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Term-End Examination
june, 2009


Time: 2 hours MaximumMarks : 60

Note : Questionrutmberone is compulsory.Answerany trao

fto* *r r* __
L. (u) Illustrate simplex, half-duplex and full
duplex modes. Explain with relevant
examples for each. What mode is used
when two people are communicating by a
telephone line ? 3+2+L
(b) What is the significance of the twisting in
twisted pair cable ? What are the different
categoriesof a twisted pair cablesand their
features. 2+2+T
(.) Explain the term sliding window. Also
illustrate and explain the operation of
selective repeat. 1+4
(d) Draw an ATM network structure and
differentiate between different kinds of
interfaces suPported by ATM switches ' 2+2

C5-68 P.T.O.
(") What is the purpose of a DNS, when we
can directly use an IP address ? If a DNS
domain name is, how many
labelsare involved here ? What is the lowest 1
level domain and what is the highest level
domain in this example.
(0 \uVhatis congestion? \Mhy does it happen ? 2 + 3
List all its factors and explain.

2. (u) Define virtual circuit and datagram 10

approaches.Also differentiate between
virtual circuit subnet and datagram subnet.
(b) Differentiate between switches and Hubs.

3. (u) \tVhatare B, D and H channels ? \A/hat are 6

their capacitiesand purposes?
(b) What is the purpose of the following fields 4
in TCP packet header ?
(i) Time to live.
(ii) Sequencenumber.
(iii) How does e-mail system work ? List. 3+2
its important characteristics.

4. (u) Illustrate and explain the operation of 10

network file system.
(b) Differentiate between analog and digital 5
signal. Also draw the time - domain
representationof analog and digital signal.


cs-68 2

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