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1. From the View menu, select Toolbars » Customize...

The Customize dialog box appears.

Macintosh: From the View menu, select Toolbars » Customize Toolbars/Menus...
The Customize Toolbars/Menus dialog box appears.
2. Select the Commands tab

3. From the Categories scroll list, select Tools

4. From the Commands scroll list, click and drag MACROS... and RECORD
MACRO/STOP RECORDER... to the Standard toolbar
NOTE: You may only click and drag a command to the toolbar one at a time.
5. Windows: Click CLOSE
Macintosh: Click OK
6. Windows: On the Standard toolbar, click RECORD NEW MACRO...
Macintosh: On the Standard toolbar, click RECORD MACRO
The Record Macro dialog appears.

Creating & Recording a New Macro

The Record New Macro command of Word creates macros using the Record Macro
dialog box. Using this dialog box, you will name, describe, and assign the storage and
access locations of the macro(s) you create.
1. Access the Record Macro dialog box
The Record Macro dialog box appears.

2. In the Macro name text box, type the name for the new macro
For information on naming conventions, refer to Naming a Macro.
3. OPTIONAL: In the Description text box, type a short narrative description for the
4. From the Store macro in pull-down list, select the appropriate option
NOTE: For more information, refer to Saving a Macro.
5. OPTIONAL: Assign the macro to a toolbar or keyboard combination
These options are covered in Assigning Macros to Additional Locations.
6. Click OK
The Macro Record toolbar appears in the window with your document.

7. Perform the activity that you want the macro to accomplish

8. When done, on the Macro Record toolbar, click STOP RECORDING
From the Tools menu, select Macro » Stop Recording
The macro will be saved as part of the template you chose.
9. Continue with Running a Macro

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