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Chapter No. al z as Ag AIO Att Al alg. Ala AIS, Als Al? alg. 24 | 25 A26 TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘The Work of the Aerospace Structures Engineer. STATICALLY DETERMINATE STRUCTURES (Loads, Reactions, Stresses, Shears, Bending Moments, Deflections) Equilibrium of Force Systems. Truss Structures. Externally Braced Wings. Landing Gear. Properties of Sections - Centroids, Moments of Inertia, ete. General Loads on Aircraft. Beams Shear and Moments. Seam - Column Moments, Torsion - Stresses and Deflections. Detlections of Structures. Castigliano’s Theorem. Virtual Work. Matrix Methods. THEORY AND METHODS FOR SOLVING STATICALLY INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES Statically indeterminate Structures. Theorem of Least Work. Virtual Work. Matrix Methods. Bending Moments in Frames and Rings by Elastic Center Method. Column Analogy Method, ‘Continuous Structures » Moment ‘Slope Deflection Method. ‘bution Method, BEAM BENDING AND SHEAR STRESSES. MEMBRANE STRESSES. COLUMN AND PLATE INSTABILITY. lid and Open Sections - Shear Center. Flow in Closed Thin-Walled Sections. Membrane Stresses in Pressure Vessels. Bending of Plates. Theory of the Instability of Columns and Thin Sheets. INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICAL AIRCRAFT STRESS ANALYSIS Introduction to Wing Stress Analysis by Modified Beam Theory. Introduction to Fuselage Stress Analysis by Modified Beam Theory. ‘Loads and Stresses on Ribs and Frames. Analysis of Special Wing Problems. Cutouts. Sheer Lag. Swept Wing. ‘Analysis by the “Method of Displacements”. THEORY OF ELASTICITY AND THERMOELASTICITY The 3-Dimensional Equations of Thermoelasticity. ‘The 2-Dimensional Equations of Elasticity and Thermoelasticity. Selected Problems in Elasticity and Thermoelasticity. TABLE OF CONTENTS Continued Chapter No. FLIGHT VEHICLE MATERIALS AND THEIR PROPERTIES: 81 Basic Principles and Definitions. 82 Mechanical and Physieat Properties of Metallic Materials for Flight Vehicle Structures, geese Bsoae 10 on 12 13 D1 D2 D3 STRENGTH OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES Combined Stresses, Theory of Yield and Ultimate Failure. ‘Steength of Columns with Stable Cross-Sections. Yield and Ultimate Strength in Bending. ‘Strength and Design of Round, Stream Torsion and Combined Loadings. Buckling Strength of Fiat Sheet in Compression, Shear, Bending and Under Combined Stress Systems. Local Buckling Stress for Composite Shapes. rippling Strength of Composite Shapes and Sheet-Stiffener Panels in Compression. Column Strength. Buckling Strength of Monocoque Cylinders. Buckling Strength of Curved Sheet Panels and Spherical Plates, Ultimate Strength of ‘Stiffened Curved Sheet Structures. Design of Metal Beams. Web Shear Resistant (Non-Buckting) Type. Part 1. Flat Sheet Web with Vertical Stiffeners, Part 2, Other Types of Non-Buckling Webs. Diagonal Semi-Tension Field Design. Part 1. Beams with Flat Webs. Part 2, Curved Web System. ‘Sandwich Construction and Design, Fatigue. (Oval and Square Tubing in Tension, Compression, Bending, CONNECTIONS AND DESIGN DETAILS Fittings and Connections. Bolted and Riveted. Welded Connections. Some important Details in Structural Design. Appendix A Elementary Arithmetical Rules of Matrices Accelerated Motion of Rigid Airplane ee AMD sireratt Bolte. 110122) DL? Sirerait Sure. 102202 Dna Alzeralt Wing Sections - Ai ‘Types sees aircraft Wing Structure = Tress Ty air Fores : Allowable stresses (and titeractions) 1.38 Analysis of Frame with Pinned Supports. ARI Angle Method ct pplication of Htatrve Methods fo Various Structures... AT.22 applied baad sss ALL Axis of Symmetry | 112... AR4 Beaded Webs... .. . . - 10.16 ‘Beam Design - special Cases. 3.10 ‘Beam Fised End Moments by ‘Method af Area Moments. AT.32 Beam Rivet Design 10.3 ‘Beam Shear and Bending ‘Moment ASL ‘aeame = Forces ata Seccion | AS.7 Beams - Moment Diagrams. | A8.8 Beains with Non-Parallel Flanges - one Beams - Shear and Moment Dageams AB Beams ~ statically Deter~ tminate & Indeterminate... AS.1 Banging and Compression of Columns se es ss Aa Bending Moments © Elastic Center Methods = 2... ADT ending of Rectangular Plates alata Bending Strength ~ Baste ‘Approach. 3.1 Bending Strength - Example” Problems see 3.4 Pending Strain of Rowse : chs Bending Stengih Soli ‘Round Bar ees ot Bending Strasses |... At Bending Stresses - Curved Beams ALLIS Bending Stresses - Elastic | Raage = pees ALAS Bending Stresses ~ Non ‘omogeneous Sections . . . . ALG. IL Benaing Stresses About Principal Axes... Aa. Betaing of Thin Plates ais. i0 Bolt Gencing Strength. © |). DL.8 Be Cog Strength Avaya Methods... Balt Snear, Tension & Bending Serengsts Bousaary Cancitions Box Beams Analysis grass Backing CSeificiens ‘Buckling of Fiat Panela with Dissimuar Faces auciding of Flac Sheets ander Combined Loads « ° Dueling st Reeser plates : INDEX ‘Buckling of StUfened Flat ‘Sheets under Longitudinal Compression cat Buckling under Sending Loads C5. 6 Buckling uncer Shear Loads. . C5.5 uekling under Transverse Shear cee Che Garry Over Factor»... ALLS Castigliano's Theorem «| 2. a7.5 Controids - Centor of Gravity. 3.1 Gladding Reduction Factors... 5.5 Column Analogy Method... AL0.1 Column Curves - Non Dimensional. «ee se + Columa Curves - Solution Columa End Restraint... Columa Formulas « Columa Strength. « ° . Columan Strength with Keown” End Restraining Moment. . C2.16 Combined Axial and Trans- ‘verse Loads ~ Generat Aeuan = eee AB AL combined Sending aid) Compression. =... . . C422 Combined Bending and Flecural shears... . C210 Combined Bending ad Tension se CRB Combined Bending and ‘Tension or Compression of Thin Plat Combined Bending & Torsion | ‘Combined Stress Equations « Compatability Equations. Complex Bending - ‘Symmetrical Section. . Compressive Buckling Siress for Flanged Elements Conical Shells ~ Buckling ‘Strengths «+ 2 can Constant Shear Flow Webs | Ald. 10 Constant Shear Flow Webs ~ Single Cell - 2 Flange Beam. A1S.9 Constant Shear Flow Webs ~ Single Cell - 3 Flange Beam. A1S.5, Continuous Structures = Curved Members... ~~ AILST ‘Continuous Structures = Variable Moment of ertia . All. 18 core Shear eee ee ese + « C1226 Gorrection for Cladding: | ¢ 1 C14 orrugated Core Sandwich Paulure Modes coszone Procedsre | reap of Materials | | Creep Pattern ripping Stresses Caieulations cee OUT critical Shear Stress ||| | | C116 Srystallization Theory 2) Guimaatie Oamage Theary. | C122 Curved Bears . “35.3 Curved Sheet Paaeis = ‘Buckling Stress cat Garved Web Systems | 1) | 611.39 Cutouts in Webs or Sita Panella. ss = ee DOT Deflection Limitations in Plate Analvses.-- AIT.S Daflections oy Siastie Weights AT.27 Deections by Moment Areas. AT.20 Deflections for Thermal strains «= oo. ATAT Dallections oy Virewt Work |” A.2 Delta Wing Example Problem. 23.2 Besign for Compression... C42 Design Conditions anc Dasien ‘Weights - AS Design Fiz equiremenis| for atrplane = - - M8 Design Loads DILL age Design for Tension ©2211. CAL Dilferentiat Equation of Deflection Surface...» .% A812 Discontinaities 2 820.15 Distribution of Loads to Sheet Panels. vv ves sss ARLZ uctuiey - DIITIT “aus Dummy Uat Loads Ll age Dynamic Elfect of Air Forces. Ad. 19 -Bilect of Axial Load on ‘Moment Distriution. . . . . ALL 22 lfective Sheet Wiaths ||. C710 Blaatie Buckling Strength af ‘Flat Sheet in Compression. . 5.1 dlastie ~ Inelaste action... BIS Elastic Lateral Support Columns. CaiT Blastie Stabulity of Columa |. A172 ‘lastic Strain Energy cL Elasticity and Thermo: lasticty = One-Dimensional Proolema 326.1 Blastictty and Thermo- elasticity Tao-Diroensional Equations. « ne ASE Electric Are Welding Daz End Bay Bests Lol euts End Momenta for Continuous Frameworks. vss «ALL IO Bquattons of Static Equilibria... es ARE Equiltorium Equations |. | A282 Failure of Columas by Compression. 2s ALBA Failure Modes in Curved Honeycomo Panels... . . C12.20 allure of Structures ©.) BLT Fatigue Analysis - Statistical Distribution =...» 19.4 Extipie and Fail-Safe Design | 19.3 Fatigue of Materials. « Bits Faugue SN Curves «001 Fillers Furning Design Fixed Bod Moments Fixed End Moments Due to Support Deflections . « Eixtty Cooliicients. Flange Design - Flange Desugn Streoses : Flange Discontinuities. Flange toads Flange Strength (Cripeling) - Flat Sheet Web ota Vertical | Susteners Flemural skedr Flow ‘Distribveion vs ss « ALS. 2M Flemura! Shear Flow ~ ‘Symmetrical Beam Section = AL4.S Flemaral Shear Strese. sss ALE

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