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Film Treatment

Love Me Naught
Anna Meyers is an aspiring photography major. She has immense knowledge
on photography and develops photos for her school paper. Nonetheless, she
lives a depressed lonesome life because she is an adopted child and her foster
parents don’t understand her. This leads her to begin a fixated obsession with
the schools most popular girl, Tessa Reid, her next door neighbour. Tessa
seems to have everything in the world and Anna wants to be part of that
world. But when she reveals her interests she is publicly humiliated when she
is branded as a lesbian and ridiculed by her peers and most of all her obsession
Tessa. This leads her to seek retribution for a broken heart and an incomplete
portfolio that’s ‘’to die for’’.

Countless photos of Tessa start appearing all over the place. Cryptic letters of
love and threatening letters of disapproval are sent to Tessa and those who get
between them. At first Tessa is oblivious to who would want to hurt her, but
eventually she figures out that maybe Anna is responsible. A fast pace cat and
mouse game begins but she pursues her relentlessly which leads to Tessa
resolving with one ultimatum out of this unrequited love: Kill her. Twists and
turns reveal Tessa to be Anna’s biological sister. However, due to Anna’s bleak
past when she was in care and abused by a previous foster parent she adopted
an illness to which she created split personalities. One of her personalities, the
dominant of the two, concludes that if they can’t be together in this life then
they’ll be together in the afterlife. Luckily, Tessa just manages to touch her
sister’s true self and saves them both from losing one another.

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