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The Wheel of

The Wheel of
Life is held by
the Lord of
Death, because
death comes to
us all.
In the centre of the
wheel there are
the three poisons.
The snake
represents anger,
the cockerel
represents greed
and the pig
stupidity. These
things hold us and
prevent us from
The outer edge
shows the stages
of a person’s life.
This includes
samsara the cycle
of birth life death
and rebirth.
In the realm of
pain people suffer
terrible agony as a
result of their own
actions and
In the realm of
animals, people
don’t think but just
blindly follow their
In the realm of the
hungry ghosts,
people are never
satisfied with what
they have got they
are always
desiring more.
In the realm of the
giants, people use
force and violence
they take what
they want without
working for it.
In the realm of
human beings,
people use their
minds to live
happy and useful
lives without
harming other
living things.
In the realm of the
gods, people
spend their time in
mental and artistic

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