What Makes A Great Teacher

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What makes a great teacher?

1. Enthuse students.
2. Treat students as individuals.
3. Know the subject.
4. Be loving and warm.
5. Teach for learning.
6. Empathise with students.
7. Relate to parents and the wider
8. Be firm, fair and flexible.
9. Be organised.
10. Prepare students for life.
11. Manage the classroom.
12. Have high self-esteem.
13. Have a sense of humour.
14. Be a total person with a full life
outside school.
15. Take calculated risks.
Boag, C. (1998). What makes a good teacher. The Bulletin, July 18, pp. 46-54
McInerney, D. & McInerney, V. (1994). Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning. Sydney:
Prentice Hall.

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