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Drama Lesson

Up to this week, we have done lots of things. So, I have got valuable
information in the lessons. firstly, we studied body language. How can I use my
gestures and posture. According to them, we give some messages to the
learners. Even, these codes could be more crucial than verbal communication.
They infer whether the teacher is relaxed or uncomfortable, confident or coward.
Therefore, to shape the class I need to practise and learn much more about the
non-verbal communication. Be friendly not friend. Also , we made an activity
called being mirror. One person is the mirror and the other makes some actions.
The mirror also tried to do the same actions. This activity should be used as a
icebreaker and warm-up. I can use it to practise imperatives, tenses. They can
find their vocabulary errors. It can be used for naugty students. After a while,
they will give up that behaviour.

Another activity was closing eyes and trying to feel something. This activity
was also a different experience. It can be modified to English lessons. how? The
students can identfy the objects on the table or something else. So, it may used
for vocabulary teaching or there can be a competition between groups.

The effective use of voice was another issue. There are four basic features of
it: pitch ( the highness or loudness), rate, volume ( for the flow of
communication) and quality. During the speech, pause can be very effective if it
used in the appropriate place. To make it clear, we read a poem in the class.

Lastly, we talked about the distance, using space effectively. A teacher

should move purposely. Whatever she use the space, she walk knowing its
importance and the impact on the students. When the class get out of control, the
teacher should use the distance to make them silent.

To sum up, awareness of using body language, space and voice is not
separeted from each other to supply the effective learning.

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