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Employee information

Salary Increase for

First Name Last Name Region Department 2008 Salary ($) 2009
Diana Bennett East Marketing 60000 0
Jesse Stone South Sales 90800 0
Rita Long East Sales 80050 0
Adam Costa North Administration 42060 0
Julia Meyers West Marketing 96600 0
Kevin Stockton West Accounts 84000 0
Mary Cohen North Administration 104000 0

Increase for
2009: 5.80%

How many
salaries are

1. Use a function in cell B14 that will give you the count of how many 2008 salaries are above $80,000
2. In cell F4, create a formula that will calculate the amount that each employee will receive as a raise for 2009. You'll need
3. Copy that formula down for all employees
4. Format all salary information so that it is in currency format, with zero decimals
5. Format all salary information so that any salary less than 80,000 is blue
6. Sort the employees by last name in ascending, alphabetical order
7. Format the spreadsheet to a horizontal page orientation
8. Create a column chart that shows the employee names and their 2008 earnings

Title the chart 2008 Employee Earnings

X axis title - Employee Name
Y axis title - 2008 Salary

9. Place the chart underneath the data on the spreadsheet

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