Personnel
± Frequency ‡ 2    #  0
‡ /
$ $

± Cost
± ! $



          7 of 173

‡ #   
) !* "!+&
$   #  8
‡ ' ###  /  $  $  # #8
‡ '  $ # $ 1
-  $  $  
‡ 4 $ 
   $  #    8
‡ '  $ $  5 $    
± Although inputis 
6  evolving toward
 $  source data
automation, forms design
‡   $  3 is still 
#   #   important.
  / $/ , #8
± Following are important principles for
‡ ,
#     # $  $ 
designing new forms


  and evaluating existing

$   8
#    8
‡ +


          7Ò of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ 4 $ 
± Although input is evolving toward source data
automation, forms design is still important.
       #   $ #8
± Following are important
‡ ,  principles for
designing new

 , 8
forms and evaluating existing
‡  $  $  3 #    ,
#    $ $$ #1# $ 
‡ General considerations
‡ $


          7V of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ 4 $ 
‡ +#  
± Although input<88
is evolving toward

automation, forms design is still important.
‡ , $ 
± Following are important principles for
‡ %$  $  
designing new6

forms  and evaluating
 $   -   
ones:  $8
‡ '
$ $

-1  #
‡ General considerations
 $ $ 5$ 3#     - 8
‡ Introductory section of form
‡ *  $  


          77 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ 4 " 
± Although input is evolving toward source data
automation, forms design is still important.
‡ , $
± Following are #

important 9
principles for
$    $ #     8
designing new forms and evaluating existing
± ##,   8
ones: ± "   ##, $   $ #  8
‡ General considerations
±  $   
‡ Introductory section $

‡     of form  $    
‡ Main body of



          78 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ "  

± It is more efficient to enter data directly into
the computer than to record it on paper for
subsequent entry.
± Therefore, it¶s important to design computer
screens for input as well as output.


          7X of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Computer screens are most effective when the following

principles are used:
± %  5  

  $  8
‡ *   5 #   ,   
‡ !3 # 9  
   $  ,  
  $$ $    8


          80 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Computer screens are most effective when the following

principles are used:
± Organize the screen for quick, accurate, and complete entry of
the data.
± ! $      $  ##    $


          81 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Computer screens are most effective when the following

principles are used:
± Organize the screen for quick, accurate, and complete entry of
the data.
± Enter data in the same order it appears on the document.
± #   
      $ #  
  $ $  8


          8p of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Computer screens are most effective when the following

principles are used:
± Organize the screen for quick, accurate, and complete entry of
the data.
± Enter data in the same order it appears on the document.
± Complete the screen from left to right and top to bottom,
grouping logically related data together.
± "   
 >#   $  

         -   $ 



          83 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Computer screens are most effective when the following

principles are used:
± Organize the screen for quick, accurate, and complete entry of
the data.
± Enter data in the same order it appears on the document.
± Complete the screen from left to right and top to bottom,
grouping logically related data together.
± Design the screen so users can jump from one data entry
location to another or use a single key to go directly to screen
± * -    

‡ '
  $ 3#
‡ , $  #        

          8 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Computer screens are most effective when the following

principles are used:
± Organize the screen for quick, accurate, and complete entry of
the data.
± Enter data in the same order it appears on the document.
± Complete the screen from left to right and top to bottom,
grouping logically related data together.
± Design the screen so users can jump from one data entry
location to another or use a single key to go directly to screen
‡ (       #      
± Make it easy to correct mistakes.
± , $



          8Ò of 173




%# 4  $ " #    
"  "  "  "  " 




          8V of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡   $ 
± Program development is one of the most time-
consuming activities in the SDLC.
± A     process should be
‡ With structured programming, programs should be
subdivided into small, well-defined modules to reduce
complexity and enhance reliability and modifiability.
‡ Modules should interact with a control module rather than
with each other.
‡ To facilitate testing and modification, each module should
have only one entry and exit point.


          87 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ To improve software quality, organizations

should develop programming standards (rules
for writing programs).
± Contributes to consistency among programs.
± Makes them easier to read and maintain.
‡ Consider doing structured program walk-
throughs to find incorrect logic, errors,
omissions, or other problems.


          88 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Program preparation time may range from a few

days to a few years, depending on complexity.
‡ Though accountants need not be programmers,
they should understand how software is created.
‡ The following slides discuss the eight steps for
developing software and where these steps take
place in the SDLC.


          8X of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

   ‡ STEP ONE: Determine user

# ± Occurs during the systems analysis
"  stage of the SDLC.





          X0 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

   ‡ STEP TWO: Develop and
document a plan.

# ± Occurs during the conceptual design
"  phase and the beginning of physical





          X1 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

   ‡ STEP THREE: Write the program

# ± Design in increasing levels of detail,
"  known as á á   

± Begun during systems design and
completed during systems



          Xp of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&
 ‡ STEP FOUR: Test the program code.
± þ  is discovering and

eliminating program errors.
"  ± þ á  happens after a
program is coded and involves a

visual and mental review to discover
"  programming errors.
± Programs are tested for logic errors
$ using test data that simulates both
,  valid transactions and all possible
error conditions.


          X3 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

   ± Large programs are often tested
in three stages:

# ‡ Individual program modules.
‡ The linkages between the module
and the control module.

"  ‡ The interfaces between the
program being tested and other
#    application programs.



          X of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

   ± Errors need to be found as soon
as possible in the development

# process.
± Errors discovered late cost 80±

1000% more to fix than those
"  found early.



          XÒ of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

   ‡ STEP FIVE: Document the

# ± Documentation explains how
programs work and helps

correct and resolve errors.
"  ± Includes flowcharts, record
layouts, E-R diagrams, REA
$ data models, narrative
descriptions of the system, etc.,
%#   organized in a manual.


          XV of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

   ‡ STEP SIX: Train program users.
± Often uses the program

# documentation.





          X7 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

   ‡ STEP SEVEN: Install the system.
 All components are brought

# together, and the company
begins to use the system.





          X8 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

   ‡ STEP EIGHT: Use and modify
the system.

# ± m     is a
response to any factors that
require program revision.

"  ± Includes requests for:
‡ New or revised reports.
#    ‡ Changes in input, file content, or
,  values such as tax rates.
‡ Error detection and correction.
$ ‡ Conversion to new hardware.


          XX of 173




%# 4  $ " #    
"  "  "  "  " 




          100 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

$ $ 
± Individuals who interact with a newly-
designed AIS need procedures to cover:
‡ Input preparation
‡ Transaction processing
‡ Error detection and correction
‡ Controls
‡ Reconciliation of balances
‡ Database access
‡ Output preparation and distribution
‡ Computer operator instructions


          101 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ Procedures may take the form of:

± System manuals
± User instruction classes
± Training materials
± Online help screens


          10p of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ The procedures may be written by:

± Development teams;
± Users; or
± Teams representing both groups.


          103 of 173




%# 4  $ " #    
"  "  "  "  " 




          10 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡   $ 
± Improperly controlled input, processing, and
database functions produce information of
questionable value.
± Controls must be built into an AIS to ensure
its effectiveness, efficiency, and accuracy.
These controls should:
‡ Minimize errors.
‡ Detect and correct errors when they do occur.
± Accountants play a vital role in this area.


          10Ò of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ # 

± . $  ‡  
  , $0


          10V of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ # 

± Validity
±  5  
‡  # #
 ,    5$  
###    0


          107 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ # 

± Validity
± Authorization

 ‡  # ,  $  

‡ 2 
 / #   / #

 ,  0


          108 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ # 

± Validity
± Authorization
± Accuracy
‡    #
$  9
± '  5$ #

##     $
   $ / 0


          10X of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ # 

± Validity
± Authorization
± Accuracy
± Security
± &

‡  $
 #1$  #,  
    $  $
 / $


          110 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ # 

± Validity
± Authorization
± Accuracy
± Security
± Numerical control
± ,  
‡    ,       0
‡     #$  $  , $  $  


          111 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ # 

± Validity
‡      $  $ /  
± Authorization
  $  0
± Accuracy
‡     5$ $ $ $
±  $    $ $  0
$  $

± Numerical control

± Availability
 5$ 0
± *    


          11p of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ # 

± Validity
± Authorization
± Accuracy
± Security

± Numerical‡ control
± Availability‡       5$   $,
±   #  0


          113 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

‡ # 

± Validity
± Authorization
± Accuracy
± Security
± Numerical control
± Availability
± ‡   $   
  # $ ,

, 0
± Integrity
± $  


          11 of 173

 )( ) !* "!+&

 $  #
± At the end of the physical design phase, a

prepared, summarizing what was
± This report serves as the basis for
management¶s decision whether to proceed to


          11Ò of 173

& %"' %&

‡ The crucial phases of the SDLC include:

± Systems analysis to define the new systems
requirements (discussed in Chapter 18).
± The phases discussed in this chapter, which
‡ Conceptual systems design
‡ Physical systems design
‡  #    $
‡ Operation and maintenance


          11V of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡  #   
± j
   $/  $ /  $
    # $  8
‡ ", #  # 
‡ #     
‡   $    $/  $ / 
  $    #
‡ #   $


          117 of 173





#   ?
#    , 



          118 of 173





#   ?
#    , 



          11X of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ #    #  
‡ #     -
‡ !3#
#   $ 
‡ #

    #<= #    
±  #  #
  /  #>

#  $ #   8
±  #       $ $   -

   - $  

#    $  #   $
#  /  


          1p0 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
    6  $>  

# @   5   

$ 9
±     / $# 8
± !      $/ 5   3  
$# 8
±   ,   $  #
  $# 8


          1p1 of 173





#   ?
#    , 



          1pp of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡   ##   
#   6 
‡ &/  

‡ " 

‡  $  
‡  $ 
‡ #
‡  1
± 4  #
± !
 #/ ## 
‡ #
  6 #   $ 


          1p3 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
˜   ##      #
 $   /  $     
$ 8


          1p of 173





#   ?
#    , 



          1pÒ of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
 $   #
± Employees can be hired from outside or
transferred internally.
‡ Hiring from within is usually more effective and
less costly, because the employees already
understand the business.
‡ Transferring displaced employees can enhance
loyalty and morale.
± Companies take training shortcuts because:
‡ Effective training is time-consuming and
‡ Those who understand the system are maintaining
and upgrading it.


          1pV of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ When training is insufficient, the company will
not achieve the expected return on investment.
‡ The hidden cost is that users will turn to their
coworkers who have mastered the system for
help. Results in:
± Less productive coworkers
± Increased costs
‡ Effective training includes:
± Hardware and software skills
± Orientation to new policies and operations
‡ The training should be scheduled just before
systems testing and conversion.


          1p7 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ Types of training include:
± Technical training from vendors
± Self-study manuals
± Computer-aided instruction
± Videotape presentations
± Role-playing
± Case studies
± Experimenting with the AIS under the
guidance of experienced users


          1p8 of 173





#   ?
#    , 



          1pX of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ Three types of documentation must be
prepared for new systems:
± ", # $
‡ "
±   $
 # 8
± #   # #   $ $    8
±    /
±   8
± '



          130 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ Three types of documentation must be
prepared for new systems:
± Development documentation
± %#   $

± %#   
$ 8
± 4  $ $   

± !6 # 
  $     6 


          131 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ Three types of documentation must be
prepared for new systems:
± Development documentation
± Operations documentation
± ' $
  /  #   8
$ #
$   $      8


          13p of 173





#   ?
#    , 



          133 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
± Inadequate system testing has contributed to the
failure of systems.
± All of the following should be given a trial run in
realistic circumstances.
‡ Documents and reports
‡ User input
‡ Operating and control procedures
‡ Processing procedures
‡ Computer programs
± Should also test:
‡ Capacity limits
‡ Backup and recovery procedures


          13 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ Three common forms of testing include:
± 2 -1
‡ #11# , /  #
$  #  
± $$   $, #   $      
$ 8
± 4
     5  9
‡ #
‡ 4 
‡ %#
‡ "   /
± 6 / -1  $$  # 8
‡ $$ 

          13Ò of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ Three common forms of testing include:
± Walk-throughs
‡ "  /  #  #  
$ $8
‡ 6   , $ $  $  8

 $  $, 


          13V of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ Three common forms of testing include:
± Walk-throughs
± Processing test transactions

‡ '
± ' $, #


±   -   $



          137 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ Three common forms of testing include:
± Walk-throughs
± Processing test transactions
± Acceptance tests
‡ !, /  #
 $ ,$   $


          138 of 173





#   ?
#    , 



          13X of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
±    is the process of changing from the old
AIS to the new.
± Many elements must be converted, including:
‡ Hardware
‡ Software
‡ Data files
‡ Procedures
± The process is complete when the new AIS has
become a routine, ongoing part of the system.


          10 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ ,  ##

± Four conversion approaches are used to
change from an old to a new system:
‡ Direct conversion
‡ Parallel conversion
‡ Phase-in conversion
‡ Pilot conversion


          11 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ ,  ##

± Four conversion approaches are used to
change from an old to a new system:
‡ " 

‡ Parallel conversion
‡ Phase-in conversion
‡ Pilot conversion


          1p of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ " 

± Immediately terminates the old AIS when the
new one is introduced.
± Appropriate when:
‡ The old AIS has no value; or
‡ The new AIS is so different that comparisons
between the two are meaningless.


          13 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ Main advantage to direct conversion:
± It¶s inexpensive
‡ Main disadvantage:
± It provides no backup AIS.
‡ There is a high risk of failure unless the
new system has been very carefully
developed and tested.


          1 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ ,  ##

± Four conversion approaches are used to
change from an old to a new system:
‡ Direct conversion
‡ Phase-in conversion
‡ Pilot conversion


          1Ò of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
± Operates the old and new systems
simultaneously for a period of time.
± You can process transactions with both
systems, compare output, reconcile
differences, and make corrections to the new


          1V of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ Main advantage to parallel conversion:
± It protects the company from errors.
‡ Main disadvantage:
± It is costly and stressful for employees to process all
transactions twice.
‡ Because companies often experience problems
during conversion, parallel processing has
gained widespread popularity.


          17 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ ,  ##

± Four conversion approaches are used to
change from an old to a new system:
‡ Direct conversion
‡ Parallel conversion
‡  1 
‡ Pilot conversion


          18 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡  1 
± Gradually replaces elements of the old AIS with the
new one.
± The new system is often phased in a module at a
± Main Advantage:
‡ Data processing resources can be acquired over time.
± Disadvantages:
‡ Costs of creating temporary interfaces between old and new
‡ Time required to make the complete conversion.


          1X of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ ,  ##

± Four conversion approaches are used to
change from an old to a new system:
‡ Direct conversion
‡ Parallel conversion
‡ Phase-in conversion


          1Ò0 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
± Implements a system in just one part of the
organization, e.g., a branch office or a single store.
± When problems with the system are resolved, the
new system could be implemented at the remaining
± Advantages:
‡ Localizes conversion problems and allows training in a live
± Disadvantages:
‡ Long conversion time.
‡ Need for interfaces between old and new systems.


          1Ò1 of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ " 
± Data conversion can be time-consuming,
tedious, and expense.
± The difficulty and magnitude is easy to
± Data files may need to be modified in three
‡ Files may be moved to a different storage medium
(e.g., tape to disk).
‡ Data content may be changed (e.g., fields added
or deleted).
‡ A file or database format may be changed.


          1Òp of 173

) !* *(!*!&  %& &"
‡ Steps in the data conversion process:
± Decide which data files need to be converted.
± Check files for completeness and data inaccuracies,
and remove any inconsistencies.
± Do the actual data conversion.
± Validate the new files to ensure data were not lost
during conversion.
± If the file conversion is lengthy, update the new files
with transactions that occurred during data
± After conversion and testing, monitor the system to
make sure it runs smoothly and accurately.
± Document the conversion activities.


          1Ò3 of 173








          1Ò of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ The last step in the SDLC is to operate

and maintain the new system.
‡ A       should be
conducted to ensure the new AIS meets
its planned objectives.


          1ÒÒ of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± +  $ >
‡ "    #    5      
 , $ ,   0


          1ÒV of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± Goals and objectives
‡      $0
‡ "  / 


          1Ò7 of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± Goals and objectives
± Satisfaction
±   ‡ 2  3#


          1Ò8 of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± Goals and objectives
± Satisfaction
± Benefits
±  ‡ 

   /  3#


          1ÒX of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± Goals and objectives
± Satisfaction
± Benefits
± Costs
‡     $ $   /0


          1V0 of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± Goals and objectives
± Satisfaction
± Benefits
± Costs
± Reliability

‡ "   #$

$  0

          1V1 of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± Goals and objectives
± Satisfaction
± Benefits
± Costs
± Reliability
± Accuracy‡ "   #$

          1Vp of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± #   
˜   $/  /  $   $ #

#    /  3   0


          1V3 of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± Compatibility
±   $ 
˜     $      
 $ $  0


          1V of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± Compatibility
± Controls and security
± !
˜   $6  1 $  #


          1VÒ of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± Compatibility
± Controls and security
± Errors
‡   # $  $6  


          1VV of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± Compatibility
± Controls and security
± Errors
± Training

   $6 0


          1V7 of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± Compatibility
± Controls and security
± Errors

± Training

‡     /
± Communications
± %  5  


          1V8 of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Factors and questions include:

± Compatibility
± Controls and security
± Errors
± Training
± Communications
± Organization changes
#  $

‡  $

± "

          1VX of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Any problems discovered during the

review should be brought to
management¶s attention, and adjustments
should be made.
‡ When the review is complete, a  
‡ User acceptance of that report is the final
activity in systems development.

          170 of 173

%! %& &" *& !&&!

‡ Control of the AIS is then passed to the

data processing department.
‡ But the work is not done.
± About 30% of the work takes place during
± The remaining 70% is spent in maintaining
the system²particularly with respect to
software modifications and updates.


          171 of 173

'**) &" %&('%&
‡ You¶ve learned in more depth about the activities
that take place in the conceptual design phase of
the systems development life cycle (SDLC).
‡ You¶ve also learned about activities that take
place in the physical systems design phase.
‡ You¶ve explored what happens during the
systems implementation and conversion
‡ Finally, you¶ve learned about the activities in the
last phase of the systems development life
cycle²the systems operation and maintenance

          17p of 173

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