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Food Weight Loss mes. Thy not to skip any -veals because skipping meals leads to overeating later in| the day. If you don't have time fora full meal, try to eat healthy snack or meal replacernent bar instead. Read food labels when you are purchasing food items. Payattention tothe portion size, the number (of calories in each portion, and the amount of sat fat in each portion. This can help you make the h food choices 3. Make small substitutions in your diet to cut calories. For example, drink water, diet soda, oF ‘unsweetened iced tea instead of high-calorie drinks. Choose fow-calorie and low-fat versions of salad dressing, cheese, sour cream, and mayonnaise, Go essy on fried. foods — bake, broil, poach, or grill your food instead 4. Identify “guilty pleasures” such as ice cream, cookies, or potato chips. Continue to enjoy them by trying the low-calorie versions or eating less of the regular versions Pre-portion your servings to control the amount. For example, scoop your ice cream in a bow! instead of cating it out ofthe carton, Bag potato chips or cookies into single-serving sized containers or zip-lock bags. Eat the serving size only when you have a craving, Remember to pass on seconds, American Medical Association Physic teat othe hoa Aoica 10 Contro! calories when dining out. At fast-food restaurants, “dawn-size” food and drinks instead of “super-sizing” them. Check favorite fastfood restaurant Web sites for nutrition information to select the healthiest options Share an entrée with a restaurants, However, order a personal salad or side of vegetables. Ask restaurants to: “Please hold the cheese." “Leave the setce om the side)”“Use low-fat salad dressing” andl "Please substitute vegetables for French fies” As always, try to avoid fried dishes. Pre-plan meals and snacks, and make certain ‘to have the food on hand. This makes it easier to resist trips to the vending machine and unhealthy, unplanned smacking. Avoid places and situations that trigger eating. For example if walking past the donut shop causes donut cravings, iry changing your route. Replace the candy on your desk with fruit or avoid walking near the office candy bowl, Avoid eating while watching television, reading, or driving, Many people do not recall what they've eaten hile doing other things. Try substituting other activities for eating. For example, tcke a wall, talk toa friend, orlsten to musi. ‘These activities avoid the extra calories and can be more satisfying than eating, “anit © 208 Roe ars 0 sn Rat HS Rn De Kr ory pe ty Raw atc gtd pasion oat’ es IC ‘ts et ar aye an Wal scr Rt Wd ie Fanon.» Nok 200) American Medical Association #35. Pen eae heathen ¢ s ) = Fweas Learning about Serving Sizes Starch 1 serving = 80 calories Dairy Protein 1 serving = 90-120 calories 1 Slice Whole Grain Bread te Low Fat or Nonfat Milk 13.c. Cooked Pasta Je Low Pat Yogurt 13.c. Cooked Rice 1c, Nonfat or Low Fat Buttermilk V4 Whole Wheat Bagel 1c, Nonfat or Low Fat Soy Milk (calcium enriched) 1/2 English Muffin/Bun/Pits I Tonilla (7 inch) ioe eened cae Fat serving = 45 calories She Cold Cere Lisp. Oil, Butter, or Margarine V4 Lg. Potato 1% Regular Salad Dressing 126 Sweet Potato 21. Low Fat Sakd Dressing 3c Popcom, Unbuttered 37. Low Fat Sour Cream 1c. Cotn/Peas 15° Lov Fat Cream Cheese © Crackers (sltine type) 21, Avocedo 8 Olives Fruit 1 serving = 60 calories eee 1 small Fruit (orange, apple, ete) {slice Bacon 12, Cut Fruit W2e, Fruit juice Ute. Dried Fruit Sees ‘healthy diets fw in colores and has 2 good balance between the diferent food groups. Follow these recommendations ta help Te Raw balance your det. V2 Cooked + Eatat east ete sening of sand vegetables pr dy Mac. Tomato or Vegetable juice ‘Eat 25 030 gras of ier per dy (io ts, vegetabl, beans ‘whole grain breads, pastas, and cereals). '* Choose whole grains instead of refined, processed carbohydrates, 35-100 calories © Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day. 4 Eat at az to servings of ona day each day (ow ft i, cheese, etc}. + Choose more eft sores of pan uh a skies ik, ‘turkey, and soy products) while choosing leaner cuts of beef Vegetable 1 serving = 25 calories A serving Tox, Cooked Meat, Poultry or Fish 1/2, Beans, Peas, Lentils 1 Egg or 2 Fag Whites 4c. Bg Substitute ; and pork ' Tor Low Fat Cheese — + Eat fish atleast two times per week Whe, Tow Fat Cottage Cheese + Limit sodium intake to 2,400 miligrams per day o ess 12<. Tofu : Loz. Water Packed Salmon o¢ Tona TT Peanut Butter (all nut butters) ‘splot aed ye ncn li atin rTP et Ned hn Frain «Neve C0) ‘eemoaranvi

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