Midterm Concepts in Order

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Re: Concepts to study for the midterm examination

FCHD 2400, Fall, 2010

Changing parental roles

Comparisons between singles and marrieds
Conflict resolution: the what, the who, the how
Defense of Marriage Act
Elements of the communication process
Erikson, Parsons, Bronfenbrenner, Satir, Homans
Ethnicity, race, culture
Family definitions and labels: nuclear, procreations, etc.
Family theories: Social Exchange, Systems, Developmental, Learning. Ecological
Gender differences
Gender words, labels, life styles, including the X’s and the Y’s
General questions dealing with family demographics (very few numbers, poverty and marriage
General research terminology
General trends in today’s marriages and families
Homan’s theory of relationship formation
Instrumental and expressive schemas
Love, infatuation, limerence, etc.
Marital and family roles
Nature versus Nurture
Negotiation process
Normative or anticipated events in individual and family life cycles
Polygamy concepts
Possible biological mishaps; Turners, Kleinfelters, etc.
Pre-marital partner relationships
Relationships within the family system
Riess’ Wheel of Love
Roles, expectations, conflict
Self disclosure
Silence in communication
Sternberg’s theory
Symbolic Interaction theory
The slogans we reviewed the first class period
Types of communication
Types of marriages and partnerships
Working poor
Working spouses

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