Family Communication Inventory

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HCFD 2400 C.

Beckert, PhD


OOOO 1. We have a regular time each week to talk as a family.
OOOO 2. We generally finish what we are saying before someone else
OOOO 3. We discuss to UNDERSTAND rather than argue to WIN.
OOOO 4. We feel free to express our feelings about most things.
OOOO 5. We ask for clarification when we don't understand what
someone says.
OOOO 6. We are allowed to have an opinion which differs from others in the family.
OOOO 7. We openly discuss personal and family financial matters.
OOOO 8. We feel it is as important to LISTEN as it is to TALK.
OOOO 9. We are able to share our thoughts and feelings without upsetting
other family members.
OOOO 10. We are generally able to "talk out" our problems with one
OOOO 11. We are aware of and make use of "non verbal"
OOOO 12. We call "time out" when emotions are running too hot.
OOOO 13. There is usually someone available to talk with.

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