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BY: Aashish Dua (76B)

Abhishek Iyer (78B)

Abhishek Tyagi (79B)

Aditya Singh (80B)

Jayant Rajpurohit (97B)

The personality that we have selected is Che Guevara. He was an Argentine Marxist
revolutionary, guerrilla leader, diplomat and a major figure in the Cuban Revolution. The
following influencer tactics are reflected in Che’s writings and speeches which aimed to
influence the people for a common cause, which was to eliminate imperialism from the world.

1. Inspirational appeals: Che was against the imperialism that was present in several parts
of the world, especially the Latin American countries. He established emotional connect
with the masses by appealing to their hopes and aspirations. Che on multiple occasions
said that he would be willing to give up his life for any Latin American country, while
fighting for his cause. Such statements firmly established a bond between him and his
followers. Some of his key statements that prove this are as follows:

“There is no other definition of socialism valid for us other than that of the
abolition of the exploitation of man by man!”

“The popular forces can win a war against an army, we don’t have to wait for the
right conditions for a revolution, the insurrection can create them by itself.”

2. Personal appeals: Che visited villages to recruit peasants as Guerrillas. To do this, he

would descend down from his towering self and communicate in the local language of
the peasants. This established trust in the locals mind about Che, which resulted in his
following increasing further.

3. Pressure: To put his point forward, he also used pressure tactics. He would warn US
repeatedly of the consequences of imperialism, including the famous speech at the 1964
UN General Assembly.

4. Coalitions: To achieve his goal against imperialism, he joined hands with other forces
who shared the same vision. These included Fidel Castro in Cuba, and the peasants and
miners in Congo and Bolivia.

5. Consultation: Che involved all the people that worked with him for achieving the
common goal. He said in many of his speeches, “The guerrilla fighter needs full help
from the people of the area. This is an indispensable condition.”. He was patient at
listening to his colleagues, supporters and critics that helped him to gain more
knowledge and to clarify his views.

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